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Whistle Master

Pineapple Moderators
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Everything posted by Whistle Master

  1. Well, I think I found the issue: this is due to the way I capture bully's output to redirect it to the file. Bully, unfortunately, uses block-buffering to output information (to stdout or with the -o option). This means that no data is output or redirect to a file until the process has terminated. I'm therefore using a trick to have bully output in "real time" in the infusion and also have it stored in a file. But it seems that the method I'm using is blocked after reaching 64Ko... I have to figure out another way to capture bully output in real time and will fix the infusion.
  2. Nope, this infusion does not send notifications by itself as indicated in the first post. This infusion, after configured through the GUI, can be used by other infusions or scripts to send notifications through the command line: pineapple infusion notify You can have a look at my other infusion, logcheck, which will send you email notifications when devices are connected through Karma for example.
  3. Which firmware ? Where is installed the infusion ?
  4. A fix will be available soon v1.1 is out :)
  5. Nope. Logs are saved in the infusion folder directly. No symbolic links. For bully, session run are saved by bully itself in /root/.bully but this is bully mechanism to be able to restaure previous sessions. This is managed by the binary, not by the infusion itself. Did you format the SD card with the pineapple ? To be honest I don't understand your issue... I tried again today to play around with the infusion, the logs and I don't have any issue. Could you please post a screenshot and more precise description of what you are doing and what you get ?
  6. Notify script support thread :) Usage: pineapple infusion notify Description: Notify is a notification script using Pushover.net service to send push notification (https://pushover.net/) and msmtp to send email notification. This script can be easily used in other infusions to get information about the pineapple status. A free Pushover.net account must be created to use the push notification feature.
  7. I'm working on an infusion to do exactly what you're looking for but no ETA for the moment :) To record all the probe requests (e.g. ssid name, signal quality), mac addresses seen by a pineapple.
  8. I see the problem, but no ETA sorry ;) I will fix it as soon as possible.
  9. What is the content of the generated log ?
  10. Phials script support thread :) Usage: pineapple infusion phials
  11. DIP Status script support thread :) Usage: pineapple infusion dipstatus <DIP2|DIP3|DIP4>
  12. Another issue I found in the infusion is that handler.php file has not been updated and $version = '1.0'; instead of $version = '1.3';
  13. I'm sorry but I tried today and don't have the same problem. Can you try to reflash and maybe format your SD card and try again ?
  14. Hey, I will post a new version before the end of the week to fix the issue. New version 1.2 is out :)
  15. version 1.1 is available, with new display for interfaces and monitor and automatic deactivation of wlanX before starting bully or reaver, and reactivation after stopping bully or reaver.
  16. It seams to have an issue as well when installed on sd card, the css and the js are not loaded correctly due to the $rel_dir var which is not set correctly. When installed on sd card, the path becomes: http://__IP__:1471/sd/infusions/adsbtracker/includes/styles.css instead of http://__IP__:1471/components/infusions/adsbtracker/includes/styles.css. Simple to fix though: just simply use the complete path: <script type='text/javascript' src='/components/infusions/adsbtracker/includes/helpers.js'></script> instead of <script type='text/javascript' src='<?=$rel_dir?>includes/helpers.js'></script>
  17. As thesugurat said, both bully and reaver need the wlanX to be in the down state, but in monitor mode, to work before launching the attack.
  18. Just remove the # in front of # RedirectURL http://www.ilesansfil.org and put the URL you would like to redirect the user to instead of "ilesansfil.org". As an example: RedirectURL http://www.google.com
  19. Wrong section, I move and merge your topic.
  20. You're right, I'll update the infusion to put the interface "down" before starting reaver / bully and then put "up" when it's done.
  21. This is not an infusion but a script. The instruction on how to install it are detailed in the first post.
  22. Are you using the beta firmware ?
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