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Hey guys, I'm trying to create a little network script to renew, release ip's etc. mainly to familiarize myself with batch scripting better. Everything seems to work just fine so far, but one thing that is confusing me is in my script even though I have "@echo off" it still says ECHO is off next to each string or text.

Then on the part where it says "Enter Option Here" when the user enters an option it starts the text right after the word here (Enter Option Hereipconfig)

Is there a way to add a space after the word here or make it drop to the next line when the user enters their option?

@echo off

echo                 IPCONFIG
echo                 ========
echo                 ipconfig
echo                 ipconfig all
echo                 release
echo                 renew
echo                 flushdns
echo                 reset winsock

set input=
set /p input=                 Enter Option Here

if %input%==ipconfig goto ipconfig
if %input%==release goto release
if %input%==renew goto renew
if %input%==flushdns goto flushdns
if %input%==reset winsock goto winsock
if %input%==ipconfig all goto ipconfigall






c:windowssystem32ipconfig.exe /all




c:windowssystem32ipconfig.exe /release




c:windowssystem32ipconfig.exe /renew




c:windowssystem32ipconfig.exe /flushdns




c:windowssystem32netsh.exe winsock reset all




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Try this...

@echo off
echo =====================
echo =====================
echo   ipconfig
echo   ipconfig all
echo   release
echo   renew
echo   flushdns
echo   reset winsock
echo =====================
echo   q to quit
echo =====================
set /p input="Enter Options Here: "

if "%input%"=="ipconfig" goto:ipconfig
if "%input%"=="release" goto:release
if "%input%"=="renew" goto:renew
if "%input%"=="flushdns" goto:flushdns
if "%input%"=="reset winsock" goto:winsock
if "%input%"=="ipconfig all" goto:ipconfigall
if "%input%"=="q" goto:exit
echo Please choose from the Optiions listed above!


ipconfig.exe /all

ipconfig.exe /release

ipconfig.exe /renew

ipconfig.exe /flushdns

netsh winsock reset
::do not need netsh winsock reset all, just netsh winsock reset


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Ok I added a ping and tracert function set to ping yahoo.com but how can I set it to where it will prompt the user to enter a url to ping and then ping with tracert as well.

You can do it if you try. Go back and look at the bat script. Its all in there, you just need to think about your question.

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@ digip,

Yes I was able to figure it out, with the help of a friend of course I kept setting the variable wrong, backwards I guess, but I got it :-D

Now to anybody I'm just looking for other tools/mods I could add to this if anyone is willing to share an idea and I wanna see if I can implement it on my own.


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First I just want to say that I like the concept of this. I agree that this isn't any faster than typing in all the commands directly from the command line, but I think this could be modded to make it more efficient. I do also like the idea of adding ping and tracert to the options listed.

The number one option that I think should be added is the ability to pipe the output to a file, so you can review the output later. Actually it would be really cool if you could if there was a subroutine that ran through a set of commands and piped the output to a file that was formatted something like ...

On <date> at <time> the following information was gathered about <machine name>.
ipconfig <output>
ping www.google.com <output>
tracert www.google.com <output>

I would say to name the file something like "<date>_<time>_<machine name>.log" for ease of organization and filing later on. I could see this as being a tiny tool for quickly analyzing the connectivity of a machine, not that there aren't already far more robust things, but I like the concept of this and it's simplicity.

The other thing I would add would be a subroutine that does in batch script what repairing the connection through the GUI does. This I could see as very useful. First you check the connectivity, then if the connectivity is bad, you just pick the option to repair the connection, and recheck the connectivity, all without leaving the command line.

I'm going to see what I can do and will post any results.

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First I just want to say that I like the concept of this. I agree that this isn't any faster than typing in all the commands directly from the command line, but I think this could be modded to make it more efficient. I do also like the idea of adding ping and tracert to the options listed.

The number one option that I think should be added is the ability to pipe the output to a file, so you can review the output later. Actually it would be really cool if you could if there was a subroutine that ran through a set of commands and piped the output to a file that was formatted something like ...

