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Status Updates posted by ki2k

  1. RT @NiraWireless: @wirednot We are a new cloud based enterprise WLAN monitoring and analytics platform. Please visit us on http://t.co/LQXT…

  2. RT @DrScienceCat: Evolution continues as pregnant women are now able to provide free Wi-Fi. http://t.co/Le29LP9ANI

  3. not sure there is any real value here, yet I can't look away WiGLE - Wireless Geographic Logging Engine - SSID Stats https://t.co/A9f8VHbQa9

  4. With travel to Italy pending, need to practice my key phrase... donde esta la disquotech, babicakes?

  5. For the cheap SDR and Raspberry Pi types... Hey @hak5darren have you seen this? http://t.co/84FjdwN82k

  6. On The FCC/Marriott- Get Off My RF | No Strings Attached Show http://t.co/gztKndGjC8

  7. I'm thinking of opening a line of designer captive portals

  8. Named Data Networking Would Eliminate IP Addresses - Network Computing http://t.co/cSW7yr0HUq via @NetworkComputin

  9. North Korean Government Reassures Citizens It Has Deep Bench of Brutal Madmen http://t.co/Zj3G60p28t via @newyorker

  10. What if there's quicksand on your critical path?

  11. It's a John Mellencamp kind of day

  12. RT @lizzadwoskin: Why NYC forced an advertiser to pull 500 tracking sensors quietly installed on city property. http://t.co/2DxsbAeCve

  13. FCC-Marriott WiFi Blocking Fine Opens Pandora's Box - Network Computing http://t.co/cg5AlcxBPF via @NetworkComputin and by @wirednot

  14. I love you, @ekahau ESS. ...I love you so much

  15. Attack code for 'unpatchable' USB flaw released http://t.co/wReJ50VtLQ

  16. I have one request to bring back http://t.co/7qobkm9G63 - the blog that summarizes a fictitious wireless show... anyone else want it back?

  17. So if I take my Mi-FI to the Marriott & just happen to do this little ditty http://t.co/D0LtmowvgL between their/my Wi-Fi, well then oopsie

  18. A little WLAN tune-up tonight, using my favorite @metageek tools.

  19. Amazing article about John Mellencamp http://t.co/XL88v901ld one of my favorites was a miracle child, actually

  20. Hmm. Check engine light on truck, washing machine died, shredded belt on lawn tractor. Classic trifecta of suck goin on here.

  21. Airlines told to change cockpit screens in Boeing planes http://t.co/iFSQzU89jL

  22. RT @Jim_Duffy: More notable Cisco departures http://t.co/2h0PIfZJmc

  23. Secrets of a Chinese Router Factory | Re/code http://t.co/ycxEhF6eAh

  24. RT @Doctrine_Man: "Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?" …

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