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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Don't know if you have heard of checkpoint, but seems to be a good cadidate. http://www.checkpoint.com/products/softwar...smartevent.html
  2. Setting up a proxy server, is very easy there has been talks on previous threads in the past. I think you should just check them out. If the proxy idea doesn't work, why not buy your own wireless internet and use it at the school, since the system belongs to the school and they can manage it whichever way they wish.
  3. I Love metasploit very much, my favorite tool besides BT. Pauldotcom.com also has a 101 Metasploit video, really good if you new into Metasploiting. Apart from that, nice post bro will check it out a bit later, I've been looking for a tutorial like this. Edit: Just watched some of the videos, and have to say they are really good for learning purposes.
  4. Do you have any factory reimaging CD that came with the computer?
  5. You could reverse engineer it, to find out how the code was written. Not sure how to do it though, but defetely the way to know how the code was written.
  6. I am afraid, but i don't think its gonna be possible to restore the computer back to its default factory settings, if you don't have an image of it, already created somewhere. Best option would be to wipe off the system and install everything again and once you have all programs installed, use a program like Acronis True Image to make an image of you hard disk. That is just my option by the way, other users may have other option.
  7. You can download it directly from Microsoft website http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb897553.aspx
  8. It was about time for the BIOS to be replaced. It had a nice going, all these years but now its time for a better and more efficient one.
  9. PM me your IP address and I will try to turn you on.
  10. I think he is referring to this video. http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/...-webcam-exploit
  11. I knew there was a particular tool out there, for deleting files "File Shredder", I just couldn't remember what it was called. Thanks Battz
  12. These articles may help you http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/shar...es-using-samba/ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278034
  13. Psexec by itself is not encrypted, so its not secured. You could tunnel it over SSH, to make it more secure. I haven't done that before, so I am not sure hows that gonna work.
  14. Best way to find out, whether the CPU has support for virtualization is going into the BIOS and checking any parameters that corresponds to VT or virtualization. If it does then make sure its enabled, if you can't find anything than most likely it doesn't support VT.
  15. No problems will do that. Thanks again, Mr-Protocol.
  16. Do you know of any other tool, that can safely delete files, instead of trashing the HDD. I am just trying to delete the files, not the operating system files. I still want the operating system on the HDD. Thank you again.
  17. Way a second, is this tool going to wipe my hard drive entirely or will it let specify what files I want to delete? Thank you.
  18. Hi Community, I am about to send away my netbook for repair and would like to send it away as clean as possible. What tool will be the best for making files unrecoverable? I have found a couple of tools on the internet, but want to know from the community you favorite ones. Thank you very much
  19. Thats a damn good question! Serious threat: Both Chien and Ferguson said this type of code is a major security concern. "For the broader population, this is definitely a new generation of attack. We're not talking any more about someone stealing someone's credit card numbers, what we're talking about is someone being able to, for example, cause a pipeline to blow up or cause a nuclear centrifuge to go out of control or cause power stations to go down. So we're not taking about virtual or 'cyber' sort of implications here, what we're talking about are real life implications." Ferguson said "it is a big deal because the utility companies, and manufacturing communities and the power companies and gas and oil companies for years have been using closed propriety systems to manage their infrastructure and over the course of the past few years they've been making business decisions to use off-the-shelf software like Windows." He added that now we're seeing the same threat as with other networks as facilitates are connected to the Internet or allow access to thumb drives. This type of threat, according to Ferguson, is "absolutely new and that's why a lot of people in the intelligence community, in the Department of Homeland Security and different governments around the world are really kind of spooked by this development. It shows the targeted nature and sophistication of the criminal/espionage aspect to this." Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-19518_3-20017592-238.html
  20. You are right, if the worm is still in the system they would definitely know about it. But according the news article, the worm is mutating, meaning its changing its signatures or form to evade detection. "Iran said this week that Stuxnet is mutating and wreaking havoc on computerised industrial equipment there but denied the Bushehr plant was among the facilities penetrated." Whether their system has been penetrated or not, there is always the chance that they don't want to make it publicly. If the system is indeed infected, the worm is probably waiting to the right moment to attack. "Once resident inside a system, Stuxnet simply waits, checking every five seconds to see if its target parameters are met. Once they are, it triggers a sequence - the code DEADF007 - that forces the network's industrial process to self-destruct."
  21. In order to add new dns records, you will need to edit the named.config file sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf This threads can walk you through that process a lot easier than I could. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236093 http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/11/07/how-to...rver-in-ubuntu/ Edit: And if you watch, the last episode of Hak5, you will see that Darren demonstrates how to open a text file in a graphic user interface.
  22. No problems. Glad you got it sorted!
  23. Is your internet working? Make sure bind is indeed running, sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart Edit: Bind should now be installed, the error you got could be due to Bind not running or the us.archive.ubuntu.com being down. I found this thread in the Ubuntu forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=359300
  24. thats weird, what error are you getting?
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