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Posts posted by Forkish

  1. On 8/10/2017 at 0:34 PM, RetardedOkie said:

    "We re-use the same code multiple times so hacking shouldn't be a problem".


    That sounds like exactly what I'd NOT want to hear.

    Regardless of being a Rock, stick or nerf gun, I'm happy to see an 'everyday person' skeptical of convenience for the sake of convenience items.

  2. This is stupid and will get eyes rolling/groaning/people walking away. At a bar or a restaurant, find a get a straw and walk up a friend or whomever and with a faux curt attitude hand them/throw down the straw and say, 'THIS is the last straw!!' And walk away.

    it helps if there arn't any other straws in the vicinity.

  3. For those applicable: If you have ever thought of building your own ar-15 or have one and want a refresher. With some humorous banter, this video is informative. From CarolinaCon by Deviant Ollam(?) in 2016.

    The title is a bit misleading as he goes over some of the options in regards to changing the upper to change the caliber. He failed to go into a slew of options like a 9mm, 6.5 Grendel or the .50 Beowulf to name a few. Still informative if it's your cup o' tea.


  4. Openwrt guide by Matt Ventura




    Matt Ventura's blog


    I’ve attempted to write a complete OpenWRT setup tutorial, since many out there lack certain parts. This will cover the basics and the more advanced things you can do with OpenWRT. Read more for the tutorial.

    I will be adding more to this later, so stay tuned. You can also subscribe to my RSS feed or follow me on Twitter (@mattventura.)

    First, this assumes that you already have OpenWRT installed. If you don’t have it installed, you find the proper firmware file from openwrt.org, log into your router, and use the “firmware update” page to install the new firmware. Also, some of the advanced things assume that you have a Linksys WRT54G series router. It also assumes you have some computer skills.

    Also, this was written using 7.09, then editied with another person who uses 8.09, so some of this may be outdated, but should be mostly relevant.

    If you have already done any of these steps, just skip it.

    First of all, OpenWRT has a web interface, a telnet interface, and an ssh interface. This tutorial covers the telnet/ssh interface, since if you installed OpenWRT, you apparently already know how to use a web interface.

    The OpenWRT web interface isn’t quite self explanatory, and knowing how to use a CLI is an extremely useful skill. If you don’t figure out the web interface, just follow our CLI instructions.

    The initial password doesn’t exist, so please, change your password by going to System > Admin Password.

    First, you need to connect to the router. By default, on 8.09 wireless should be enabled, but it will be disabled for earlier versions. So if you don’t see a wifi network called “OpenWrt,” grab an Ethernet cable and connect to your router. Open up a command line and run ‘telnet’. You will get in without a password if you have not set one. You should really set one by running ‘passwd’ on the router and typing a password, if you don’t set one, by default, outside attackers can’t hit either the router’s Web UI (for 8.09+) or SSH. Now, close your telnet session and make sure you have an SSH client. For windows, you can use PuTTY, available at http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe. Log into the router ( using username ‘root’ and the password you set in the telnet session or in the web interface. You should now be logged in. Now, if you know how to use a unix text editor (vi is the only one that comes standard on OpenWRT, see the ‘installing software’ section if you don’t like vi) you can use one. If you don’t, I recommend downloading WinSCP (available at http://winscp.net/download/winscp419.exe), which will let you browse and edit files and folders with a commander-style GUI, and will make many parts of this much easier if you aren’t familiar with traditional Unix text editors since it has a built in text editor. WinSCP connects to your router through SSH, so just connect to with username ‘root’ and the password you set. You will see your computer’s files on the left and the router’s files on the right. You can change it from commander-style to explorer style if you are more comfortable

    First Step: Configure Wifi

    Start by opening the file /etc/config/wireless. If you need to enable wifi, you should see something about deleting a line to enable wifi. Just delete the line it says you should delete. Now, you can change the SSID by editing the ‘option ssid’ line. To get encryption, change the bottom part of the file to follow this example:

    config wifi-iface
    option device wl0
    option network lan
    option mode ap
    option ssid openwrt
    option encryption wep
    option key abcd12345678901234567890ef

    The ‘key’ setting should be a 10 or 26 digit hexadecimal number (only 0-9 and a-f). Be sure to include the ‘option encryption wep’ line. You can reboot to apply the changes (use the ‘reboot’ command) or run ‘/etc/init.d/network restart’. If you want to use WPA, you can use the ‘nas’ package or wpa_supplicant if you are more proficient.

