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Status Updates posted by ki2k

  1. Dear Lamar- please, for all of our sakes, go back to Kchloe. That way WE wont have to look at her at the supermarket checkout.

  2. Had to clear cache on campus DNS servers to flush the bad stuff from last night's attack on Twitter...

  3. It just dawned on me- despite the popularity of the Trunk Monkey commercials, there is no Splunk Monkey for syslog.

  4. Kentucky students to first lady Michelle Obama: Your food ‘tastes like vomit’ http://t.co/iRZCoMqG98 via @onswipe

  5. Sigh... Fat Joe is going to prison and Miley went all skankarama. All my heroes are letting me down.

  6. 14K+ WLAN clients on the first day of classes- about 40% in 5 GHz

  7. Pentagon Labels Founding Fathers, Conservatives as Extremists http://t.co/imenIra00L Yikes!

  8. Oh yeah... get you some bloatware with yer Java. All the kids are doing it.

  9. Absolute terror over Cross Lake in upstate NY this evening. This thing came out of nowhere I've never been so afraid. http://t.co/IzOOlJQFtu

  10. I have harnessed the power of the Interweb to command music from far-off lands to reveal themselves unto me. Free electrons do my bidding.

  11. This evening at 1830, @wirednot sovereign airspace was violated by @Aerohive air forces. Weighing response options. http://t.co/Mlgx8inWdk

  12. "Thin Lizzy" The Boys Are Back In Town- Why? What made 'em leave, anyways? How many alleged "boys"? I'm not buying this without more info.

  13. RT @recruitertina: @arubanetworks is looking for SE's interested in working with a leading mobility player in an exploding market! #arubane

  14. I'm sure by now you've heard that I will NOT be the new Batman. In all candor, I'm a bit pissed off.

  15. We just topped 165K wireless clients, pushing 3 TB data.(not really, just checking your pulses)

  16. “@SFoskett: Good Read: http://t.co/THjQHfwbyZ How Much Air-Time Do Beacons Actually Burn?” Must-read, especially the comments

  17. Muchos thanks @Aerohive for my #wfd5 care package, and to @MatthewSGast for making my day with page xvi :) You're great folks.

  18. 18 Critical life lessons from 'The Brady Bunch' http://t.co/GTIoPlKVAJ we can all take something from these guiding mantras

  19. Today's best SSIDs: "It Hurts When IP", "SnowedIn", "May I Have Another", "NOT FOR YOU CHEAP BASTARDS", "Juiced Up Joe", "honestromney"

  20. My poodle and a cactus both upset they can't have @LinkedIn accounts yet. I told them to just be patient.

  21. Cell phone data latest threat to privacy http://t.co/zfs4YIfza6

  22. BBC News - High-speed in-flight internet possible by 2014 http://t.co/IUxKNDZs17

  23. Dammit- I missed an important call from cardholder services. Now I cant get a better rate from crooked strangers working from a garage in NJ

  24. I dedicate this Get Fuzzy strip to @simplywifi http://t.co/2YpT3jL2LE

  25. How WLAN Vendors Can Solve The College Dorm Problem http://t.co/PBvywBPiWK

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