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Everything posted by Sildaekar

  1. This is a known feature? in some smartphones. I know my android didn't autoconnect to any networks until I played around with some of the settings. Just go into your WIFI settings on the device and look around you should find something to allow it to connect to known networks. Also this thread may be helpful: http://androidforums.com/threads/wifi-not-auto-connecting-to-known-network.838932/
  2. You could just move the window out of view by doing the following: ALT+SPACE M DOWN DOWN DOWN ENTER Just keep in mind the above is more or less pseudocode....all this is doing is bringing up a menu, choosing "Move" and then keep hitting the down key until it's off the screen then hitting "Enter" to bring it back into focus. This was it's off the screen so no one can see it but you can still keep typing and running commands.
  3. Well it's been a while since I've done ANY desktop application development but I cooked this up last night since I like exploring TOR hidden services but hate all the dead links. This is a simple scanner that can be fed a list of .onion URLs or can check YATD. Let me know what you guys think and if there's anything I could have done differently or more efficiently (which is very likely). https://github.com/darkvengance/onionscanner EDIT And before you go looking at it let me go ahead and apologize for the C#....just kinda my native language right now, need to brush up on C and C++.
  4. Sadly there isn't. The ducky is just a USB HID, so it is limited to only what a USB keyboard can do.
  5. Just make it do whatever you want, all the ducky does is emulate a keyboard, so it's really all up to you. The possibilities are endless. Of course you could learn shellcode and have it code your own reverse meterpreter shell. There's a payload floating around here somewhere that does this if I'm not mistaken.
  6. Hm, in your payload are you making it press enter? If so, the enter button could correspond to the emergency call, if I remember correctly after the 4 digits are entered then there is no need to hit "enter" as the phone will automatically process the code.
  7. Use either URLSnarf or TCP dump infusions....that will show you the traffic to/from the device.
  8. My guess is something like a LAN tap with wireless AP capabilities and a web interface.
  9. Being that this thread is over 6 months old and has been marked as answered it probably would have been better to start a new thread. All-in-all, I hope that sending them the declaration of conformity works out for you, you may want to call them as soon as you can to ensure that they properly received it and have not yet begun the process to destroy your pineapple. Best of luck! If they do wind up destroying it be sure to email support@hak5.org and inform them of the incident along with your order number and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help you out.
  10. Yep, you're awesome! Love some Rammstein!
  11. No problem, best of luck in your travels. If you have any further questions feel free to ask.
  12. The Ducky does not have the ability to simulate mouse events, only keyboard events. If you absolutely need to simulate a mouse you could get a Teensy (I would recommend the 3.1) and it can do mouse and keyboard. EDIT: You could just try "TAB"ing to the object then pressing space, this should work the same as a single left click.
  13. Well whatever you did it looks like it worked. Didn't see one post all night.
  14. Glad to hear this, seems they tried to start really early tonight -_-, with the way it's going I can only assume it's bots.
  15. Sildaekar


    Wrong forum,this is for questions related to the Pineapple Mark V ....also: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=hamster+sidejack and (a few of the top 5): http://www.hacking-tutorial.com/hacking-tutorial/session-hijacking-using-hamster-and-ferret/#sthash.uC6ujf5B.dpbs http://blog.erratasec.com/2007/08/sidejacking-with-hamster_05.html#.VVYekPlViko http://tools.kali.org/sniffingspoofing/hamster-sidejack
  16. Could always go this route: https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan Just be prepared for blowback from your ISP :P
  17. I plan on releasing the code to this thing as well but since I put it together in just a few hours it's messy and very inefficient, once I get it cleaned up I'll let everyone know. And yeah I know what you mean, I didn't think it'd be taken this seriously but I guess the Ducky is more of a entry-level tool.
  18. A lot of what you are asking for you would have to program yourself, unless of course you have plenty of expendable income to use. Even with what you have specified it is still a fairly broad question for this area so I can't tell you every thing that you are going to need. Your best bet is to just start working on it. The more you work on it the more you'll learn, and the more you'll figure out about what you need to put into place. When I mention the Unity assets, they are not to be looked at as full feature implementations of what you want, it's best to look at them as something like: "Ok, this does a lot of what I may need it to do, but it still doesn't do X, Y, and Z....so I'll do that myself."
  19. While I'm not sure on SSLSTRIP2, there is a Delorean infusion for the Pineapple available, it is a CLI infusion which you can find more info here. As far as other methods feel free to search around...here are a few interesting topics on these forums: https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/35276-just-another-ssl-mitm-question/ https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/35191-because-sslstrip-i-do-not-work/ https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/34996-sslstrip-question/
  20. Glad to hear that rmmod hackrf temporarily fixed it for you. What I did was create a small bash script called hackrf.sh containing: #!/bin/bash rmmod hackrf hackrf_info and then place it in /usr/share/bin (I think that's the correct directory). That way I just run the command "hackrf" from the terminal and it runs the bash script automatically letting me know if the hackrf is talking to my box. EDIT: You may be able to add the hackrf module to your blacklist, can't remember the name of that file right off the top of my head though.
  21. Hey guys, got bored last night so I decided to make a Ducky to Teensy converter. It's fairly simple and straight forward. Sorry Hak5 Team! I just like the Teensy a little more due to it having much more functionality...and cheaper, but I do plan on buying a Ducky soon. You can find the converter here: http://stuffs.rejectedfreaks.net/rubberteensy/ I've also included the ability to make it wait until the drivers are installed and ready. The "REPEAT" command is not supported yet, and there may still be a few bugs but I've tested it out with a few ducky payloads and it all works! :D
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