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Whistle Master

Pineapple Moderators
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Everything posted by Whistle Master

  1. I made some tests tonight without any success. I have the same issue as you have, no replacement are made. I tried to output the data to file to see the content: log(DATA.data, "/tmp/log.txt"); But doesn't give me much information :(
  2. WAN port is active but is a bit erratic. Sometimes I can use it just with iptables commands found on the wiki, sometimes not at all. Also try on the pineapple the following command echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  3. Darren's comment also got my attention. I'm also working on a new version of the module to get off dnsspoof and use ettercap which will be great as we would not need templates any more :) Keep me posted if you manage to make ettercap working!
  4. I can't be of any help for the moment but I will investigate some stuff in the same direction. Let me guess, kl.js means keylogger :P In that case, this thread could interest you. Whenever one of us finds a solution with ettercap which works, he can post to the forum :)
  5. A first version is already out. You can find it in the modules section of your pineapple v1.1.1. Thanks everyone for your comments :) I will dig into the ettercap direction for a generic keylogger.
  6. I spotted this issue also. I will work on a better template for facebook. If you have a better one or other templates, don't hesitate to share it and I will integrate it in the next version :)
  7. What would be even more cool, is to pack it in a module ;)
  8. ;) However, what I do not understand is why we need to add two mount points, one for sda and another for sda1
  9. Your fstab config states: config mount option target /usb option device /dev/sda option fstype ext4 option options rw,sync option enabled 1 option enabled_fsck 0 but on your screenshot, disk usage doesn't show any /usb mounted. Instead, you have your first partition mounted on /mnt/sda1, do you know why? I ask this question because I also have a SD card inside my Huawei modem but I have to create two mount points in fstab: one for /dev/sda and another for /dev/sda1 to be able to mount the sdcard sda1 as /usb and then have sda2 for swap. I don't know why
  10. Oups, little mistake in the module.conf file :( I send an updated version to Seb right now. Just re-install the module.
  11. First version has been sent to Seb! Please report here every bugs. Thanks!
  12. Thanks for the info! We can share experience and knowledge about Huawei modems in this thread. I'm using a Huawei E173 for the MK4. I'm using the script provided by Seb and simply added the following lines: *12d1:1436*) echo "Huawei E173 detected. Attempting mode switch" uci delete network.wan2 uci set network.wan2=interface uci set network.wan2.ifname=ppp0 uci set network.wan2.proto=3g uci set network.wan2.service=umts uci set network.wan2.device=/dev/ttyUSB0 uci set network.wan2.apn=<<CHANGE HERE YOUR APN>> uci set network.wan2.username=<<CHANGE HERE YOUR USERNAME>> uci set network.wan2.password=<<CHANGE HERE YOUR PASSWORD>> uci set network.wan2.defaultroute=1 uci commit network usb_modeswitch -v 12d1 -p 1436 sleep 10; rmmod usbserial sleep 3; insmod usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1436 sleep 5; /etc/init.d/firewall disable; /etc/init.d/firewall stop logger "3G: firewall stopped" iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o 3g-wan2 -j MASQUERADE iptables -A FORWARD -s -o 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT ;;
  13. Just a quick update, I'm still working on the keylogger module. It needs more testing and then I will release a first version with two templates already installed (facebook and gmail).
  14. Excellent news ! Can't wait to get the beta !
  15. New version is out: v1.2 ! Add the option to persist db on USB. Without persistence, the statistics are cleared at each reboot.
  16. The repository is not defined directly in the module but in the opkg.conf The module only uses commands such as opkg update, install, etc. to display the information. If you want to add another repository, you can add it in the opkg.conf and it will be displayed in the module.
  17. With vnstat, all data can be easily extracted and therefore it should be possible to set some limits warnings, etc. I keep the idea and will see how to integrate it ;) First version has just been sent to Seb ! Please report all bugs here.
  18. Hi guys ! I developed another module for the MK4 to monitor interfaces usage, especially for 3G. It is based on vnstat to capture data and vnstati to display graphs. Module is available through module system. Screenshot
  19. The outcome for the moment is indeed no data can be captured if you launch the module as soon as you boot the MK4, I don't know why :( AP are listed using the normal interface and connected clients using the monitor. So as soon as you bring down / up the interface, you can see the APs and as soon as you bring down / up the monitor, you get connected clients but Karma doesn't work more...
  20. v1.3.3 is out! I corrected the bug with deauth clients.
  21. I'll send a new version to Seb very soon ;)
  22. New version are now released as a module for the modules system appeared in the last 1.1.0 firmware. Old version is there only for MK3.
  23. Thanks for reporting that. I will correct the bug and send a new version to Seb tonight.
  24. I updated the button module to reflect the changes in path. Should work now :P
  25. I just sent an update to Seb regarding the Auto WLAN feature :) v1.3.1
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