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Status Updates posted by ki2k

  1. BBC News - Three-person baby details announced http://t.co/8MzMNTT7Ox oh yeah, what could go wrong here?

  2. The sweet bread's in the oven and the sun's comin' up on the cabbage farm, baby!

  3. Technolust since 2005: Hak5 1602 – Decoding Digital Subcarriers with a $20 SDR. http://t.co/vT5rfsngjz

  4. Had a nice visit with Professor Molta's @iSchoolSU class tonight. Great questions, and good luck with the rest of the semester.

  5. Carpets and counting: Five of the web's oddest communities http://t.co/eqFpx1JuVT

  6. RT @WiFivomFranMan: @Cisco_Mobility Cisco Prime Infrastructure. It is time for you guys to fire some people and get this PoS fixed. Maybe…

  7. RT @Silent_Circle: A Closer Look At Blackphone, The Android Smartphone That Simplifies Privacy http://t.co/MBGOv9i4YF via @techcrunch by @r

  8. Am I the only one getting peppered with HetNet white paper offers? I'm getting several a day...

  9. Juan Pablo is as useful as a FHSS adapter on an 802.11ac network.

  10. Am I the only one who didn't know about @MacStadium? http://t.co/Jo3nntVKP9 great resource

  11. Time Warner Cable raising TV, Internet rates, imposing 'broadcast TV' fee http://t.co/WQsZvlN4Hk

  12. Looks like Cisco now warning WLAN customers off of 7.6.100, which is needed for 3700 11ac access points

  13. "@slashdot: Oklahoma Schools Required To Teach Students Personal Finance http://t.co/TwF4t3qTTM" should be universal requirement

  14. RT @danprimack: Comcast profits past 4 yrs2010: $3.6b2011: $4.1b2012: $6.2b2013: $6.8bYeah, Nexflix is killing their bottom line.

  15. RT @CuseWBB: The Kids Carnival in the Dome backcourt is in full swing! #OrangeNation http://t.co/ElhqROcl0n

  16. Just got my Win 8 splash screen installed on my XP machines I don't plan on giving up...

  17. Thieves 'customising' malware code http://t.co/4rM7poLPFt

  18. Awful lot of Lenovo Idea book wireless issues on their forums where only fix was to abandon internal NIC and buy USB adapter...curious

  19. RT @ScottThurm: Apple issues patch for SSL security risk in iOS7. Affects iPhone, iPad, iPodTouch. http://t.co/OjICOwcDwg via @daiwaka

  20. Tax day- the day I find out how much more of my $ people I rarely agree with get to take to squander in ways I rarely agree with. #buyavote

  21. RT @WifiNigel: "Sprint launches Wi-Fi calling, turning the Galaxy Mega, S4 Mini into IP phones" http://t.co/98SfdZ1lax

  22. Updated HiveManager, AP320, AP330, and BR100. My @aerohive stuff is tight and outtasight, Dwight.

  23. RT @SU_ITS: @wirednot Here’s An Actual 3D Indoor Map Of A Room Captured With Google’s Project Tango Phone http://t.co/SZdmWxcCCH

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