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Time has come to pass over my computer. It has seen many many games and applications which it will run fine, not a hitch. There is, however, a hitch getting to those programs. My boot takes forever to complete, I have easily timed it to over 12 minutes before I can launch an internet window (yes, I mean IE, get over it lol). My computer is by no means slow, it will happily run Crysis all day long with virtually no lag at all. I have googled this for weeks, following tips on how to reduce the time for boot such as turning off startup applications, defragment, disk clean, reg clean etc. But still I'm left waiting for ages before I can use my computer properly.

I have read the forum rules and understand them and after googling things for days on end and getting nowhere I was hoping someone would just have a little snippet of information that would finally let my computer boot in sub 10 minutes. I'm a college student and dont need the blistering speeds of a 30 second boot but using photoshop can take up to 15 agonizing minutes before my document is ready to go.

Any help would be appreciated, honestly! Specs are:

Intel P4 3.2GHz HTT


7200RPM IDE HDD (The less we say about capacity the less embarrassed I am :lol: )

512Mb ATi Radeon x1650 AGP 8X

Air cooling

I am aware my system is pretty old and creaky but 12 minutes for the internet is madness.Any other specs that may help you will be provided. Thanks for any help guys!

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Thanks for the swift reply.

I am aware the processor is slow, my mate essentailly gets something daft 32GHz out of his Mac Pro, twin quad core and stuff.

Errr hard to say where its slowest really. Its not too fast on the welcome screen but its bearable. After that I'd say loading my desktop is the big killer. The welcome screen takes a minute or so to get to my background, longer to load the task bar and longer still to load the system tray template. After that the desktop just resets after the ATi CCC loads up which slows stuff down again.

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I had a problem with nTune, where any nVidia hardware would fail to function correctly until nTune had finished loading. Fixed it by removing nTune lol.

I like to run msconfig, go over to the start up tab and hit disable all.

As a guide line, task manager on XP should look some thing like this.

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Might want to do a Hijack this log to see what is going on as well. Also, what services are running? Do you have indexing turned on for all the HDD's and the service as well? Indexing is one of the things that will really kill performance over time, as well as any unneeded startup programs and services.

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Will post a hijack log soon.

My task manager is filled with much more stuff that that haha. ATi CCC is one, Avast, Ad-Aware etc. I also think that the steam process isn't needed since I dont play any games from steam :lol:

I could reinstall but I've lost a few of my product keys for things and it takes quite a while to do. I also dont have anywhere to back up my data to and a lot of it I use regularly.

Indexing has been well turned off. I did this during my searches through google, it has made some difference it has to be said but still its taking forever.

Thanks for the help. Hijack log coming soon.

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Will post a hijack log soon.

My task manager is filled with much more stuff that that haha. ATi CCC is one, Avast, Ad-Aware etc. I also think that the steam process isn't needed since I dont play any games from steam :lol:

I could reinstall but I've lost a few of my product keys for things and it takes quite a while to do. I also dont have anywhere to back up my data to and a lot of it I use regularly.

Indexing has been well turned off. I did this during my searches through google, it has made some difference it has to be said but still its taking forever.

Thanks for the help. Hijack log coming soon.

Well, things like Steam (if they arent used) should be disabled. And most of those programs like Adaware can be run when needed, and do not need to start with the PC. Virus scanners on the other hand should be let to run on boot, as they check for things before stuff starts up and can help block shit. Unless you use the ATI overclock feature a lot, you also don't need most of that ATI Catalyst and keyboard stuff to start with the pc.

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Your pc sounds more then capable of handling a start up and to me 12 minutes is wack. If you using xp then try to get an xp tweaker i forgot what the name of the program was. I had the same issue when i ran xp on a p3 it took forever to boot to the desktop. Disable services that are not needed. Uninstall software that you installed that isnt important. Oh and benchmark your hard drive, for all you know your hdd might be a lil old now and not running like it use to :P... Other then that the only SURE fix i can think of is reinstall the os

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