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Posts posted by ARDETROYA

  1. Just a heads up.

    I have updated the encoder on the Toolkit to 2.6.3. Hoping this will fix the issues users have been having with the Encoder.

    Any issues let me know.


    Hi 411,

    I just created/corrected some issues that would be corrected in the next SVN for the es.propoerties of the 2.6.3 encoder. can you send me a PM with an e-mail where i can send you the es.properties file with the corrections? Version 2.6.4 It´s out ;)

  2. I just reported the next issue with the fix in it:

    What steps will reproduce the problem?1.create a script with caracter \2.Encode it with -l sources/es.properties3.run it in REM Wait 3500DELAY 3500REM Go to desktop and wait 750GUI MDELAY 750REM Run "run" and enter the notepadGUI rDELAY 750STRING powershell Start-Process notepad -Verb runAsREM press enter wait 750 and verify windows rigthsENTERDELAY 750ALT yENTERREM Introduce the caracter \STRING \ENTERSTRING Must display "\" caracter  ENTER STRING Its ok?What is the expected output? What do you see instead?Result:"ºMust display "º" caracter Its ok?"Expected Result:"\Must display "\" caracter Its ok?"What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?Encoder v2.6.3 source: es.propertiesPlease provide any additional information below.To solve the problem es.properties file must be changed from:ASCII_5C = KEY_TILDE To:ASCII_5C = KEY_TILDE, MODIFIERKEY_RIGHT_ALTAnother point it´s that to encode the script the lenguage need to be the full path:java -jar encoder.jar sources/es.propertiesThe user can change the lenguaje to the path of the encoder but it need allways the full file name (es.properties)So  "java -jar encoder.jar -l es -i inject.txt -o inject.bin wouldn´t work.

    More data that have been reported ;)

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1.create a script with caracters | @ # ~
    2.Encode it with -l sources/es.properties
    3.run it in 
    REM Wait 3500
    DELAY 3500
    REM Go to desktop and wait 750
    GUI M
    DELAY 750
    REM Run "run" and enter the notepad
    GUI r
    DELAY 750
    STRING powershell Start-Process notepad -Verb runAs
    REM press enter wait 750 and verify windows rigths
    DELAY 3500
    ALT y
    DELAY 750
    REM Introduce the caracters 
    STRING \ 1| 2@ 3# 4~
    STRING Must display "\ 1| 2@ 3# 4~"  caracter 
    STRING Its ok?
    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Result:" (Whit the caracter ~ added (show solutions))
    1ª 2 3{ 4~
    Must display "\ 1ª 2 3{ 4~"  caracter 
    Its ok?"
    Expected Result:"
    1| 2@ 3# 4~
    Must display "1| 2@ 3# 4~"  caracter 
    Its ok?"
    What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
    Encoder v2.6.3 
    source: es.properties
    Please provide any additional information below.
    To add the caracter ~ and º in es.properties files must be added:
    // 126 ~
    ISO_8859_1_BA = KEY_TILDE
    // 127 º
    To correct this caracters lines must be changed:
    For caracter |:
    // 124 |
    For caracter @:
    // 64 @
    For caracter #:
    // 35 #
    For caracter ~:
    resolved above
    For caracter º:
    resolved above
    Caracter º was fixed while I was reporting this issue. It´s tested and it works (sorry if I don´t change the example above).
    Caracter ª (ISO_8859_1_AA) causes some caind of error With caracter Â(ISO_8859_1_C2) when fixing it. 
    Caracters ^ { and } do not work propertly (yet). 
  3. Hi everybody!

    First of all thanks to all the infusions developers. You are doing a great job.

    I would like to suggest that in the infusions that need to set the interfaces (Wlan0 and Wlan1) in monitor mode to put next to the monitor interface the wlan'X' that it comes from. it can be checked through ssh but it would we "faster" to have all the information in the GUI of the infusion (and it would be easyer to understand the captures of the infusións posted on the forum).

    Thanx all, and sorry for my english.

  4. Could you try the following:

    - Restart your pineapple

    - Connect through SSH

    # ifconfig wlan0 down

    # airmon-ng start wlan0

    # wash -i mon0 -C

    Can you see APs ?

    Note: This has to be done when connected through ethernet cable !

    I just did without good results, I just get :

    Wash v1.4 WiFi Protected Setup Scan Tool
    Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner <cheffner@tacnetsol.com>
    BSSID              Channel  RSSI  WPS Version  WPS Locked  ESSID

    but anything else it´s displayed :sad:

  5. I'm a bit lost.

    Whistle Master mentioned: "Not at all. It works with default interfaces, no needs for additional wifi radio. Please try the steps described above."

    This does not mean that I need to use a network cable. This means that I could use my wlan0 and wlan1, right?

    Am I the only one having problems here?



    Actually Whistle Master it´s right. Well, I do not get it to work but, what whistle Master explains (or that is what i think), it´s that you can use your Wlan0 and Wlan1 if you are connected to the pineapple through the Ethernet, on your case, if you do not want to use your Ethernet you would need a Wlan2.

  6. It is sometimes due to channel hopping issue, where the interface is "locked" on a specific channel and wash doesn't show any APs.

    I had better results with a USB Alfa wifi card, on wlan2.

    Try to disable first the interface, then to start the monitor. It helps sometimes.

    didn´t work for me either... wondering where the problem can be...

  7. Hi Sebkinne,

    Fist of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (again XD). Tank you for your early answer but I did, and i used a "clean" (just reflashed pienapple and SD card) and I´m having the same issue.

