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Everything posted by SWFu

  1. Do the math before devoting your life to cracking it. Try running this on the machine you used when grabbing the handshake: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/wireless_key.html
  2. You'll be better of reseting it.
  3. SWFu

    WIFI Kit

    I was actually genuinely wondering where people buy their kit. I was actually impressed with a couple of 9dbi dipoles bought from there for my alfas and will be buying more, great signal and build quality (compared to ebay junk). I'd heard of http://www.data-alliance.net/ but living in the UK I'm not sure that it would be cost effective. I only noticed that free adapter after posting here and going back and buying another antenna for a fon flashed with the jasager FW. Hey its worth a try, but genuinely wasn't the intention at all. :) That 1W USB adapter has got me thinking about a 1W amp hooked up to the fon and a large omni.
  4. SWFu

    WIFI Kit

    I was just wondering where everyone buys their kit from? I recently bought a few antennas from http://www.wifi-link.com and the quality is good.
  5. Mine also was free of any form of content blocking.
  6. I recently bought one of those TV-B-Gone things to play with and on my searches I came across this: Consumer B Gone Any one tried it?
  7. I'm sure I just used a link in the 'my account' on their website to unlock my phone.
  8. Are you 18 or over? "If you're 18 years or over, you can remove Content Control by contacting your mobile services provider's team"
  9. Personally, no I haven't, but check out the FAQ and forum over at the kismac-ng site. It quotes that the Realtek chipset is one of only two chipsets which support injection on a Mac, you don't need to worry about this really but shows that there must be pretty good support for the chipset and is probably why it is still in development. It also goes on to say that you DO NOT want to install the drivers supplied with the chipset. http://trac.kismac-ng.org/wiki/FAQ It's a great adapter BTW I have two here.
  10. Get an Alfa AWUS036H 500mW. Cantennas are directional. Then use kismet/airodump-ng (you will find them in the backtrack live usb) looking for the MAC address or probes. Would be great fun then to setup airbase-ng/karma when finding it and toy with the thief for a bit. Maybe an easy option would be borrow a Mac and use Kismac as it has a GUI and will be easier to use. http://trac.kismac-ng.org/
  11. Theres also xml files holding the text, have a look at httpwatch or charles to export all the files with ease.
  12. Reset it and use the default login?!
  13. I still think i must of been sniffed as it looks like they caught a couple of typos for me logging in. This is probably why people are reporting old passwords due to user error.
  14. But i gather that the passwords were sniffed from June onwards?
  15. "There is no spoon." was my favorite :)
  16. I feel sorry for the legitmate users sites that were hosted on the same server (were they rm'ed also matt?) I now think that a dedicated server for hak5 is the way to go. Hey, what do I know this password might be still sniffed.... edit Oh yeah, not that it's worth a wank (brit speak) SSL might help! I wonder how many other sites a username:password / email:password list is running on.
  17. Theres instructions to getting gnome working over at the Remote Exploit forums.
  18. This is the one you want. :)
  19. Add one of these to your tool case: USB 2.0 TO SATA / IDE CABLE
  20. http://www.en.hakin9.org/
  21. Not really, although with a live dvd/usb you will be able to use an internal wireless adapter (so long it supports injection) insted of having to use a USB one like with vmware.
  22. Right, found a couple of hours today and I now have a couple of fons working.
  23. or to upgrade all apps sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  24. Cheers, I'll give it another look tomorrow.
  25. I've jus reflashed my fon with the the current Jasager firmware and out of the box DHCP server is running and working on eth0 (shouldn't this be a DHCP client?) but not on wireless. Jasager shows that machines are connected and windows (Vista and 7, I'm just installing a XP VM now) reports local only connection but they have no IP setup?! I'll test what happends if I take Karma down and setup a normal access point. EDIT A normal access point works fine and sets IP address.
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