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I have win vista and bf2142 long time a go i changed values for shooting one person and other stuff and when ever i go to play online they say its modded so it wont work

i uninstalled it and reinstalled it it still wont work i did delete profile but still wont

:-) :-( :-x :( :(

Please help

if u cant understand what i am trying to say sorry


Um delete everything in the uninstall, save games, everything possible then search for battlefield and delete everything that is related to battlefield.


You also probably need to clean it out of the registry and any other install folders, like paths in Application Data, etc. Programs install in mor ethan just the main program folder(why they do this, I have no idea, because you can usually move all installed DLL files directly from System32 folder and any other path to the folder where the exe resides and it works fine this way). Most likely, something in the registry is whacked.


also if u havnt already deleted it, kill the bf2142 folder out of "C:users*ur user*documents" also how did u change the values in the first place? by an application or did u have to edit it manualy? if u used an app check to see if it has an opption to put things back to default, if u had to edit something, go and delete that file, then reinstall.


i have tried that stuff but i haven't tried reinstalling windows i might do that but i got lots of files that i need and drives a stuff

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