    P.S: The log file it´s displayed for milliseconds and then the Large tittle displays the issue described above (I must point that the area that it is not displaying the right information it´s the one under the tabs in the large tttle. I do see the Syslog, Dmesg and Custom tabs but the information under the tabs are covered by the issue)

  8. Hi all,

    Do you get to see the Logs Infusion correctly? I´m using firefox and reflashed a couple of times and I am seen the Logs Infusion Large title wrong all the time.

    Into the large tittle i do se the "top bar" with the acces to the recognicement area and the notifications (that sould not be there) and i do not get to see the information og the logs files.

    I opened a ticket at https://wifipineapple.com/index.php?portal&bugs&action=view&id=230

    Please let me know if you are having the same Issue to update the information of the ticket.


    P.S. Sorry i forgot to mention that I´m talking about firmware 2.0.4 (please admins fell free to change the Post title if you think it´s convinience to change it)

  9. sorry Whistle Master, I just try it and it didn´t work form me (I did from 0, i reflashed, intalled the infusion and rebooted).

    I have try with mon0 of the wlan0 with the interface WLAN0 disable, and the Wlan1 enable (y have try with wlan2 enabled too). I get the list of SSIDS but any of the have the WPS information on it ( And I know that some of them have)

  10. Hi all,

    I can NOT make it work. I have try several things:

    1.- I format de SD card and the Pineapple. (2.0.4)

    2.- I installed the infusion on the SD card (Didn not work)

    (In the Large title the "Data Base on SD" do not install (or each time I get out of the infusion and Back In the system displays that the DB it´s not installed))

    On the other hand i do not get any information. Only when I run Karmaclients.sh by ssh I do get the MAC address of the devices conected ( Netbook and Nexus 7) and after a little this information desapears from the list

    Case 2:

    1.-I Formated the SD card and the pineapple (2.0.4)

    2.-I installed the infusion on the Internal memory.

    (Only when I run Karmaclients.sh by ssh I do get the MAC address of the devices conected ( Netbook and Nexus 7) and after a little this information desapears from the list)

    I allways get the same information:

    00:c0:ca:52:5e:b9    [*] not connected ...    [*] no data ...     Info | View Comments | Edit Comments
    I have try to "read the code" but I´m not a programer so it´s hard for me to search for the issue. I found that Mac in the get/includes/actions.php as a comment:
    // 00:c0:ca:52:5e:b9
    function get_info($debug = 1)

    NOTES: I do not have karma or any other infusion running. I do have a netbook with GNU-LINUX Bugtraq Blackwidow installed and a Nexus 7.

    I have tryed to uninstall the infusion and install it on the Internal memory (without reflash). And I have the same problem with the DataBase and Data into the infusion:

    Thanks again Dustbyter for the efort and sorry for my english I´m not sure if it is good enough.

    Any other with the same issue?

  11. I have try several things, ANY of them worked for me:


    Pineapple Mark V

    Alfa USB WiFi AWUS036NEH

    Case 1:
    1.- Reflash and format SD car
    2.-Install the infusion in the internal memory With dependencies installed in the internal memory

    Case 2:

    1.-Reflash and format SD car

    2.-Install the infusion in the Internal memory with dependencies installed in the SD card

    Case 3:

    1.- Reflash and format SD car

    2.- Install the infusion in the SD card with dependencies installed in the internal memory

    Case 4:

    1.- Reflash and format SD car

    2.- Install the infusion in the SD card with dependencies installed in the SD card

    The reason why I reflashed the Pineapple and the SD card it´s because I have notice that when you uninstall the infusion the dependencies are not been removed, so at the beginning I was doing it manually (opkg remove reaver / opkg remove bully) But I thought that it could be part of the issue ( it would be great if bully and reaver are uninstalled when the infusion is )

    Any ideas?!?!

  12. Hi Whistle Master,

    Did you use the ALFA USB WiFi AWUS036NEH ?!?!?

    I do not get to see any SSID with WPS and I know that some of them have... Any idea about what I´m doing wrong?! I updated from the pineapple bar and followed the intructions (with the same config that the screnshot)

    As I undertand the mon0 it´s from the wlan2, Am I right?. I will backup my SD and reflash the Pineapple and the SD card (again).

  13. You must download the firmware bellow, not the latest version of the firmware:

    I wuold use the next method:

    0.-Download this firmware (https://wifipineapple.com/mk5/factory-1.2.0.bin) (As you can see this is a FACTORY firmware)

    1.-Put your new SD car on the pineapple.

    2.-Connect it with the Ethernet cable and use the power line of your house/office (DO NOT use the battery to supplyy power to the pineapple)

    3.-Set the pineapple to Recovery Web Interface. (PINs up, up, up, up, down)

    4.-Configure your PC to (

    5.-Access throu yor broser to

    6.-Flash with the firmware downloaded before.

    7.-Afer Flashing (i would wait like 10 min to be sure it´s done) turn the PINs back up and reconfigure your network adapter.

    8.-Reboot and configure Pineapple (set password)

    9.-Format the SD with the resources infusion.

    10.-Upgrade the pineapple firmware

    11.-Install all the infusions that you want.

    12.-Go pee, you are nervous because you have you brand new pineapple ready to go.

  14. Thanks for the response guys.

    Questions 1 and 2 are answered - Thanks

    Question 3 is an odd one. You say that I should be getting both the original SSID and the replicated SSID when Dogma is activated. This dosnt happen. I only get the SSID that the Pineapple is giving out!? The original SSID from the original AP disappears! Does it matter that I don't see the original!? I guess not as Dogma is doing its job!

    Probably the SSID has been taken from a device (client) that it´s searching for that SSID, so you would not see it if the network SSID it´s not near you. You should see it just if the network it´s in range.

    For exaple: If you are near a burger and you take the SSID form a client of the burger, you should see the original SSID and you fake SSID. But, if you take that SSID for a client of the burger and you are out of the range of the burger network, you should see your fake SSID.

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