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Status Updates posted by ki2k

  1. RT @KeithRParsons: Reformatted MCS information from http://t.co/ShD3psJLZs to a printable reference.DM me your email for PDF version. htt…

  2. WLAN-related professionals from 21 countries have so far replied to my survey https://t.co/tB7Pc5o199 and has only been 24 hours! Thanks all

  3. RT @revolutionwifi: [blogged] Wi-Fi SNR to MCS Data Rate Mapping Reference http://t.co/5Lg9wddHMv

  4. I'm gathering info on anyone working in WLAN at https://t.co/tB7Pc5o199 and will share results next weekend. Please participate!

  5. All the cool WLAN kids are getting in on it! Results in a week... C'mon, play the game http://t.co/PI4Jn2RMj9

  6. Getting great response thus far- thanks to those who have participated http://t.co/2bDhiorUSK interesting results!

  7. RT @MeruNetworks: Join us at #Interop next week as we showcase our #SDN solution at the InteropNet SDN Lab. http://t.co/iUdtH4YDnC #SDNWIFI

  8. RT @evankirstel: "The quality assurance manager responsible for iOS 8.0.1 also oversaw—you guessed it—Apple Maps" http://t.co/YYHeVd1WOM

  9. Full list of @Hak5 Pineapple infusions https://t.co/EEJx5YEYmF

  10. I gotta ask, does anyone else remember the Book of Lifesavers at Christmas?

  11. Verizon to launch Internet TV service in 2015: Would you buy 'a la carte' channels? http://t.co/rQz2InrhJE

  12. Looking for anyone using @openmesh or @ubnt on a business network to talk a bit in private

  13. RT @evankirstel: NFL's iffy private Wi-Fi network irks some coaches http://t.co/hStc4Bew5H

  14. Indictment on IoT security? Play Doom on hacked Canon printer http://t.co/1fB1b4nhg9

  15. RT @arrl: Moon-Bound Ham Radio Payload Will Transmit Your Message from Space — But Hurry!: The Amateur Radio payload on ... http://t.co/5vq…

  16. RT @slashdot: Comcast Allegedly Asking Customers to Stop Using Tor http://t.co/UwofPqvKkl

  17. RT @igrigorik: nice analysis of what went wrong with Apple's livestream: http://t.co/nyaODLj0RV - tl;dr: make your stuff cacheable, use a C…

  18. RT @starsandstripes: Cyber defense brigade begins service at Fort Gordon http://t.co/ow2F1u1Ts0

  19. Off to see The November Man in a few, but I fear it'll be just another cheap knockoff of my own high adventure life story

  20. RT @OttosArmy: Final Score - SU 40 CMU 3. Good win for the Orange! Up next - Maryland in the Dome next weekend!

  21. RT @davelindstrom: RT"@ValaAfshar: Everything in this 1991 Radio Shack flyer is now in your smartphone! http://t.co/Q1SVI0vhMP"> #perspecti

  22. I dedicate this to @TheEvertBopp and his efforts in the Philippines https://t.co/DF9olFMohr it's worth watching, I promise. :)

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