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Everything posted by Trip

  1. i sometimes get 'OPERATION_NOT_VALID' but anyway i doubt that dudes coming back its been a while since he posted .... wrong forum imo
  2. yeah i followed the one on www.arduino.cc :) had to solder the header on followed the diagram on to a proto board and did a little vb prog to stream info if you want source etc i don't mind sharing :) lcd.setCursor(column,row) // is handy lets you set input position took me a while to figure that out lcd.setCursor(0,0) // line 1 lcd.setCursor(0,1) // line 2 ;)
  3. ... i have xp sp2 and sp3 on my vm and on sp3 i get the same message ... on sp2 it works a charm im guessing its been patched ... does the target machine return an error message ?
  4. machines patched ;) look for another way
  5. uk ftw we party the hardest ;)
  6. +1 for virtual box ... its nice n straight forward ;0)
  7. hehe its a secret :P lol ... i got it from ebay ... if you search for 'arduino matrix' ... it was bundled with an arduino & components the writing on the back of the display is EL1602A as soon as i'd installed the drivers this is the first thing i did with the board :) have been trying to find a good tutorial showing how to go through each one of the mother boards sensors ... but no joy yet last night i started a little VB project to spit some stats over serial :) ... its worked pretty well having fun any way :) and learning lots ;) the arduino is the Deumilanove and yes its all wired via a mini bread board (desperately need a bigger one tho) one more thing too i had to solder the header on myself ... and considering i couldnt solder last week i think i've made a pretty sweet job of it hehe
  8. I hope you find this useful ... chmod -x msfinstaller.sh chmod 755 msfinstaller.sh sudo ./msfinstaller.sh clear echo "======================================================================" echo "### Metaploit Install Script for Ubuntu 10.10" echo "### Scripted by Tea" echo "### Free for non commercial use." echo "======================================================================" echo "### ENSURE YOUR SCRIPT IS RUN AS ROOT" echo "### IT WILL NOT WORK IF YOU'RE NOT ROOT" echo "### eg. sudo ./msfinstaller.sh" echo "======================================================================" echo "### Installation will continue in 10 seconds" echo "======================================================================" sleep 10 clear echo "=====================================================" echo "### Installing metasploit for all users." echo "### Process started by $USER" echo "=====================================================" echo "### Installing metasploit dependancies ..." echo "=====================================================" sudo apt-get install ruby libruby rdoc sudo apt-get install libyaml-ruby sudo apt-get install libzlib-ruby sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby sudo apt-get install libdl-ruby sudo apt-get install libreadline-ruby sudo apt-get install libiconv-ruby sudo apt-get install rubygems sudo apt-get install subversion echo "=====================================================" echo "### Installing additional tools ..." echo "=====================================================" sudo apt-get install nmap sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng sudo apt-get install wireless-tools sudo apt-get install wifi-radar echo "=====================================================" echo "### Installing metasploit ..." echo "=====================================================" cd /opt sudo mkdir metasploit echo "=====================================================" echo "### Grabbing the latest version ..." echo "=====================================================" sudo svn co http://metasploit.com/svn/framework3/trunk/ metasploit cd metasploit echo "=====================================================" echo "### Metasploit install complete." echo "### Executing metasploit console (msfconsole) ..." echo "### Enjoy !!!" echo "=====================================================" sudo ./msfconsole
  9. post some fun scripts up if you guys have any :) im ready for the flames ... i have a fire engine here tho lololol ;) copy below into a file.vbs and add it to the victims program group then power down their pc and turn the speakers up# set ObjVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") ObjVoice.Speak "Computer says you've been hacked" ObjVoice.Speak "Your virus database has been deleted." ObjVoice.Speak "I am reading your emails" ObjVoice.Speak "I am corrupting your files" ObjVoice.Speak "I am damaging your hardware" ObjVoice.Speak "Im also buying stuff on eebay with your credit card." ObjVoice.Speak "Your mum says high" ObjVoice.Speak "I will not see you soon" ObjVoice.Speak "Have a nice day buddy pal"
  10. @eovnu yeah thats what im planning to do when i get an audrino ... i suppose you could run it from another graphics card & it would def look pretty hmmmmm ?? i have some spare graphics cards and a small lcd screen :)
  11. well done dude :) +1 NY times thats pretty wicked !
  12. i have a feeling i've lent it to some one but cant remember :(
  13. i hate it when you cant find something and dont know if you've just misplaced it or some thieving git has nicked it
  14. command line app :) for recording technical information about the host ;0) would be sweet + you'd learn a lot about hardware + the file system
  15. annoying languages where syntax is similar but not quite the same grrr @ diversity and rendering @ 1080 WTF takes tooo long *wishes for upgrade*
  16. wow niiiiiiiiiiiiice :) lights n everything woot +1 sweet mod dude ... here's one i did last week ...
  17. lol made me chuckle they predicted in 1990 we would be using 1gb of ram by 2010 which wasnt a bad estimate i suppose i remember thinking (with 8mb of ram) holy shit why would you ever need a gigabyte .... and now i know lol
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