On &lt;date&gt; at &lt;time&gt; the following information was gathered about &lt;machine name&gt;.
ipconfig &lt;output&gt;
ping www.google.com &lt;output&gt;
tracert www.google.com &lt;output&gt;

I would say to name the file something like "<date>_<time>_<machine name>.log" for ease of organization and filing later on. I could see this as being a tiny tool for quickly analyzing the connectivity of a machine, not that there aren't already far more robust things, but I like the concept of this and it's simplicity.

The other thing I would add would be a subroutine that does in batch script what repairing the connection through the GUI does. This I could see as very useful. First you check the connectivity, then if the connectivity is bad, you just pick the option to repair the connection, and recheck the connectivity, all without leaving the command line.

I'm going to see what I can do and will post any results.

Yes sir, I'm having fun with this. Figured it would be a good start to get more familiar with "how things work" I guess. Somethings I find weird is that for example I am in the process of adding device manager, but I cannot get it to run from this script, but it does run directly from command prompt.

I've added quite a bit now, thanks to "digip" and another guy over at http://forums.techguy.org known as "TheOutcaste" he fed me alot of very userful information in a very user friendly way.

so far this is what I've got so far:

echo =====================


echo =====================

echo  ipconfig

echo  ipconfig all

echo  release

echo  renew

echo  flushdns

echo  reset winsock

echo  ping

echo  ping -t (continious ping ctrl+c to stop)

echo  tracert

echo  getmac

echo  arp

echo  hostname

echo  nbtstat

echo  net

echo  netsh

echo  nslookup

echo  pathping

echo  router login

echo  windows version

echo  msconfig

echo =====================

echo  q to quit

echo =====================

of course that is just the options I've added so far. Still thinking of things to add. The idea came from a few guys I know who occasionally call me for "connectivity" problems and instead of telling them "start --> run --> cmd --> ipconfig" yada yada yada I decided to try to create something that would be more "user friendly" to them and help me learn during the process.

I plan on adding an option to check OS version, because I know some of the options here differ from say XP Home for example I believe the "reset winsock" is differ from XP home and XP pro. Any idea's feel free to add and I'll do the same:) I eventually want to re-create this in VB as my first VB project. Sorry for the long blabber guys I'm a bit intoxicated. if it weren't for the red squiggly lines this wouldn't make sense ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having a very weird problem right now. In my script for some strange reason "ping" command will not work, no matter what I type it just keeps printing to the screen

Enter Host:

so say I type yahoo.com

Enter Host to ping: yahoo.com

Enter Host: ggsdgdfs

Enter Host:

It will just keep doing that repeating Enter Host, but it didn't use to do that it worked just fine. I haven't changed or altered that portion of the code and Im clueless as to what it could be. I've tried enabling and disabling command extensions with about the same result.

@echo off
echo IPCONFIG v1.0 By G-Stress
echo =====================
echo =====================
echo   ipconfig
echo   ipconfig all
echo   release
echo   renew
echo   flushdns
echo   reset winsock
echo   ping
echo   ping -t (continious ping ctrl+c to stop)
echo   tracert
echo   getmac
echo   arp
echo   hostname
echo   nbtstat
echo   net
echo   netsh
echo   nslookup
echo   pathping
echo   router login
echo   windows version
echo =====================
echo   q to quit
echo =====================
set /p input="Enter Options Here: "

if "%input%"=="ipconfig"     goto:ipconfig
if "%input%"=="ipconfig all"     goto:ipconfigall
if "%input%"=="release"     goto:release
if "%input%"=="renew"         goto:renew
if "%input%"=="flushdns"     goto:flushdns
if "%input%"=="reset winsock"     goto:winsock
if "%input%"=="ping"         goto:ping
if "%input%"=="ping -t"     goto:pingt
if "%input%"=="tracert"     goto:tracert
if "%input%"=="getmac"         goto:getmac
if "%input%"=="arp"         goto:arp
if "%input%"=="hostname"     goto:hostname
if "%input%"=="nbtstat"     goto:nbtstat
if "%input%"=="net"        goto:net
if "%input%"=="netsh"        goto:netsh
if "%input%"=="netstat"        goto:netstat
if "%input%"=="nslookup"    goto:nslookup
if "%input%"=="pathping"    goto:pathping
if "%input%"=="router login"    goto:router
if "%input%"=="windows version"    goto:version
if "%input%"=="q"         goto:exit
echo Please choose from the Options listed above!

set /p host="Enter Host to ping: "
ping "%host%"
goto options

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set /p host="Enter Host to ping: "
ping %host%

Just tried this in a bat and worked fine. I do not know what your doing on your end though.

