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Status Updates posted by ki2k

  1. explain why the customer should have to fix sucky cell networks by buying small cell gear?

  2. Digging a bunker where I can hole up with my XP machines. Come try to take em from my kung fu grip.

  3. It still blows me away that Kasey Kasem was Shaggy on Scooby Doo.

  4. Now that @wirelesssguru has pulled a Snowden and blown my cover as 40-Year Shirt Man, got buzzed by CIA drone at camp http://t.co/FHeH0qr0jZ

  5. So with all the hospitality WiFi- are there room service apps yet? Security "panic button" apps? Local "things to do" apps? DND Apps?

  6. Anyone hearing when PI 2 is supposed to arrive?

  7. RT @wifiluke: .@ifredriks Customers (and potential customers) see right through negative marketing. Emphasize your strengths, don’t sink to…

  8. Google Glass - The First Week http://t.co/H8jKzxMugy

  9. Uh oh. Man in kilt sighted at this party, but he has no bagpipes. Confused...

  10. On this Fourth of July, Thomas Jefferson is weeping, http://t.co/H8hjlgzsRW

  11. Remember, Ton Loc reminds us- don't mess around with that funky cold Medina, yo. Sage advice for the IT Pro living in a complex world.

  12. What's Up With Cisco's 5760? http://t.co/HkkAg2pKHO

  13. BBC News - 'Master key' to Android phones uncovered http://t.co/BjD6mBdP2Z

  14. On a rainy day, torturing wife and daughter with WiFi pineapple tricks. May need to beat hasty retreat to safe ground...

  15. And so it begins... Happy 4th, all:-) http://t.co/rsOllIyvV0

  16. Fascinating day interconnecting some Campbell Scientific kit to IP network. One crazy interesting realm, that scientific measurement stuff.

  17. Here it is, the cheekiest bridge link a bloke ever did link, bridge-wise, we call it JulierNet @MarkJulier @LigoWave our first LigoWave:)

  18. "@GestaltIT: Announcement! @WildPackets will present at #WFD5 in August! http://t.co/kR3SDBh9tz #WiFi" excellent! What a huge lineup.

  19. Just when I thought UIs couldn't get worse, I find the 5760... Have I been punked? Good one, but c'mon, where's the real UI?

  20. I friggin' hate the Adorable Bugdroid. I'd like to beat it with an axe handle, I tellya.

  21. Red Alert! Innovative bacon use sighting! Mmmmm http://t.co/ATDEZqmgru

  22. Wow. What a *ahem* brilliant interface.

  23. Dear large customer, we've concluded after great delay we'd like you to jump thru many more hoops before we'll update old code on new box.

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