    Step 2: Change DNS servers (optional)

    Right now, your OpenWRT router is using your ISP’s DNS servers, which probably aren’t the best out there. This step is optional, but can speed up web browsing by a significant amount, depending on how bad your ISP’s DNS servers are. First, edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf and find the ‘resolv-file’ line. Change that line to ‘resolv-file=/etc/resolv.conf’. Now, exit your editor and run ‘rm /etc/resolv.conf’. Now, run ‘touch /etc/resolv.conf’ which will recreate the file. Edit the file again, and put this in it:


    See Appendix A for other DNS servers you can use.

    Reboot to apply the changes and check for an increase in speed. If you can connect to your network, but a web browser says that the server cannot be found, your ISP may block outside DNS queries. Simply revert to your ISP’s servers by running ‘rm /etc/resolv.conf’ and then ‘ln -s /tmp/resolv.conf.auto /etc/resolv.conf’, or if you know them, simply replace and with your ISP’s servers. Then proceed to call your ISP and complain about the fact that you can’t use other DNS servers. Threaten to cancel your service, because that is very effective.

    Step 3: Change your IP and/or Expand your subnet (optional)

    You can use the entire 192.168/16 RFC1918 range if you have more than 254 devices on your network. Do not do this step if you have another NAT router somewhere in your network that you cannot configure, as it often causes problems. This will also mess with devices such as the Vonage V-Portal, which will need to be reconfigured in order to be able to make calls. Simply reconfigure it’s LAN IP to be in a different private subnet.

    If you still want to use as the router’s IP, edit the file /etc/config/network and local the ‘LAN configuration’ section. Find the ‘option netmask’ line in the LAN configuration section. Change this from to Now you can have 65534 devices on your network instead of only 254. You will need to reconfigure DHCP to get that many DHCP clients though.

    The other RFC1918 ranges are 10/8 and 176.16/12 (

    Your basic OpenWRT setup is now complete. Now for the fun stuff.

    Older versions of OpenWRT use the ipkg package management, whereas never versions use okpg. Opkg is used the same way as ipkg, so if you see an ipkg command, and you have okpg, simply replace the i with an o.

    The three most useful commands are ipkg update, which will update your package list, ipkg list, which will list all of the available packages and can be used with grep to locate specific packages, and ipkg install to install a package. You should run ipkg update before installing anything. If ipkg update gives you error 404s, try looking in /etc/ipkg.conf to see if your sources are correct. Mine are:

    src release http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/7.09/brcm-2.4/packages
    src packages http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/7.09/packages/mipsel

    Replace 7.09 with your version. It will tell you the version when you log in. If you don’t want to log in again, run ‘cat /etc/banner’.

    For example, to install ‘nano’, run ‘ipkg install nano’.

    Now for more fun.


    If you look at your router’s front panel, you’ll undoubtedly see lots of lights. You may also have a button or two–try pressing the Cisco logo on the front. ‘cd’ into /proc/diag/led. Now run ‘ls’ to see what you have for programmable leds. A WRT54G > hardware v3 (the hardware version is on the bottom of the device) or a WRT54GL will have dmz, power, wlan, and will have a orange and a white LED behind the SES button (the Cisco logo). You can input ‘1’ to turn the LED on or ‘0’ to turn the LED off. Try it with the ses_white LED. Don’t try to program the wlan LED, as it blinks when there is wifi traffic, so it won’t stay on or off for long. Also, don’t try to program the power LED, as that is already used for special purposes. So you can use dmz (a small green LED) if you have it, or the two SES LEDS. They can both be on at the same time, producing a mostly white color, but it is generally better to only have the orange or white on at any time if you are using it for indication.


