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Whistle Master

Pineapple Moderators
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Everything posted by Whistle Master

  1. Code is available :) See first post.
  2. While waiting to reorder all the stuff on the github wiki, I uploaded the wps buttons scripts files here.
  3. I already used github but I was wondering how to separate the code produced by the Hak5 dev team with the one provided by some contributors like me :)
  4. Thanks all! Of course I will share the code with you guys :) Can we upload files on the github wiki? I did not find such possibility.
  5. Hi everyone ! I'm currently working on a site survey add-on for our pineapple. To be able to list APs, you have to switch down / up the wireless interface and to list clients you hate to switch down / up the monitor interface. Can be done through the interface. Module is available through module system. Screenshot
  6. Add sym links from /www/ to /usb/ whatever. You can find some information on the wiki and here. ln -s /usb/htmlfiles/ /www/htmlfiles | +------ sym link. +------ folder
  7. Hi everyone ! The wiki seems to be broken... The css is not applied and trying to download some files from it (like upgrade.bin) gives a 403 and 404 error :-/ The check upgrade on the pineapple center gives also an error... I saw somewhere else on the forum that there are currently some server issues ? Am I the only one having this problem ? Thanks !
  8. You can also issue the command through the Advanced menu: ifconfig wlan0 down
  9. Seb, Regarding, the IP address of the WAN Port, the command seems to be incorrect, as it tries to get information about the "wan" interface but if I ssh in the pineapple and issue a ifconfig command, I don't see any "wan" interface. Also, the cut -c6-16 isn't enough for an IP like XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ifconfig wan | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c6-16 The command should be the following, isn't it ? ifconfig eth1 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c6-20
  10. You can find a list of available packages on the repository You can install for example nmap: opkg install --dest usb nmap Need also to add a sym link: ln -s /usb/usr/share/nmap/ /usr/share/nmap EDIT: I added to the wiki an entry about Packages installation
  11. Seb, I was looking at a possibility to power on/off some of the Leds on the MK4. I found that you use wifiLedOff/wifiLedOn for karma status. I ssh'ed on the MK4 and tried to issue command wifiLedOff but I get the following error: Error whilst opening /dev/gpio Do you know what the issue can be ? Do you know another way to control the Leds ? Thanks!
  12. Thanks! I can't wait to see yours in the next release :) Regarding the reset button enable/disable, I did the following: each time the button actions are updated, I remove all the button from the system config (system.@button): while(exec("uci get system.@button[0]") == "button") { exec("uci delete system.@button[0]"); } exec("uci commit system"); and I then add again all the button, keeping the reset button for the last position: for($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { exec("uci add system button"); exec("uci set system.@button[".$i."].button=reset"); exec("uci set system.@button[".$i."].action=released"); if($_wpsx[$i] == 0) $handler = "logger No action"; else if($_wpsx[$i] == 1) $handler = "php /www/toggle_services.php -karma"; else if($_wpsx[$i] == 2) $handler = "php /www/toggle_services.php -dnsspoof"; else if($_wpsx[$i] == 3) $handler = "php /www/toggle_services.php -snarf"; else if($_wpsx[$i] == 4) $handler = "php /www/toggle_services.php -s"; else if($_wpsx[$i] == 5) $handler = "reboot"; else if($_wpsx[$i] == 6) $handler = "sh /www/pineapple/wpsScript.sh"; exec("uci set system.@button[".$i."].handler='".$handler."'"); exec("uci set system.@button[".$i."].min=".$_wpsx_min[$i].""); exec("uci set system.@button[".$i."].max=".$_wpsx_max[$i].""); exec("uci commit system"); } exec("uci add system button"); exec("uci set system.@button[4].button=wps"); exec("uci set system.@button[4].action=released"); exec("uci set system.@button[4].handler='cp /etc/config/backup/* /etc/config/ && reboot'"); exec("uci set system.@button[4].min=5"); exec("uci set system.@button[4].max=10"); exec("uci commit system"); I had also to modify the resetButton.sh to always remove/add button n°4 as reset button will always be at this position with my implementation.
  13. Hi everyone ! This module adds a new menu entry "Buttons" in the GUI to allow the configuration of the WPS button behavior. You can add the following actions to the WPS button: - Toggle Karma - Toggle DNS Spoof - Toggle URL Snarf - Connect SSH - Reboot - Run Custom Script (4 custom scripts available) 4 duration can be configured: - 0-2 Seconds - 4-6 Seconds - 8-10 Seconds - 12+ Seconds Module is available through module system.
  14. I updated the wiki with this information Seb ;)
  15. Any news Darren regarding this lovely feature :) ?
  16. I tried to update again and the report generation is fine now but I still get the weird characters at the beginning.
  17. I just turned on the MK4 for the screenshot because it was off but I had the problem when Karma and DNS Spoof were started.
  18. Seb, this is my karmaclients.sh: #!/bin/bash iw dev wlan0 station dump > stadump #dump all stations connected function GetHosts() { local i=1 sta_list=$(cat stadump | grep -e "Station" | cut -f 2 -d" ") #list all station bssid sta_count=$(cat stadump | grep -e "Station" | cut -f 2 -d" " | wc -w) #count how many stations while [ "${i}" -le "${sta_count}" ] # for as many times as there are stations do sta[${i}]=$(echo ${sta_list} | awk -v num=$i '{print $num}') #set sta as i in sta_list sta_ip[${i}]=$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep "${sta[${i}]}" | awk '{print $3}') # grap the IP corresponding with the bssid in the DHCP lease file sta_ssid[${i}]=$(cat /tmp/karma.log | grep "${sta[${i}]}" | grep SSID | tail -1 | awk '{print $8}') # grab the Karma'd SSID corresponding to the bssid in the karma log sta_hostname[${i}]=$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep "${sta[${i}]}" | awk '{print $4}') # grap the hostname corresponding with the bssid in the DHCP lease file sta_linenum[${i}]=$(grep -n -E "${sta[${i}]}" stadump | cut -f1 -d: ) # find out what line number the station was listed in, used later when we modify the file let "i += 1" done } function Format() { local i=1 local divider=" " while [ "${i}" -le "${sta_count}" ] # do this for as many times as there are stations do line=$(grep -e "${sta[${i}]}" stadump) # grab the line with the station bssid sed -i '/'"${sta[${i}]}"'/ s/.*/'"${line}\n ip address: \<b\>${sta_ip[${i}]}\<\/b\>\n host name: \<b\>${sta_hostname[${i}]}\<\/b\>\n Karma SSID: \<b\>${sta_ssid[${i}]}\<\/b\>"'/g' stadump #sed -i '/'"${sta[${i}]}"'/ i'"${divider}"'' ${DIR}/${FILE} let "i += 1" done } GetHosts Format clear cat stadump And a screenshot of the error I get. Thanks !
  19. Hi Seb, Thanks for the new firmware ! I just flashed my new MK4 but I have an issue with the "Generate Detailed Report" feature. It goes apparently to the function, but nothing is generated. Through SSH, I tried to launch manually the command "karmaclients.sh" but I receive: karmaclients.sh: line 4: syntac error: unexpected "(" Regards,
  20. Those instructions are for the old MK. For MK4, try the instructions available on the wiki.
  21. I used for Mark III the following one (and will use it for MK IV :P ) Energizer XP8000 It can provide 12V and 5V USB.
  22. According to Darren the following list is supported but untested: http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/device_reference.txt Once I've received mine, I will try with a Huawei E173.
  23. Great idea Telot ! Why not putting all that stuff on the wiki ?
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