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Posts posted by ARDETROYA

  1. i´m getting the same issue than above with version 2.3.0. Same issue with "Data Base on SD" do not install (or each time I get out of the infusion and Back In the system displays that the DB it´s not installed)

  2. You sould report the issues found into each infusion topic. On the other hand, acctually SSLstrip and SSLsplit would not work in most of the webpages due to the HSTS (it force the connection to be HTTPS). There are several topics about HSTS.

    Anyways, if you can always try to run the infusions through ssh.

  3. On my device red light only flashes upon boot, never when I enable wlan1, red ligth is never on. Does this mean that its something wrong with my device?

    (I do have some other issues, maybe it's related?)

    You sould be conected as a client mode with wlan1 if you do not have network activity it won´t flash. Your pineapple it´s right...

    Red: Wlan1 enabled. If the light flickers, there is network activity.

  4. you can try the online ducky toolkit by creating the payload and then decode yourself (instead of getting the Bin file directly). that sould work... (java -jar encoder.jar -i input.txt -o payload.bin -l /sources/XX.properties)

    On the other hand, I recomend you to start with a 'GUI m' just to verify that any other window it´s taking the control of the pointer:

    REM First payload
    DELAY 5000
    GUI m
    DELAY 300
    GUI r
    DELAY 300
    STRING notepad
  5. I am having an issue dloading infusions since downloading and flashing the 2.2.0 firmware tonight.

    My Info tile properly checks for an firmware upgrade and correctly shows "No upgrade found."

    However, My Internet IP does not show and infusions do not show up in the Pineapple Bar: Available tile. Also, I can access the https://www.wifipineapple.com/?downloads&list_infusions&mk5 link.

    Assistance is appreciated....

    I supouse that you have internet connection....

    did you try to erase the cache?

  6. Ok.. I´m having some issues with the spanish keyboard and the ISO_8859_1... Spanish key map it´s almost done simbol "{ } and ^" same problem with letter ñ (n / Ñ). Issue oppened in https://code.google.com/p/ducky-decode/issues/detail?id=16.

    On the other hand... Google Code it´s clousing... it is the encoder (and all the proyect) going to be moved to github?!

  7. @All: could you try the following steps and report the output ?

    - Restart your pineapple

    - Connect through SSH:

    # ifconfig wlan1 down
    # airmon-ng start wlan1
    # wash -i mon0 -C

    Can you see APs ?

    I don't want to be mean but... because you can't run the infusion does not mean there is a problem with the infusion itself. The problem could be from the binaries used (such as wash or reaver). All the testing I'm doing on my side report correctly all WPS enabled APs. That's said, I really want to make it work for you guys, just help me trying to shape the problem you're facing !

    Hi wishtle Master... Thanx once more for your effort!!! Sorry that i have been a little bussy last months... I couldn´t see any AP but I used the commands that DataHead said and I could it make it work... Hope that helps.

    I´m using firmware 2.2.0 and infusion version: 1.9.

    If you have installed reaver to the sd, it seems to not set itself up properly in the way it symlinks from the sd. If installed to internal its all up and fine.

    My proper sd install chain is such.

    ssh into the pineapple and Copy paste the following

    mkdir /etc/reaver

    opkg update

    opkg -d sd install reaver

    ln -s /sd/etc/reaver/reaver.db /etc/reaver/

    ln -s /sd/usr/bin/reaver /usr/bin/

    ln -s /sd/usr/bin/wash /usr/bin/

    ln -s /sd/usr/lib/opkg/info/reaver.control /usr/lib/opkg/info/

    ln -s /sd/usr/lib/opkg/info/reaver.list /usr/lib/opkg/info/


    opkg update

    opkg -d sd install bully

    ln -s /sd/usr/bin/bully /usr/bin/

    ln -s /sd/usr/lib/opkg/info/bully.control /usr/lib/opkg/info/

    ln -s /sd/usr/lib/opkg/info/bully.list /usr/lib/opkg/info/

    Thanx DataHead for the informatión... It seems that it´s working but I have to do more test... Thanx for shareing ;)!

    Using WLAN1 and MON0 of WLAN1 ;)

  8. Hi Ardetroya, sorry for not replying sooner i have only just seen this post! Do you have a copy of the properties file? I will update asap.



    Hi 411,

    First ofa all sorry for my delay too... I´m a little bussy and I dind´t check the forum before. The Issues are fixed in the version 2.6.4 http://drive.google.com/#folders/0B7uVAbdkMKcXNW1KdnBrQzZtV3c (from the official rubber ducky decoder https://code.google.com/p/ducky-decode/ ) There are a couple of issues that I have to fix anyway. I will keep you update with the fixes that i have to solve.

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