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Everything posted by TheZakMan

  1. 106th on picoCTF first online CTF ;D#picoCFT#CTF

  2. Briefcase Pro - File manager Free for today! https://t.co/ixEJYKrOpL

  3. RT @mikko: Surely we live in the future when Javascript is fast enough to emulate Marble Madness! http://t.co/vkHNUxpcv2

  4. Nice, didn't know about this awesome CTF challange https://t.co/odZMVNYHFM#picoctf

  5. Flashlight apps are sniffing your data #spy http://t.co/naNQMqIZCR

  6. http://t.co/bQYmQJvh2l

  7. RT @MME_IT: #Windows 0-day exploited in ongoing attacks, temporary workarounds offered http://t.co/c8cxGSJZeL | #attack #hacking #pentesting

  8. RT @digininja: New version of BurpSuite out, I'd love to see the test systems for these new features http://t.co/hqrgIPSDiu

  9. Anyone could help me here? I've tried some few others firmewares and they only work with the auto-payload.. I would really like to make the Twin Ducky or any other one that mount the SD storage as well.
  10. RT @LearnSomethlng: Greatest race ever (on the internet). http://t.co/4C6iCSffqL

  11. Just notice if I remove the SD the Rubber Ducky will mount, than I can insert the SD and see the inject.bin inside but the payload will not deploy if I click the button or re-plug it
  12. I'm trying to flash my new rubber ducky with the Twin Ducky or any other firmware from the Ducky-Decode list: https://code.google.com/p/ducky-decode/downloads/list But when I finish flashing it, and re-plug the device I got a quick red light and nothing more than this with the cm_duck.hex and c_duck_v2.1.hex when I flash it back to the duck_v2.1.hex it get back to normal and deploy the payload. I'm doing something wrong?
  13. RT @brutelogic: ASP Micro Webshell JSP Micro Webshell

  14. I update the pt-Brazilian file to work with all the characters: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/92172005/pt-BR.properties
  15. I fixed almost everything: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/92172005/pt-BR.properties
  16. Hi there i'm from Brazil as well and would like to know if there is any updates on this? I notice you missed the key, "W" on the BR.properties. We don't have this on alphabet but we will certanly use it for some payload ;)
  17. RT @spazef0rze: Plaintext password storage PHP detection: set password to 0x1234Ab and login with 1193131 if you're in it's plaintext http:…

  18. any updates on this? this sounds awesome! I was thing about porting LANs.py into the Mark V, but since you guys already started something I would like to know if is possible before starting to bang my head in the table =P
  19. How can I get urlsnarf to work? I've tried to factory reset 3 times, wipe the sd and all I get is this: urlsnarf output_74.log [January 01 1970 00:01:14] nothing else is logged. Please can someone help me here? Im kinda regretting having bought the pineapple :( my third day trying to find a solution and nothing so far. If I use the Pineapple connect in my MacBook via eth0 than snarf the traffic with my Kali linux I'm able to see all the logs in urlsnarf like it is supposed to work, but on my brand new Mark V i've got nothing at all.. When I first installed I was prompted with the dependencies request to be installed.. but whenever i'm doing a factory reset or even setting the unbrick mode and doind a re-flashing I don't see that again.. How i'm able to re-install urlsnarf to see if that fix it? Thanks.
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