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I Lol'd

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  1. Hak.5 is made by them, not by the community. If you don't like it don't watch it, if you don't like the crowd don't hang around the crowd. If you want a show made by a community go watch and contribute to BSOD.tv (if it even still exists).
  2. Reboot their computer. That's a good joke on them.
  3. Everyone has their own opinion. CSS has it's own syntax, and is interpreted by a web browser to style a web page. Next you'll say interpreted languages aren't programming. I would like to point out web sites are web applications, therefore fall into this category. The fact you had to put the person down by saying "CSS isn't programming" only shows you're here to try to make yourself look better than everyone else. Everyone on this forum are too quick to find an opportunity that makes themselves look better than everyone else, stroking their egos.
  4. This thread is a coding challenge, not a programming challenge thread, therefore CSS falls into the category of coding. Have a nice day.
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