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@ digip,

I've tried something similar to that before and I just tried the code you just posted above exactly as you posted it with the same result. It's as if ping just does not execute and it loops back to set /p.

Enter Host: yahoo.com
C:documents and settingsUSERNAMEdesktopping yahoo.com
Enter Host: yahoo.com

That was my output when running the code above. I type yahoo.com then it drops to "ping yahoo.com" just doesn't ping and automatically drops to "Enter Host:" again then I type yahoo.com again or any text for that matter and then it closes cmd. I just now as im posting decided to try with the exact path to ping and that did work, but the code above alone did not on XP or Vista. This is really blowing my mind, because before also the code above:

set /p input="Enter Options Here: "
if "%input%"=="ping" goto:ping

set /p host="Enter host to ping: "
ping "%host%"

Use to work on Vista and XP and now it does the same thing on both. Just loops Enter Host. This all started when I was trying to create just a ping.bat file.

This is the only thing that has worked as of now.

set /p host="Enter Host to ping: "
%windir%system32ping %host%

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Thats the problem!!  :shock: You cant have a bat named the same name of the exe your calling because it will call the bat file over and over again!!

If you have left eveyrthign the same, but named it something like pingtest.bat or ping1.bat, it would ahvw worked. You can not name a bat file and then call a command with the bat files name, or ti calls itself in an infinite loop.


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:( I tried that as well. I didn't know that, but thought it could have been a possibility so I've tried renaming it all kinds of things. Also the first time I ever tried it, I did name it ping.bat so I don't know if that has anything to do with it now, somehow it is just set to not call ping from a .bat unless I give the full path to ping.

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open up your command prompt, type "path" without the quotes and note the output it should be similar to this

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:Documents and SettingsED>path

PATH=C:Program FilesPC Connectivity Solution;C:WINDOWSsystem32;C:WINDOWS;C

:WINDOWSSystem32Wbem;C:Program FilesATI TechnologiesATI.ACE;C:Program Fi

lesCommon FilesAheadLib

C:Documents and SettingsED>

This is a list of places windows will search for the executable (in this case ping.exe). make sure you have C:WINDOWSsystem32 which I have made bold in the above output. My guess is while playing with your batch files and/or command line you might have changed this setting.

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@ GonZor,

I got to thinking about that last night after I sent you the PM and I seriously thought that had to be the issue, but it's clearly there.

C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAME&gt;path
PATH=C:Program FilesWindows Resource KitsTools;C:Program FilesPHP;C:WIND
OWSsystem32;C:WINDOWS;C:WINDOWSSystem32Wbem;C:Program FilesQuickTimeQTSy
stem;C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Toolsbinn;C:Program FilesComm
on FilesAdobeAGL

The only thing I can think of is does it need to be in a specific order? I would think not being that it does still call ping when just running  start --> run --> cmd --> ping

Also this issue is on 4 different pc's now, 2 XP, one Vista and 1 2k3. I believe like digip said when I first tried this file on all 4 pc's it was named "ping.bat" that maybe be what caused my issue, but I wonder what exactly it did that would prevent it from my .bat file working with a different name.

Also I just tried this

set /p host="Enter Host:"
ping %host%

saved as yoo.cmd tried with %host% and "%host%" witht the same result. No matter what I type in it just keeps printing to the screen "Enter Host:". Thanks for the very quick response though:)

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hmmm... verrrrry strange, was bored and gave this a try and it worked, but only with .exe at the end. I've tried that before somewhere along the line and it looped as well, but for some reason tonight it worked, then tried again without .exe and it did not work.... I can live with it either way using the absolute path or adding .exe at the end, but I could almost tear my hair out im so curious to know y this works for everyone but me :x

set /p host="Enter Host:"
ping.exe %host%

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here is my little ip config.bat wrote it about a year ago.  pretty handy.

spacing maybe a little fucked up cuz i cop'd and paste'd

:: --------------------------------------------------------------------

::                                   Version 1.3

:: --------------------------------------------------------------------

::                    !!!THiS iS THE FiNAL VERSiON!!!

::                               - Working in XP -

::              -Working in Vista, Just Runas Admin -

:: Have FuN!!!


