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Everything posted by Mr-Protocol

  1. Would work great until you are dieing of thirst and have to pay $1.50 for a drink...
  2. Mr-Protocol


    This sounds like a similar setup to the Kevin Mitnick attack. Also noted in the movie Trackdown aka "Hackers 2 Operation Takedown" I bought the DVD it's called Trackdown in the states. That being said, I would say set up the lab and try it out. Either with virtuals or physical machines. If you are doing this as a security measure. Why not make server A, a VPN server and VPN it all? But either way you will have to SSH into Server A and then SFTP into server B. And then you will have to SFTP the files from your PC from Server A. I could be way off. Beer is good :P
  3. Have you not seen the episodes about building our own router ? :P That being said. I got myself a Linksys E2000 (All gigabit ethernet ports for my Cat5E wired house) and wireless N. Linksys has always shown me great control and options or if you really wanted you could flash with OpenWRT or DD-WRT.
  4. I used both windows and linux tools. They work the same, practically any firmware flashing tool will work. Gargoyle i think even has a "Fon firmware flash" http://www.gargoyle-router.com/download.php fon-flash-windows.zip Unplug power to the Fon/OpenMesh Router. Open the fon flash windows program. Select a network Interface. The firmware type should be OpenWRT. Load digininja's firmware into the program, Connect crossover cable between that computer and the Fon/OpenMesh router. Hit GO on the firmware flash and quickly plug in the power to the Fon/OpenMesh.
  5. Pardon my slight confusion for I am a little drunk. So you got it working? Unfortunately we assume networking background. I mean this kind of thing shouldn't be in the hands of people if they don't know basic networking. One thing I like about hacking things is that I understand every aspect of what is going on. If you got it working, GREAT! It was a learning process for you and hopefully you did learn something along the way. I feel that we should encourage thinking and figuring things out instead of spoon feeding.
  6. If you set it to DHCP and do not have it plugged into a router to get an IP well that is why you cannot connect to it. I use a crossover cable and have it get internet from my linux laptop via my linux laptop's wireless. I use static IP's for that. If you have it connected to a router with a straight through cable, not cross-over cable, then you will have to check your router's client log for it's IP address to connect to it. Reflash is probly the easiest thing for you.. using Digininja's firmware from his site...
  7. Digininja, You sick of copy/pasting that response yet? lol EVERYTHING is on the site many times...
  8. Are you using a crossover cable to connect the Pineapple to your computer? How are you testing if it is "working" or what do you expect it to do when it's working? If you have a crossover cable connecting pineapple to your PC, you bridge the LAN and Wifi card and connect the wifi to a legit access point with internet. Then you would have to have another client/computer try to access an open wifi but get sucked in the jasager (assuming jasager is turned on and running Karma)
  9. http://www.google.com/search?q=share+inter...nection+windows http://www.google.com/search?q=internet+co...ring+on+windows Gives same results. If you can visit Hak5 you can visit google. Sometimes I don't know exactly the terms to search for but I search what i know and find the right terms, then find information.
  10. http://tinyurl.com/3y5ydrq or http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ICS+Windows Please put forth some effort instead of looking to be handed answers.
  11. Avast is running on a webserver? :| Block IP ranges. Change the IP of the server in the DNS lookup temporarily. (Make them connect to NSA.gov for fun and keep strain of your servers til it's upgraded/patched/fixed)
  12. I prefer burning. Or both.. shred and burn. At least if you shred use a cross cut shredder.
  13. Karma http://www.metasploit.com/redmine/projects...i/Karmetasploit My setup. You need to use a crossover cable between your Fon and Laptop. Then setup whatever form of ICS (internet connection sharing) depending on if you are using Linux or Windows. I personally use Linux. Please search the Jasager project forum there is info about this all over.
  14. On a serious note. Last I knew that you could run scripts with FireWire because it has direct memory access i think. Not sure if it's still valid. The best bet would be to boot the machine via USB version of BackTrack4 and extract the hashes. Take hashes home and crack them on your own time instead of looking suspicious as hell in front of someone else's computer. I think that meets the requirements of Brute forcing and USB :D
  15. I WANT ONE! Slap a Hak.5 sticker on it and put it up on the store..
  16. All I have to say is... Forget Iphone4. DROID X by Motorola!!!
  17. I was just making mention that they include a BT3 CD for "WPA Recovery". It is a "solution" for a WiFi hotspot and yeah I agree WPA is the way to go. But that would require a passkey. For a hotspot open with RADIUS is less of a management hassle. Just found it odd they are including a pen testing distro with anything... Not only that I doubt the average user even knows wtf do to with it lol.
  18. Very true. Just found it odd. But I guess it's ok because it's included with the price of the device.
  19. I was looking around to find a open source wifi complete DIY anything so I don't have to meddle with other companies. And I found this link cause I was checking out this company's wifi routers which are dd-wrt compatible. http://wifirush.com/store/products/High-Po...SB-Adaptor.html On the bottom of that specific router I noticed something odd..
  20. I would think look around the backtrack-linux.org forums for a solution...
  21. Please look under the Jasager project page on forums. All your answers are there.
  22. Ah.. the good ole days were you have to boot from a floppy first in order to access CD Rom... Don't you remember? :P I'd say upgrade to a better system. The components in the Win95 probably are almost dead why still use it? I could not imagine working on a Win95 machine again if you edit and erase your himem.sys line you wont have higher memory access which may cause issues. Bottom line, I'd say invest in a new PC. Speaking of which.. how did you accidentally delete a necessary system file? Sort of confused by this. Are you sure you should be working on a system if you deleted himem.sys lol. Another option could be recover the file manually with hex editor and like magic works again.
  23. This would be a good segment I think. Not sure how others feel on it but I wouldn't mind some knowledge on setting one up and profiting :D http://wifirush.com/store/products/WiFiRUS...y-Fee!.html We could make a Hak5 Wifi Hotspot appliance with Mini ITX. Router OS I guess could be a good starting point for making one. http://www.mikrotik.com/software.html Or using Smoothwall This link I found has some other possible options. Router Firmware. http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/7087/1/
  24. I was going to mention that, but Skype encapsulates the data in it's own encryption as Sparda noted. So I don't believe Cain & Abel will recognize it as VOIP traffic.
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