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Posts posted by SomeoneE1se

  1. e-mail that to bill gates!

    agreed, this is completly unacceptable!

    Yeah so fuck his retirement!  He needs to go back to work to fix Vista's best guess as copy/move time.

    Another reason why Windows Vista should have been put into the "pointless OSs" bin.

    I would rather have a copy of Neptune than the crap Microsoft calls it's "most secure operating system".


    If you're hardware is supported (and can run it) Vista blows XP out of the water.  So don't be a hater

  2. Just a bit of revenge I need to sort out, this guy got into my hotmail, there are no exploits for his site either, so this is a last plan, so I need a brute forcer, I did download Hydra but it showed as a worm, is that because it's a brute forcer or?
    ...I'm only helping because I said I would...  Sigh...

    hydra IIRC only works on servers not webapps... and hotmail requires captha to It's impossible to hax!

  3. But keep in mind not everyone knows how to search for the exact think they need, where as we has seen it and done it before so for them to ask.  "How do I stop someone from breaking into my wireless?"  We could say go to and run the wizard and pick a long password and WPA2 that's not in the dictionary.  Takes a LOT less time then getting all that information with google, and most people would never beable to get ALL of that with google, and it would never be in that simple of a format.

  4. I haven't seen a CD with just the recovery console but there are lots of boot disks that can do what the recovery console does and more.  I think the idea of having it on the same disk is that if the recovery fails you'll need to reinstall anyways why not save the user having to replace the disk.

  5. If you're sure of the password there's going to be a way to de-encrypt the disk/volume if you need the data back wait 'till monday and call the support number, or the sales number and get transfered.  If not delete it and start over, it might just be faster. 

    Are there any other accounts on the computer?  Administrator/Guest?

  6. We (I) have been way too hostile to the newbies, and it's getting really old.  Tech is awesome, but it's not simple or easy to just jump into without any help.  When I started with tech, I asked what I probably would have classified as a dumb question.  Now that I know so much more then I used to, I think I have forgotten that I was a noob looking for help once too.  And so were you!  So... I'm done being an elitist asshole, and I'm going to do my best to really help when someone asks any kind of question.  This especially means I'm not going to say JFGI, or link to google, or link search results without quoting or explain it first.  This is no longer acceptable to me. 

    As part of this,

    I will no longer flame people for being 'stupid'....  Okay we all know this will never happen, but I'm still going to try.  I will however flame the ones who do.

    I will not pass judgment on the activities of others I'm not their lawyer, nor their parent or guardian, nor their sysadmin.  A part from a simple warning that this might be a mistake I will still help anyone with ALMOST anything.  There are a few things that I won't help with and a few I'll contact the local law enforcement for.

    It's time help!

    And remember, don't expect to be helped unless you are willing to learn.

    I also suggest/request/invite you to join me.


  7. listen all these guys are just jerking your chain.

    the best advice i have for you is play it cool and dont say anything until you get pulled in

    it happened to me in high school, i hit the whole district 4 times, then they pulled me in randomly one day and said we could call the cops and haul your ass in and bunch of bullshit. Honestly if your school admins (principal, disciplinarian) are alright and reasonable theyll ban you from the network a while other than for school work and then randomly it will blow over and wont matter to them. Dont do it again, thats when you start to get a record. hope it all works out for ya in the end. you cant learn if you dont try, just need to learn that there are some places you can play and others you cant. go to a conf. if you really wanna try to play likelihood is youll get schooled, but its all in good fun. keep your chin up best of luck

    I'm not sure if I should flame you for helping someone break a network they don't have premission to, or compliment you for an intelligent (somewhat; don't help noobs break things)  post...
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