    If you have a front-panel button, you can use it to run a script, for example, to toggle Wifi on or off. First, go to /etc/hotplug.d (cd /etc/hotplug.d) and make a directory called ‘button’ (mkdir button). Now, make a file in that folder for your script. It should look like this:

    if [ "$BUTTON" = "ses" ] ; then
    if [ "$ACTION" = "pressed" ] ; then
    #Your stuff goes here.
    #It will be run when the SES button is pressed.

    Now, make the file executable (chmod a+x ), You can google around for example scripts. The most common is a wifi on-off toggle, which can be done with:

    WIFI_RADIOSTATUS=$(uci show wireless.wl0.disabled | cut -d = -f 2)
    case "$WIFI_RADIOSTATUS" in
    uci set wireless.wl0.disabled=0
    echo 1 > /proc/diag/led/ses_white ;;
    uci set wireless.wl0.disabled=1
    echo 0 > /proc/diag/led/ses_white

    (script from OpenWrt wiki)

    First of all, let me say that port forwarding ONLY affects incoming connections. Here is a quick workaround: let’s say your site is mysite.com and incoming connections should be forwarded to Add ‘ mysite.com’ to /etc/hosts. Now when mysite.com is looked up, they will be sent directly to the server.

    Now for the actual forwarding. Edit the file /etc/firewall.user and you can add and delete firewall rules. A forwarding rule looks like this

    iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -i $WAN -p tcp --dport 555 -j DNAT --to
    iptables -A forwarding_rule -i $WAN -p tcp --dport 555 -d -j ACCEPT

    555 is the TCP port to be forwarded, is the address to forward it to. To forward all ports not handled already:

    iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -i $WAN --jump DNAT --to
    iptables -A forwarding_rule -i $WAN -d --jump ACCEPT

    Where is the address to forward to. All traffic not already handled by other rules will be caught by this one. Make sure it is the last forwarding rule in /etc/firewall.user.

    To drop all outgoing traffic to a specific port:

    iptables -A input_rule -p tcp --dport 666 -j DROP

    This example will drop all traffic to TCP. To make the router answer ssh connections, even from the internet (which should only be done with a strong password):

    iptables -t nat -A prerouting_wan -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A input_wan -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

    After adding or removing firewall rules, run /etc/init.d/firewall restart to apply the new rules.

    Now, if you want to be able to access it through a traditional hostname, see part two of this tutorial.

    Set the Hostname

    To set the hostname of the router, edit /etc/config/hostname.
    You should reboot your router after this, using the aforementioned ‘reboot’ command.

    See What’s Connected

    Here is a shell script that will read your DHCP lease table and check for associated wifi clients and give you a summary of all of them. Be sure to have the wl package installed.


    for macaddr in `cat /tmp/dhcp.leases|awk ‘{print $2}’`; do
    entry=`cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep $macaddr|cut -f 2-5 -d ‘ ‘;`
    if wl assoclist | grep `echo “$entry” | awk ‘{x=toupper($1);print x}’|awk ‘{print $1}’` > /dev/null; then
    mac=`echo “$entry” | awk ‘{print $1}’`
    strength=`wl rssi $mac`; else
    entry=$entry” “”Wifi: “$strength
    echo “$entry”

    There are a few things you may have heard of that people told you could be done in OpenWRT. The most common is increasing transmit power. This doesn’t actually increase range. It only makes it seem like it increases range. The best way to increase range is to buy a better antenna, buy better wifi cards for your computers that connect via wifi or build a parabolic reflector that will focus the radio signal broadcast by your router to whichever direction you choose.

    Someone may have also told you to overclock your router. This is an easy way to brick it, requiring a JTAG cable to de-brick it. There are only a couple safe clock values (depending on your model), the others will leave you with a brick or a dead CPU (due to overheating.)

