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Everything posted by Painkiller667

  1. Thanks for that informative post. If you wont mind looking it up for my adapter, the model is RT2571WF-on the big chip, and RT2528L on the smaller chip. Thanks!
  2. I have done research, and this is adapter is ideal for me. It cost me 18 bucks new, and my primary priority in looking for an adapter, is having it supported under linux with monitor mode and packet injection, which works. The secondary priority is now making a good antenna for it. I already have a parabolic dish reflector for it, but that only provides 10 dB better range for me. Therefore I want to have a cantenna which is more directional, allowing me to reach maximum possible signal if I want to access one specific ap at a time. Having a pigtail soldered to my adapter will allow me to use a cantenna for directional purposes, as well as being able to connect a biquad antenna to it in addition to the parabolic antenna for a more wardriving, open-to-more-aps-at-a-time purpose. The reason I was wondering about if I can touch a pigtail to various possible connectors on my adapter to determine which connectors are to use for an antenna without soldering it every time, is because I do not know of the exact connectors to use to start with, so I will have to experiment with different ones, and if I will have to solder the pigtail to a different connector everytime, to determine which connectors to use will be a big pain for me. soooooooo it would be really helpful if someone knows what connectors to use for my specific adapter and they could tell me, for I dont want to solder too much on my adapter. EDIT: BTW I found this: http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/data/RT2501_USBx5.pdf the picture is not of my adapter, however my adapter does use the RT2571WF chipset and according to the bottom of the page those two little squares are marked 2.4GHz, and now if you look at the pics I provided, I also have the two little squares! lol great success! too bad I didnt prepare an antenna to test this out. I found a good n connector on ebay already, now I need to find a pretty long cable with minimal signal loss.
  3. Uhh, dude u know you are reposting that link from my previous post. Anyway, thats not the adapter that I have, I dont have the hirose on mine, and I cant identify any of the parts. Still ClueLess.
  4. thanks for the helpful info. So if the wifi adapters run on 2.4 GHz i guess Ill have to get my self a wifi antenna and then try to mod it. Thanks guys.
  5. thank you for the information, ill try it when I have a good antenna. What frequency is the tv antenna then, if I cannot use it. Maybe I could use the tv antenna with a 2.4 GHz cable? In any case, if that will not work either, then if i make a cantenna with a pigtail, and touch the pigtail to the appropriate connectors, will I see a sudden increase in signal right away?, is that how I find out if thats the right connector?
  6. well, I read up, and found some great tuts for cantennas. So what I will do is I will probably make a cantenna and then wait for someone to finally have the answer to the mod for my exact chipset. About the frequency and the tv antenna being used for wifi, I still havent found out anything about that. Perhaps someone could link me to a site where different frequencies are defined for different objects, i.e. the tv antenna. As I have mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I have a huge tv antenna, on my roof, which looks like this: -|-|-|-|-|- And I really would like to make good use of it. Anyone know how I can use it for wifi?
  7. I dont really understand what "Start where the band meets the board" you are talking about. Also, this might seem really stupid, and it probably is, but what if I connected a tv antenna to the chip? I supposed only if the frequency of the antenna is the same, the antenna would function for the wifi device. But how do I find out the frequency of any antenna, thats a really important question I really need to find an answer to. Thanks.
  8. well, it doesnt seem too obvious to me, that it wouldnt work. Would you mind explaining? I mean there were many mods done like that, which did work. Here are some links for ralink chipsets being modded. http://ronobvious.livejournal.com/296.html http://www.oberkommando.org/asus_wl-167g/ http://www.xp11.com/g54/g54.htm
  9. what parts of the copper square? If i took an antenna with a pigtail and just tried different spots, would netstumbler read out a much better signal right away? Would that kind of thing work?
  10. I was wondering if I could get some help on the 2 parts needed to be soldered to a pigtail. Or is a pigtail not the only option for me? I have a Chiefmax adapter with a Ralink RT73 RT2571WF chipset. Thanks for your help.
  11. but he said that he doesnt mind the guy using it too, just that he needs to be able to do cut him off at chosen times. Personally, i dont know how to do this. Suggestions: shutdown -s -t 00 -f -mcompname that will simply shut them down, the ppl on ur network. Otherwise just google up some network control programs. Fire up ethereal or something, get the mac address and do stuff with it in linux. iono
  12. ^^^ he "spent the day" meaning he used 1 day to do it.
  13. are you afraid of using the word n00b? Is that why you say novice? Anyway, your adapter mustn't be supported in linux, for if it was, you wouldn't get the error. The error message is pretty self explanatory. Did you research if your adapter was capable first?
  14. most dangerous thing in this "operation" IMO would be having a gps chip in the phone and not knowing it. must make sure there is no tracking devices in it before doing any of that shizzle. But other than that, I dont see how they could track down where I am, and EVEN if they knew that i was making illegally free phone calls, and they knew where I was, its not like they would get a helicopter and 15 swat guys to hunt me down and kick my ass.lol
  15. how will they find out who owns the IMEI, whatever that is, especially if I find the cellphone. Which I have found like 3 over my lifetime. I think this is a very interesting topic in need of research.
  16. Some of you might be familiar with that if you take out the sim card from a cell phone, you are still able to call emergency (cops and such). I was wondering how that works, how you cant call anyone else like that but the cops. I also wonder if a hack could be done to expand that emergency service to be able to call anywhere. Another thing about cellphones. Many new ones have internet access anywhere. My question is, why don't laptops have the same internet access? Shouldn't there be a satellite internet service plan for laptops, just like there is for cellphones? Or perhaps taking that chip that allows the cell phones to browse, and embed it in a laptop. Anyway, enlighted me if my information is outdated. Thanks
  17. a couple of more words, how does kismet work? does it have a gui? because in whatever livecd i run kismet in the terminal, i got some crap that i have to go to kismet config file or something. Someone should really write a tutorial for kismet
  18. i watch this cool h4x0r programme and want to like and be like Ub3r H4x0r and i say and a lot so like tell me how to H4x0r cuz like im a noob and like my name even says it.
  19. and how did you go about running your own program over the network. I too have a wireless lan in my school and am able to do basic things like shutdown and net send but I wonder how is it possible to wirelessly start programs over the network that are only on your computer. The command prompt does not always have the functions that you have with programming languages.
  20. lol, maybe its a scam for us because they know that hackers and computer geeks will want to watch it, so they will catch us torrenting it.
  21. well, now that i scanned for networks from my house with a usb adapter and a parabolic antenna, I know which ones are closer to me and where they are located. I think now I need to get a cantenna to focus on that one signal thats best for me to connect to. I found that parabolic antennas are for general signal strengthening and signal searching while cantennas are best for focusing on one access point and are sensitive to position, so ill just point the cantenna to one access point and get even stronger signal than the parabolic antenna.
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