@echo off

title Net Config







echo   º   ^+Net Config^+   º


echo    1. Enable DHCP

echo    2. Set Static Config

echo    3. Save Current Config

echo    4. Load Saved Config

echo    5. Exit


set /p input=  Enter Choice: 

IF %input% equ 1 goto 1

IF %input% equ 2 goto 2

IF %input% equ 3 goto 3

IF %input% equ 4 goto 4

IF %input% equ 5 goto exit

IF %input% equ about goto about

IF %input% equ help goto help

goto error


@echo off


netsh interface ip set dns "Local Area Connection" dhcp

netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" dhcp

msg * "IP/DNS set to DHCP, Now Refreshing Address"


ipconfig /release


color a

echo         ^&gt;^&gt;IP Released^&lt;^&lt;


color 9


echo   ^&gt;^&gt;Now Renewing, Please Wait^&lt;^&lt;


color f

ipconfig /renew


msg * "DHCP Enabled"

goto menu



color e

set /p staticip= Assign This Computer What IP?

set /p subnet= What is the Subnet?

set /p gateway= What is the Gateway?

set /p dns= What is the Static DNS?

netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" static %staticip% %subnet% %gateway% 1

netsh interface ip set dns "Local Area Connection" static %dns%

msg * "Config Updated, Check Settings"





color f


goto menu



IF NOT EXIST C:IPconfig.txt goto error2

IF EXIST C:IPconfig.txt goto customrun

goto error



echo Loading File From C:IPconfig.txt, Please Wait...

netsh -f c:IPconfig.txt

msg * "File Loaded, Please Verify Configs"







color f

goto menu



cd C:Documents and Settings%username%Desktop

IF EXIST C:Documents and Settings%username%DesktopIPconfig.txt del /f /q C:IPconfig.txt

echo Saving Config Please Wait...

netsh -c interface dump &gt; IPconfig.txt

echo # ===============================&gt;&gt;IPconfig.txt

echo #      IP Config--Save File      &gt;&gt;IPconfig.txt

echo #      --END OF SAVE FILE--&gt;&gt;IPconfig.txt

echo # ===============================&gt;&gt;IPconfig.txt

echo #    .:Written By, SableFoXx:.&gt;&gt;IPconfig.txt 

msg * "Config Saved to Desktop in IPconfig.txt"


goto menu



color c

echo BaD MaGiC!!!


color f

goto 0



color c

echo BaD MaGiC!!!  --^&gt; No C:IPconfig.txt Found


color f

goto 0


msg * "Written By SableFoXx,  EULA: Don't be a dick"


goto 0



echo To Run this Script Properly in Vista, Right Click it and Select "Runas Admin"



goto menu


you can axe the code at the bottome but  im too lazy

here is a little ping target program.bat, with some other stuff too

:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

::                             Version 2.85d

:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

:: Good Luck!


title Trouble Shooting Script

goto 7


@echo off


echo      TS-Script Main

echo ------------------------

echo  1. IP Config

echo  2. Netstat (.exe)

echo  3. Netstat (Port)

echo  4. Command Prompt

echo  5. Shutdown/Restart/Log Off

echo  6. Ping Target

echo  7. Kill Task

echo  8. Disable UAC (Vista Only, Runas Admin)

echo  9. Display Driver Info

echo 10. Credits


set /p input=

IF %input% equ 1 goto 1

IF %input% equ 2 goto 2

IF %input% equ 3 goto 3

IF %input% equ 4 goto 4

IF %input% equ 5 goto 5

IF %input% equ 6 goto 6

IF %input% equ 7 goto 8

IF %input% equ 8 goto 9

IF %input% equ 10 goto 7

IF %input% equ 9 goto driver

IF %input% equ mayhem goto mayhem


@echo on

ipconfig /all

@echo off



echo Refresh IP? [y/n]

set /p input=

IF %input% equ y goto y

IF %input% equ n goto 25


@echo on

ipconfig /release


echo IP Released

echo Renewing...

