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Everything posted by taiyed14

  1. taiyed14

    Nmap help

    make sure you run sudo nmap -sP > aFile if you are running it on linux. It display the MAC address if you are not running as a super user/root. edit: digininja and i came to the same conclusion at the roughly the same time. spot-on!
  2. taiyed14

    Nmap help

    nmap -sP XXX.XX.XX.X/X > aFile.txt then search the file for the MAC address
  3. Has anyone bought a bunch of pineapple cups that they are willing to sell/give away individually?
  4. I live in IL and I got mine literally within 2 or 3 days. Then again, it did ship from a town about 30mins from me. edit: and the Fon was purchased through www.fon.com.
  5. I bought a Fon+ about a 1-2 weeks ago and I was able to flash the Fon+ just fine. I still didn't plug it in to the Internet.
  6. Jasager works great on the Fon+. Actually i like running Jasager and OpenWRT better on the Fon+ because OpenWRT has support for both WAN and LAN NICs and it make it really easy to ICS between a computer and the Fon
  7. CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR AWESOME. Holy crap sparky, move your left pinky finger a 1/2 inch to the left.
  8. Just flash it like you would any other time. I suggest Fon Flash (http://www.gargoyle-router.com/download.php near the bottom.) It's very Point and Click.
  9. I had to install the haserl package before webif would install. I just grabbed the newest packages from x-wrt.org http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8...9.24-1_mips.ipk http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8...3-4709_mips.ipk
  10. Awesome work digininja, that bundled firmware works great. Are you still working on the 8.09 mad wifi driver package? On a side note, I was able to install webif with no problems (didn't foresee any), if I wanted to move jasager to be the default site when accessing the fon, would I just need to move the /karma/* directory into /www/*? @jdogherman yeah, at least Fon Flash gives more verbose info, but if possible, a progress bar would be nice.
  11. I flashed with 8.09 and installed the 'new' wifi driver (http://www.digininja.org/files/kmod-madwifi_2.6.26.5+r3314-atheros-2_mips.ipk) then enabled wifi thru /etc/config/wireless, rebooted and nothing could not connect. The fon is also not broadcasting any SSIDs but the wireless light is on. let me know if you need any other info.
  12. Are you using the updated mad-wifi drivers that digininja posted earlier in this thread?
  13. Yep I'm doing all of this through a wired connection. jdogherman have you got this to work at all?
  14. I found those command while looking at the Fon+ jasager install guide. I will stop doing that and see how that goes. http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Fon%2B_Jasager_Install Update: I tried enabling Wifi through the web interface as well as though /etc/config/wireless with no luck. every time i would lose the connection the the fon.
  15. i've done some digging and found when i run these commands I loose the ability to access the fon: root@OpenWrt:~# uci set wireless.wifi0.disabled=0 root@OpenWrt:~# uci commit wireless && wifi Any suggestions on how to get some more debugging info would be helpful.
  16. I'm going to try and pin point after which package I lose communication.
  17. i also am not able to connect to the router after the upgrade. very strange. I can ping the fon for the first couple seconds after a reboot, but it then disappears.
  18. I haven't had a chance to test out these new wifi drivers because I rebooted the Fon and now cannot connect to it. Hopefully tonight I'll have a chance.
  19. DigiNinja, thanks for all your help. I look forward to seeing something working.
  20. Wow, I just came across this issue earlier as well. I hope DigiNija can shed some light on if Jasager will work with 8.09. I was able to get jasager-madwifi_1.ipk installed with opkg install -nodeps. I would like to hear back from you if once you get the Jasager web interface up. I had an issue with trying to turn karma on and off. It never seemed to turn ON and the IP and MAC addresses of the connected clients were wrong, or not show up. my set up: Fon+, OpenWRT 8.09, Jasager 2.1
  21. taiyed14


    create a .bat file in windows with this inside :s START %0 GOTO :s run it from your machine.
  22. Wow, thanks for all the ideas and suggestions. I haven't yet looked into SETone's app suggestions, but what I'm looking for is software that will centralize all the logs to one machines. This way, I don't need too check every machines event log.
  23. I'm looking for some server software that will allow me to collect windows log on attempts, application crashes/errors and system events from computers on the network. I hope to monitor these logs for security breaches and attack attempts. Has anyone set something like this up? Could anyone suggest some preferable free or open source software?
  24. BackTrack 4 is being designed as a 'day-to-day' os. They are using Ubuntu as the base.
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