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Status Updates posted by ki2k

  1. RT @80211Alan: Cisco WLAN device Classification Guide - http://t.co/vBZoa4HF1q

  2. Tis the Season... For Wi-Fi Streaming And Display Mirroring Frustrations http://t.co/hemkv5x1QY

  3. I just sent @mistermultipath an email. i run in those circles, you know.

  4. My weekend: food/family. Fix trans leak (veh1), fix ignition coil (v2) oil change (v3), rehab '85 4wheeler carb, write NWC blog, radio fun

  5. It's writing time again... Thus closes out a nice long weekend.

  6. Am I the only one who wishes my favorite blogs would update at least quarterly?

  7. Friend Like Me - Matt Mulholland | A cappella Cover (my favorite lunatic) http://t.co/OSBUwxOyMB

  8. RT @syracuselondon: Jumper? This is what we call a sweater over here. Although neither of them have anything to do with jumping or sweating…

  9. doing that other wireless tonight http://t.co/snZtXV0d0f

  10. Emergency repairs for cracked phones http://t.co/SSnRzat8fa in London

  11. RT @WSJD: Here's a rundown of the drone sightings the FAA received so far this year: http://t.co/7KfILvl3Oy http://t.co/LAS7ulzlnh

  12. RT @FuelCellWiFi: Ugh, there's an AP 10 feet away. Why do you insist on switching your association to the AP that is 400 feet away?

  13. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I am appreciative that you're all out there and part of my world?

  14. What my roof looks like right now http://t.co/mTDOAy61Ch

  15. RT @jbrodkin: AT&T told to stop calling its absurdly slow Internet service the “Fastest Internet for the price” http://t.co/i9TnPvKe6Y

  16. And so the cat-and-mouse game of blocking disruptive, rude, intrusive, crooked, asshole telemarketing calls on the mobile devices continues

  17. RT @MikeLeibovitz: Live Webcast from home of @Eagles 12/3 at 2:30pm - Enterprise lesson from stadium Wi-Fi solutions @ExtremeNetworks http…

  18. RT @AndrewMargarit: And the need for security engineers becomes real. Sony Comes To A Screeching Halt Targeted By Massive Ransomware Hack h…

  19. Still, no Lollipop. I fear this could detract from my allure.

  20. RT @KeithRParsons: RT @adriangranados: A must read > WiFried: iOS8 & Yosemiti WiFi issues explained + fix: https://t.co/n3Dkrr8m0e-->Inte…

  21. What the hell? I I keep pressing Check Now, but I got no lollipop. I GOT NO LOLLIPOP!

  22. Job Opp- Syracuse University- Senior Network Engineer https://t.co/HS43s1K5oL

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