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Status Updates posted by ki2k

  1. Here's who can't wear Google Glass: People who wear glasses http://t.co/VTz2Qa3Tis via @CNET

  2. RT @syracuselondon: Codswallop: a very strange British word which has the equivalent meaning to baloney - i.e. when someone is talking rubb…

  3. RT @bjkirton: @wirelesssguru 3x3 that currently performs like a 2x2 11n radio with with 80% retries. Drivers suck.

  4. I'm wondering why they didn't come out with like Google Plastic, Google Plexiglas, or Google Screen for people who can't afford Google Glass

  5. RT @MotoSolutions: Tips for a Healthy WLAN Network – Hint: You Need Help! http://t.co/PYHhPFwX1r http://t.co/nobwpEWqAw

  6. I just registered for the WLAN Pro Summit in February. Which means from here on in, I pretty much live the Kardashian lifestyle...

  7. ah crap... it's snowing. Like really snowing. Like REALLY snowing. Time to trade the eel-skin speedo in for Alpaca longjohns.

  8. All quiet at the compound tonight http://t.co/G9zgLFoeKZ

  9. Am I the only one impressed that @Aerohive APs are being sold by Apple now?

  10. It's soooo easy to appreciate @metageek Channelyzer.

  11. Ah, back to the 80s for 4 minutes. http://t.co/LsZ5ZZwMb3

  12. Is it really back? All the drama and hilarity that comes with powerful women wrapped up in a high-tech lifestyle. http://t.co/GcB1QBKW4L

  13. Anyone know how I can prove that cloud-managed networking is legal in Italy? Or for the EU? Concerns voiced with logs in cloud.

  14. And with that, 2 new @ubnt AirFiber links are now sending wireless traffic accross Syracuse. Crudely aligned at power up, better than 500 ea

  15. RT @SilverPeak: A look at Cisco's SDN future: http://t.co/bzaA9nyZni

  16. http://t.co/Ro8jO4Kx4U Analysts estimate Obamacare will cost the average taxpayer nearly $6,000 in extra taxes as early as next year.

  17. Aerohive Networks Supports Apple in the Enterprise with High-Performance Wi-Fi http://t.co/KjFE8mHDkh Apple now selling Aerohive APs!!

  18. http://t.co/Xto60rgZfC what is this? @Aerohive APs in the Apple Store.

  19. Enough whining, let spies be spies and shut up about it already http://t.co/KwEST6yApV and shame on the idiot that declared Cold War over

  20. The Bot to take drinking with you-- Superfast rock-paper-scissors robot 'wins' every time http://t.co/KQ6HnZJkW6

  21. Emergency dental visit _- I know how to party

  22. Watching fascinating webcast from @Hak5 on insecurity of tire pressure sensors. Craziness.

  23. Virgin America releases epic hip-hop pre-flight safety video http://t.co/sWLALks4zb very cute

  24. Hoping to save a beloved, crappy old XP netbook by recreating it as Ubuntu... Good rainy Saturday night project

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