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Posts posted by ARDETROYA

  1. In this case, the 2GB card I was using is toast in all devices- which came about when I went to 2.0.3. Another card works fine. Looking through forums, it just seems weird that the Pineapple appears to be brutal on SD cards as it frequently comes down to needing to reformat/replace. I've never seen another device with so many SD related issues. I love and appreciate the Pineapple and the work behind it, just find the SD thing curious.

    Well in my experience i didn´t have any problem except with the stability updating to 2.0.X but i solved it by a reformat. where did you find that the pienapple appears to break SD´s? did you shaw it versions unfer the version 2.0.0?

  2. I'll admit to being newly stumped in similar way after successful upgrade to 2.0.3. I've had no problem with previous upgrades, but the latest has made the SD card no longer available for installing infusions. I've attempted to format SD card, but seems to take forever (like almost 90 minutes) the one time I could get it to go.

    fstab looks like

    config global automount
    option from_fstab 1
    option anon_mount 1
    config global autoswap
    option from_fstab 1
    option anon_swap 0
    config mount
    option target /sd
    option device /dev/sdcard/sd1
    option fstype auto
    option options rw,sync
    option enabled 1
    option enabled_fsck 0
    config swap
    option device /dev/sdcard/sd2
    option enabled 1
    Is strange that so many problems in Pineapple land come down to "bad SD cards".
    Any theories on my plight?

    The fstab look´s like mine (I´m in version 2.0.3 and my pienapple looks stable)

    Did you try to format it on your PC first?

  3. its completely possible, you can even set it up with wiggle and and google maps / openstreet map.

    You should check out snoopy and creepyDOL.

    hey damavox thanks for the suggestion and for the read. I know it´s possible but I do not know how to program it. So thats why I decided to post it as an infusion Idea.

    Sounds more like a MAC-Stalker lol

    LOL if you write it you can name it the way you want :tongue:

  4. Hi all,

    It would be great to have some to have an infusion that acts as a NIDS but instead of searching for network traces it would be searching for MAC addresses. So it will act as a MacHunter searching for those MACs (clients) that are "jumping" betten diferent WIFIs (SSIDs) so we would have a lot of information about the objective.

    A database between networks (SSID and ESID) and MACs (clients) would be very interesting.

    What do you think? Someone can build a MacHunter?!? ;)

  5. Thanks for cleaning up the wiki guys -- looks great.

    Having recently written (then later accidentally deleting) an infusion based on the new API, I must say it is very friendly. I think the next steps might be to make an example infusion with commented code snippets on API usage for new developers.

    That woud be great.. As a Software Quality Assurance it´s great to learn "How To"´s with examples (It´s hard to know all the diferent programing languages but not that hard to understand it)

  6. When you say you have followed the flashing guide, I suggest you go through the unbricking part of it.

    He did. I have talked with him. The problem seems to be that the Ethernet port does not respond. As my point of view, it´s a hardware problem.

  7. Unfortunately these logs are very hard to explore. When I was browsing 10 minutes, many lines with ininteligible characters appears and a few appears readable...

    Sslsplit it's more recently than sslstrip, but like the other it seems than the actual browsers detects it and doesn't let the victim navigate more...

    Also, I can't see what's the utility with WhatsApp, that have a command line in configuration of this infusion. Maybe we need more tests. I am very newbie with this infusion, but it seems uneffective with new and upgrade browsers.

    Sorry for bad English.

    SSLSplit do not support HSTS. Main pages as Facebook, Hotmail, Twitter.. etc are not going to alow to stablis a conection so you can not sniff the password. It would be usefull for SSL aplications that require username/password as IMAP for example.

  8. Please be sure that you try this before opening a new post:

    1. Use the Recovery Web Interface (PINS 11110) (factory 1.2) chaging your network configuration (Pineapple = PC/Expensive PC(Mac)=

    2. Boot with regular PIN Configuration (PINS 11111). (Pineapple = PC/Expensive PC(Mac)=

    3. Format SD card. (Into the Resources Infusion ==> USB Info ==> Format SD Card - (Experimental))

    4. Check that all the infusions and services are down.

    4. Upgrade to verison 2.0.2

    5. Format SD card (Into the Resources Infusion ==> USB Info ==> Format SD Card - (Experimental))

    6. Install again the infusions.

  9. Version 1.4 has yet been approved by the admins. Once they review it, it will be published in pineapple bar.

    The current version is 1.3. It will work on version 2.x.x of the firmware as is, but version 1.4 has some bug fixes implemented.

    It´s available ;) Thanks

    EDIT: I can not make it run. In the Large title the "Data Base on SD" do not install (or each time I get out of the infusion and Back In the system displays that the DB it´s not installed. On the other hand i do not get any information. Only when I run Karmaclients.sh by ssh I do get the MAC address of the device conected (Nexus 7) and after a little this information desapears from the list.

  10. actually n01 I did, and due to a different issue I reflashed the stock firmware and re-formatted the card. Everything has been blazingly fast since.


    Cool! I´m sure someting it´s hapening with the SD´s used in earlier versions...

  11. Did you try the Recovery Web Interface or the Resseting System Defaults? Did you use the SD cards in earlier versions?

    I recomend to "Set eveithing to 0" to be sure that everiting it´s ok:

    1. Use the Recovery Web Interface (PINS 11110) (factory 1.2) chaging your network configuration (Pineapple = PC/Expensive PC(Mac)=

    2. Boot with regular PIN Configuration (PINS 11111). (Pineapple = PC/Expensive PC(Mac)=

    3. Format SD card. (Into the Resources Infusion ==> USB Info ==> Format SD Card - (Experimental))

    4. Check that all the infusions and services are down.

    4. Upgrade to verison 2.0.2

    5. Format SD card (Into the Resources Infusion ==> USB Info ==> Format SD Card - (Experimental))

  12. As I told in another post... I had some problems with the infusions using the SD card that i where using with the earlier versions, so i decident to format it again. After that i haven´t had any problems. Don´t know if it will wok for you, i´m just giving you an idea if you do not mind losing your data (at least that you do backup of it ;) )

    Wishtle Master:

    Seems that the SD used in the earlyer versions do create stability problems (slows the pineapple or reboots). As i saw, it´s seems that everiting gets ok after formating the SD card.



  13. Get plugin has been checked against FW 2.0.2. No issues seen with the infusion!

    Some bug fixes have been implemented

    v1.4 - 8/11/2014
    * Fixed bug where get.database would be deleted when switching from sd to internal storage
    * Fixed bug in results table that didn't display the host name correctly

    I keep seen get 1.3.

    I can install it but it dosen´t let me install de DataBase in tne SD card. Any light on this?

  14. Something similar happens to me:

    I placed an order on the 30th (and received the tracking number) with the USPS for an international shipment and the order just displays that there has been a Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS, at this point the package hasn´t been shiped. I hope that the order arrives like the web page said form (7 to 30 Business Days). where is my package??! why it isn´t sent??!?

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