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Posts posted by Forkish

  1. On 3/5/2018 at 11:56 AM, CryptoEra-BestTimeForCyberCriminal said:

    Guess I really need to be more careful and discipline with my internet browsing hygiene.

    If you’re on a laptop/desktop, install uMatrix by Gorhill. I suggest then globally blacklisting everything and slowly whitelisting things that are needed. it can be a pain at times but know that the time spent refreshing certain websites a few extra times will be worth it.

    If you’re on an iPhone I suggest the browser Brave, which is opensource (github here https://github.com/jcs/endless) and allows for some great global control such as script & xhr control, cookie wiping , built in https-everywhere and user agent control. plus it’s wicked quick.

  2. On 2/12/2018 at 6:52 PM, Dave-ee Jones said:

    I don't own any Pineapples myself so I can't help greatly, but I would imagine that they would be similar to the BB in that the firmware needs to be updated for most of the payloads to work correctly, but that's just me spitting out the obvious (not to mention what others have probably already spat out).

    really? the fact you don’t own any of the products, yet contribute and help out people with what you can blows my mind. that may not be saying much but god damn..

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  3. 10 hours ago, barry99705 said:

    Objects for scale, but it's 23 inches long.


    I made this one from LMR-400 microwave coax cable.  It's only something like 9dbi, so anything is better really, I just wanted to make another antenna.  I have two of these, one with rp-tnc and another with standard N connector.  Used to use them back in the beginning of the wifi wardriving days.


    I kinda miss this laptop.  The keyboard glowed in the dark, which is nice when you live in a place that's dark half the year.  It also had a night vision goggle safe screen, super dim, which was handy when it sits in the passenger seat at night.  Most laptops today are still too damn bright on their lowest setting.

    Interesting, What was the brand:model?

  4. 11 hours ago, Dave-ee Jones said:

    :unsure: You worry me..

    Actually it reminds me of Hammy from Over the Hedge: "but I like a cookie.."

    Best line in the history of movies imo.

    What kind of switch are you using for VLANing?

    I was planning on using a modded neatgear with tomatoUSB/VPN (i don’t have to use the vpn, just part of the firmware build). I’ve also got an extra ddwrt wrt1900ac (have to unbrick the softbrick) but ddwrt’s vlan’s are like an iPhone headphone, easily tangled if touched wrong. The rest of my network runs through ddwrt routers. So if I need to figure one out I surmise I can figure the rest out. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Taffy2101 said:

    Thanks this is for a friend so i can just show him the basics and he has pc lab so its just a mutual friend thing nothing official but by the looks of it its very insecure so maybe it'll have to be official

    ..oh, that’s different. Here’s what you need to do..

  6. For a vlan to work properly, does the end router need to be vlaned as well? What happens if your end router can’t vlan? Or if you’ve got a switch somewhere that is just a dumb switch? Does that muck it all up?

    I’ve want to vlan (can vlan be a verb?) my roku and chromecast but I like my subneted, daisychained, convoluted setup. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Broti said:

    To clean up I'd recommend the following steps:

    1. Check for firmware updates (if possible: download it at your friends house/at work)
    2. Factory reset modem
    3. Connect it to LAN only
    4. Update firmware (if no update: Skip 4.)
    5. Configure modem
    6. Connect to the internet again

    Have you scanned your PC for any malicous software, yet?

    I’d suggest an additional step of blacklisting everything, checking logs and whitelisting slowly what you deem safe.

    SWIM offers up these extremely extraneous optional steps: wrap everything with a circut board in foil, in 50cal ammo boxes wrapped in foil, all put in your oven/microwave/farthest corner of your property. 

    tip: don’t forget your car stereo with that sweet bluetooth feature.

    extra tip: office max’s return policy is 14 days, so just return all boxed and pretty. They don’t check to see if it’s infected!

    extra tip tip: walmarts return policy is 14 days also, but their laptop generaly don’t have bluetooth.

    extra extra tip tip: desktop tower’s wireless modules are much easier to remove before your initial start up.

    extra extra tip x 5: when you’re done, you’ll have a lucious collection of wireless cards/boards by the time you’re convienced everything is clear

    ect.. if your modem is comcast, take it in a  get a new one easy peasy. Slowing removing tamper stickers are finicky (but a bit easier made with an old giftcard sanding into a silky smooth shovit and gingerly used in conjuction with a hairdryer) when swapping router cases before returning the maybe infected stuff....

    ...so sayeth the Interwebs..

  8. I’m going to be on a boat (not fun ‘n sun, more sit and zone out) without cell service for a few hours and I thought I’d ask if there are some good primers on linux, powershell, stuff to see what I might not know. Got a windows 10 laptop with a little non-pineapple router and a few usb sticks. Some which have a few linux distros (arch, mint, kali, and one other) I’m going to try to boot up on. 

    Suggestions on some listening material?

  9. On 1/23/2018 at 8:44 PM, Docartergba said:


    i wrote a long issue about my home modem, but it post onto the site.  I recently purchased a WiFi pineapple and need help in cleaning/identifying who has taken over my internet,   I have tried several time to post the post via a desktop, but it never post.

    Can someone please help.



    can someone 

    This may not help much but TCPdump can be about as verbose as it gets and p0f is a fantastic passive traffic identification  module. It can be a little overwhelming learning the signatures but it’s a start.

  10. 8 hours ago, Eyebot said:

    Bear in mind though that if you're using a mix of protocols that TCP over TCP will cause you a big headache unless the machines are all colo. 

    So you would want all the vpns to use the same protocol and the user to use a different protocol or the same?


  11. I like the idea of mulitiple vpns. Tell me if I’m understanding this.

    Extreme example:

     If I daisychain 5 subnet routers to use VPNs connecting to different servers (maybe using different protocols), would all connections made to a subnetted router come out of the tunnel at the server specified by that specific router’s vpn?

    Would then all connection made to any router after the assigned gateway would create the layers of the encapsulation and any traversed gateways would be the increasingly obfuscated/encrypted stream? e.g. I’m connected to the innermost VPNed AP with my ipad, running a system level vpn to a netflix friendly server. Netflix thinks I’m where my says I am even though the data has gone through 5 vpn gateway/servers.


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