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Everything posted by melodic

  1. the typo farie is not to blame, the poor muscular training of Sparda is. meh and you said you would be nice..i say reban every account he makes as i said in another post, once a twat, always a twat :roll:
  2. because sparda is the culprit? :P
  3. slashdot i think :S i really cant remember
  4. i say once a twat always a twat...
  5. haha melodic action figure :P i think there should be some form of buffer over flow with beer figures :P like harrison stooped over with beer in his hand :D
  6. cooper if people really want my email :P they can look at my profile on here
  7. hmmm Create-A-Melodic :P i like it :D submit ur entrys and ill pick the best :P and nick, you got pwnd on garys mod :D YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME :D
  8. looks like some form of gay porn star with a banana dildo of some sort...or is that just me
  9. he IM'd me that on msn...and emailed me this...
  10. hahaha i like it too :P could have like </life> Ping Timeout :roll:
  11. </GHRYGGZ> ? :P ( for those reading the tomb stone post :P )
  12. i dont get it =( </melodic> would be a cool TomB Stone though :P
  14. i have 0 tollerance for racist's. so logic, take your shit else where, and heed to Horzas' advice and Fuck Off
  15. i would either have </me> or </melodic>
  16. you sir are a power hungry n00b i say we all spam his forum...or not :P
  17. hes back to spam did you say? meh stupid noobs. i suppose we were one once upon a time. yet we didnt spread our stupidity through forums lol the clever ones of us googled our little socks off and read, and read, and read.. take note GJFJFJ%$J% what ever ur name is... READ stuff first.. any one read the story on digg about the dodo skeleton?
  18. didnt he start a thread/poll and we all voted for him to unplug his modem?
  19. the noobs thought it would be funny
  20. hey fuck you! i have a 2600! semprons pwn
  21. haha this thread is getting pwnd
  22. /me throws a rusty orange at moonlit
  23. Blessing as you hate Loyal to your enemies Monetary faith As him you'll pay for the lies of your prophecy Satan wants you dead Kill the christian... umm yeah...HIJACKED(off) yeah christening beds is fun :roll: so is beerr i love berr me
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