    Normal DNS servers

    You should use at least 2 DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf. Here is a list of standards-compliant caching DNS servers that return NXDOMAINs for non-existent domains. These are fast and reliable.

    Level3 DNS Servers:



    OKS has a public, caching, standards-compliant DNS server:

    Abnormal DNS servers (guides)

    Comcast and Other ISPs

    Comcast recently introduced the Comcast Guide, which is where if a domain doesn’t exist, you will be redirected to a guide that will run a search. In order to use Comcast’s DNS servers without the Comcast Guide, you have to provide your modem’s MAC address, account number and other crap that is not fun to provide. For this reason and others (speed, vulnerabilities), we recommend not using Comcast’s DNS servers, or the servers of any other ISP that does this.


    OpenDNS, a San Fransico based company offers the OpenDNS Guide which is easily turned off via a settings dashboard. Settings are set per IP or IP block. OpenDNS offers several other services such as domain blocking, category blocking and even exceptions to the OpenDNS Guide (e.g, VPN reasons) in which case a regular NXDOMAIN will be returned for a nonexistent domain. For example, Boeing employees could add boeing.com as a VPN exception to allow access to in-VPN stuff such as Exchange, Mainframes, file shares, TotalAccess and Software Express.

    The OpenDNS name servers are


    Fixing Bogus NXDOMAIN queries

    In the case that you must use your ISP’s DNS servers, or you find that they are sufficiently fast, but they return web pages when you browse to a nonexistent page, you can use dnsmasq.conf to block the bogus page. (Please make sure that it is not software on your computer causing this.)

    In /etc/dnsmasq.conf, add a line like this:
    Replace with the IP that is being returned for nonexistent domains. To find this, just run ‘nslookup fhdsahfahdsucnmcnch.com’ or something of the likes. Restart dnsmasq. (/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart)



  5. Holy shit. That is a boss thing od you to do. Not just content that people love but if it's someting that you are pationate about (which free content is often a derivative of) thencit's also going to be a great read.  Thank you for your efforts and time.

  6. On 7/30/2017 at 11:06 PM, Decoy said:

    I saw that for the first time last year I think... I'm more amazed that he built it out of a little girl's toy. He also caused mass inflation of the price in which to purchase one... But definitely genius. I've picked up some SDR gear, but I've yet to dabble.

    Lol, yeah: i took advantage of the price spike. Bought sold a couple dozen on ebay. Made at least two shiny pennies.

  7. On 7/3/2017 at 2:18 PM, kpeezy said:

    Just wondering if there is a way to make modules such as dump1090 run on startup of the pineapple. So i could power it up let it stand and not have to log into it to start the module.


    Don't know if this is the correct way or even if it works but I imagine creating an Creating a cron job calling an API linked with said module.

    Again, not sure if this is how that works but Cron+API+module=success ..?

    • Upvote 1
  8. I use primarily ios and chromeos OS so my knowledge is limited therein.

    on IOS, I love the Endless browserEndless Browser. It's also open source and created by the same person who created Lobste.rs which seems to be a more tech oriented news.ycombinator. Brave lacks a number of convience features but the light footprint and default security/privacy seems to outweigh the former.

    sometimes I pop over and use the Brave browser but the infrequent reset of bookmarks grinds my gears. Also, sometimes I feel the blocking gets wonky.

    safari I like for the use of bookmarklets

    firefox seems to have a great memory, after resets and ram wipes, open tabs always are there.

    fuck chrome on ios.

    sometimes TOb when I want to see how well it works.

    as for the chromebook, i lock it down with uOrigin and uOrigin Matrix, https everywhere and a cache cleaner that runs. on every website load.

    Anyone know of any other browsers that great on mobile and others?

  9. On 7/15/2017 at 9:25 PM, danngee7970 said:

    Original post removed by Mr-Protocol.

    I'm someone who's tired of life not being 'EVEN'! Can you also help me with my crippling fear of emotional abandonment? Your copy and paste gun slinger attitude screams excellence.  Combined with the legitimate 'you' at the end, I concede.

    I'll take one Hack please.

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