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Everything posted by Neod101

  1. I'm 15. And it's annoying. You see here our rating system is a little different. We have "G", "G8+", "M(Mature)15+"(which is actually just recommended for people 15 and over so I could get those even before I turned 15) "R(Restricted)13", "R16", and "R18". Of course all the best games are R16. Sure I could get a drivers licence but with all the petrol prices these days and the fact that I never really go anywhere(and when I do there's always a bus that goes there or I can get my mum to give me a ride) I don't really need one. Belgium, eh? Yeah, I think here in Canada you can legally have sex when you're 15, but the other person has to be your age or 1-2 years older than you. We can't drink beer until 18, I'm pretty sure it's the same here... although you may HAVE to be 16 legally. Most people don't really care about the law anyway. And you have to be 18 to buy alcohol. But again no-one really cares about that law except the people that sell alcohol.
  2. Lol. I got this ages ago. And it is called Royale.
  3. Actually I'm pretty sure it's an average of 6 per night. And how many people get those dreams that actually 'come true' some time later? Like I remember having a dream where I was watching some game. Of course I completely forgot about it when I woke up. Then about 6 months later I saw the EXACT same thing in real life and remembered the dream. The wierd thing is they never had any sound when I was a kid... but then I started to get ones with sound... and they're slowly getting longer and longer too(they started out about 1 or 2 seconds and now they're up to about 15 seconds). P.S. The game was some FPS that I'd never even heard of when I had the dream.
  4. That's happened to me too. Almost all of my dreams are in colour. My dreams always end with either A) Me dying(getting shot or falling). B) Controling EVERYTHING that happens in the dream for about 1 minute then realizing it's a dream and waking up(which feels really wierd... like I'm getting 'sucked' back to my normal size after being really small or something :shock: )(which I usually remember partially). C) Hearing a sound in real life (such as someone trying to wake me up or my alarm clock) which blends into the dream then I suddenly realize it's not part of the dream and wake up(which I usually remember partially). I had a dream once with some small black 'blob' coming out of me then suddenly shooting straight back into my body. I jumped at least a foot in the air(my entire body not just an arm or something).
  5. Because everyone knows that regardless of whether they've been to one or not.
  6. But not so tactical. And if it's a school computer then lots of work will be lost if it isn't backed up on a disk/external drive or server.
  7. It's not a pr0n site... it's just a site with "Tasteless humor for the unemployed". Which happens to have a lot of pr0n aswell.
  8. Umm... you fell for what? And welcome Salvador. I figured English isn't your main language. If we can understand Spektormax then we can easily understand you.
  9. I don't think much has changed since last time.
  10. The one true problem with RPGs. Not enough time to play 'em. Well I pretty much just use this forum. I occasionally look on TES Forums though.
  11. Free == crap huh? So Hak.5 is crap? Linux is crap? Purepwnage is crap? Not to mention Firefox.
  12. How many scenes have you filmed(that have gotten into the final edit) while drunk?
  13. Okay. I've dug through some year-old or so photos and found this one. I look kinda stupid but there are worse ones in the collection. And just because we seem to be Photoshopping a few pics: Unfortunately I don't have a pic of a frost atronach with the correct lighting angle. Edit: Sorry for triple post.
  14. I used to play ET. It's best at LAN parties though. There was one mini LAN I was at once... it was 4 of us against 4 or 5 bots on some really hard skill. We managed to beat them though. I made a pretty good medic actually... and somehow I managed to get the highest score in 1 round even though medics don't get much ammo.
  15. Sounds like a stereotypical teenager to me.
  16. Oh my god... really? P.S. Sorry about this being a little late to post but I haven't been on this particular thread for a little while and it's all built up.
  17. You only played oblivion for about 3 weeks...? I'm still playing for hours every day. I've spent 50 hours on my main character and numerous hours tweaking stuff in the .ini and I'm still nowhere near bored of it. I would have spent more time but as usual the holidays have started so I've been going to friends houses and having friends over(who play Oblivion almost the whole time they're over) and catching up with cousons who have come over from the other side of the world.
  18. Amazing what 2 letters can do to a thread...
  19. You should try TES Forums then. By the time you spend 2 minutes writing a reply to someones problem with their graphics card or whatever there'll be at least 3 more posts explaining the exact same thing. Of course you probably shouldn't bother with that forum unless you play Oblivion.
  20. You think I was being serious... lol. Lets try to keep this thread on topic anyway.
  21. I used to go onto the PurePwnage forums... but now I've gotten bored of them. I don't know what it is really. Some of the posters are just... not very good at posting.
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