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Everything posted by Sl45h3R

  1. No it's not like VNC it takes screenshots at a set interval and uploads/emails the pictures to an FTP server/email.
  2. It could be done, but only if you make the teensy download another executable and execute it. I've done this myself, i wrote a program that calls everything and provides error handling, make the teensy download it over ftp, execute it, then listen for data over hid, then if everything goes successfully my program sends a "0" over hid and it's displayed green, if not it sends "1" and then its displayed red.
  3. Heres a few that i quickly wrote up, their only for windows, ill try and try to make unix ones tomorrow. void MSISilentUninstall(char *ProductName) { delay(150); CommandAtRunBar('wmic product where name=\'' + ProductName + '\' call uninstall'); delay(20000); } void MSISilentInstall(char *MSIFile) { delay(150); CommandAtRunBar('msiexec /package ' + MSIFile + ' /quiet'); delay(5000); } void ReleaseRenewIpAddress() { CommandAtRunBar("ipconfig /release"); delay(1500); CommandAtRunBar("ipconfig /renew"); delay(1500); } void ExecuteFile(char *filename) { CommandAtRunBar(filename); } void ComputerShutDown(char *timeout) { CommandAtRunBar('shutdown -s -t ' + timeout); } void ComputerRestart(char *timeout) { CommandAtRunBar('shutdown -r -t ' + timeout); } void ComputerHibernate(char *timeout) { CommandAtRunBar('shutdown -h -t ' + timeout); } void ComputerStandby(int timeout) { delay(timeout*1000); // Delay for timeout CommandAtRunBar("rundll32 powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState"); }
  4. As I said, it needs a few improvements, but it's the basic code ;)
  5. Heres some code i've written to download a file from a ftp server and execute it, it could be use to download a larger file (metasploit payload etc.) and run it. A couple of the functions are taken from irongeek's website. Im sure that this can be improved so please comment! FTP Payload code
  6. I got mine today aswell. I've got a few programs already started that I can test. Hell Yeah :) Thanks Darren!
  7. Heres mine. Theres a PS3 and a couple of DS's not included there though ;)
  8. If your trying to connect to the computer via the routers external ip, you can't be on the same network as it... "external". Try going over to a friends house or something and try.
  9. Works fine on Win7 here....fw?
  10. Yeah, Suse Studio is awesome, been using it for a few months. You can build your distro into - CD Iso - Xen - Vmware - Harddrive
  11. Sl45h3R


    After you've done that, don't you call dhclient To associate?
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