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Status Updates posted by ki2k

  1. I'm putting together the Mobility Track for @interop. DM me if you have an interest in presenting, and I'll be reaching out directly as well

  2. Let the record show... my first production 11ac AP is a Meraki MR34, in one of our remote sites. The toe is in the water.

  3. RT @IngrahamAngle: New Obama drinking game! A shot of tequila every time Obama says "it's complicated."

  4. RT @Aerohive: Aerohive ranked 4th fastest growing tech company for '13 in the Comm/Networking industry http://t.co/yQ8vFY7jd5 #Fast500 @De

  5. Working on our 13th Meraki site, 12th with site-site VPN. So smooth, it's smoove. Like me, and Smoove B. LoveMan http://t.co/Ck2pJxl9xI

  6. I'm thinking violent thoughts about Prime Infrastructure. Dark, mean violent thoughts. Thoughts that sane men should not think.

  7. RT @packetpushers: >>Weekly Shows: Show 167 - Cisco ACI Software Defined Networking - A First Look http://t.co/1lDzHiKXuY

  8. Had a pretty interesting brief with @AristaNetworks yesterday. Fairly new to me, but impressive culture behind product build.

  9. IDG Connect – Telecom Italia Leans On a New Broom http://t.co/NOzXRAOXK2 via @idgconnect

  10. Netflix TV gets major overhaul http://t.co/2oWkrGi6KQ

  11. Woke from bizarre dream. Ricky Gervais and my wife's brother were in basement of my old house calling WLAN vendors. What could it mean?

  12. If Speedy Gonzalez did SDN, you know what he'd be saying as he runs off...."...Underlay! Underlay!"Thank you....

  13. Something cool is coming tomorrow... not huge, just a nice update. That's all I'm saying.

  14. Wondering if anyone has found AVC to be robust enough to be trusted to block P2P over Procera/Palo Alto/ etc?

  15. Dear WLAN industry, please remember that not all use cases want social media tie-ins or can support pricey analytics licensing.

  16. Tonight on Wi-Fi Wives- the forbidden wireless hip-hop love triangle meets a violent end http://t.co/pA77QSFXp6

  17. Stadium Wi-Fi Highlights Common WLAN Issues http://t.co/w4CwOGXZID via @NetworkComputin

  18. http://t.co/ncLsze5q4h Uh, no thanks. I prefer to carry a protest sign...

  19. Happy Vets Day All (USAF 84-94, Electronic Warfare)

  20. New tech streetlights in Vegas, privacy is more gone than it ever was http://t.co/TelbBTvsy6

  21. Photos: Surprising celebrities who served in the U.S. military http://t.co/k1syYaSop0 Also, Chuck Norris!

  22. https://t.co/zmKBBXHSlF stumbled accross this android-based Wi-Fi tool.... anyone played with it?

  23. RobRobStation: Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) http://t.co/e6VNyH7ptd

  24. Got these Google Glass on eBay. Not impressed, won't even turn on. http://t.co/me7cXf3YyP

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