ipconfig /renew


@echo off


goto 25


@echo on

netstat -b


goto main


@echo on

netstat -a


goto main


@echo on




@echo off


echo      Shutdown Menu

echo  ---------------------

echo    1. Shutdown

echo    2. Restart

echo    3. Log Off

echo    4. Kill Apps

echo    5. Back to Main

set /p input=

IF %input% equ 1 goto 21

IF %input% equ 2 goto 22

IF %input% equ 3 goto 23

IF %input% equ 4 goto 24

IF %input% equ 5 goto 25


@echo off

shutdown /s /c "Greetz from SableFoXx"



@echo off

shutdown /r /c "Greetz from SableFoXx"



@echo off

shutdown /l /t 5 /c "Greetz from SableFoXx"



@echo off

shutdown /f /t 1 /c "Greetz from SableFoXx"

msg * "All Apps Have Been Killed!"

goto 25



goto main


start msg * ".:D0t MaYHeM PwNz:."

goto mayhem


@echo off


echo Input Target:

set /p target=



REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause1

REM *****************


REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause2

REM *****************


REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause3

REM *****************


REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 50 goto :pause4

REM *****************



REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 50 goto :pause5

REM *****************

echo -----------------


echo -----------------

@echo on

ping -a -n 2 -4 %target%

@echo off



@ echo off


echo Ping another target? [y/n]

set /p input=

IF %input% equ y goto 6

IF %input% equ n goto 25

:: The End

:: Regards,


@echo off


color a


echo                         Brought to You by,


REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause6

REM *****************


echo     __      __                  _               __      __

REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause7

REM *****************

echo    ^|      /  ^|   __ _  __  __ ^| ^|__    ____   ^|      /  ^|

REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause8

REM *****************

echo    ^|     /   ^|  / _` ^|  / / ^| '_   /  _   ^|     /   ^|

REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause9

REM *****************

echo    ^| ^| / /^| ^| ^| (_^| ^|    /  ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^|_) ^| ^| ^| / /^| ^|

REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause10

REM *****************

echo  []^| ^| __/ ^| ^|  __,_^|  / /   ^|_^| ^| ^| ^|  ___/ ^| ^| __/ ^| ^|

REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause11

REM *****************

echo ---^| ^|------^|_^|---------/_/--------^|_^|--____^|-^|_^|------^| ^|---

REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause12

REM *****************

echo    ^|_^|                                                  ^|_^|


REM ******PAUSE******

set wait=0


set /a wait=%wait%+1

if %wait% neq 100 goto :pause14

REM *****************



echo %date%

echo %time%







color f

goto main

:: Just a little more...


@echo off


driverquery /fo table



goto main



echo                          !Pick a Task to Kill!




echo Input Task to be Killed:   (Scroll Up if Needed)

set /p task=

taskkill /im %task% /f

goto main



echo Confirm Disable Command! [y/n]        (requires reboot)

set /p uac=

IF %uac% equ y goto uacy

IF %uac% equ n goto uacn



goto main


@echo off


:: Restart Computer to make changes effective

shutdown /r /t 5 /c "UAC = Disabled, Computer Requires Reboot"

C:WINDOWSSystem32cmd.exe /k %windir%System32reg.exe ADD HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f


:: Alas this is the end

hope that helps feel free to tare that shit apart as its rather sloppy (i made these a long time ago).

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G-Stress, in the current working directory (generally the folder you are running it from)  do you have another file called ping.bat or ping.cmd? That would be the only logical explanation because when searching for the "ping" command it will search the current working directory and then move onto the folders listed under "path" if nothing is found it will return an error stating nothing was found (which it isn't doing).

Refer to digip's comment above, where he stated it was calling the file in an infinite loop.

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@ GonZor,

Yes, you were right, the issue was I had a ping.bat located on my desktop along with test.bat which is what I was trying to use to make it work. I renamed ping.bat and everything works fine... that was extremely frustrating and I was un-aware that it would search for ping like that. So a big thanks to GonZor and digip for all the help and advice, im more happy I know now what the issue was then anything else.

Also big thanks to sablefoxx for sharing your script, it has given me a few more idea's and a little better understanding on some things, so thanks alot everyone:)

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Yes, you were right, the issue was I had a ping.bat located on my desktop

Giving your scripts the same name of system commands is a silly thing to do on any operating system. If you insist on doing so known this, it would be far easier to over come the issue on Linux/BSD/OS X/<any OS that isn't windows> than on Windows.

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