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Need help on Programing a PIC


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Pls can anyone help!

any info on how to program a PIc or where to get help would be great if you can.

-Can any one rewrite a PIC to include usbhostfs in the programing for a VDIP1.  the MCU needs to be able to run this program in order for the VDIP1 to operate the way i need it to.

-or Can some one incorporate the usbhostfs to the VDIP1 firmware.

-this is the Main idea,program the PIC to allow the vdip1 as usb host and the secondary usb port as usb slave. then port usbhostfs driver onto the PIC

width=480 height=640http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/8928/p1180001vv9.jpg[/img]

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have used PIC's extensively for robotic control, and the best place to find info on them are the forums at microchip. 

hxxp: forum. microchip. com/

There are many experts on there that can give you more information than you ever wanted.  Some of them are sort of arrogant however and will simply direct you to the datasheet for whatever chip you are using.  Their datasheets are extremely helpful, but sometimes they are like reading legal documents, i. e.  not for the faint of heart. 

I have never used or heard of this VDIP1 you speak of, but if you can provide more information I will be more than glad to help. 

For all of my programming I have used Microchip's MPLAB-IDE, and have done all my programming in assembly.

Good luck!

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I have used PIC's extensively for robotic control, and the best place to find info on them are the forums at microchip. 

hxxp: forum. microchip. com/

There are many experts on there that can give you more information than you ever wanted.  Some of them are sort of arrogant however and will simply direct you to the datasheet for whatever chip you are using.  Their datasheets are extremely helpful, but sometimes they are like reading legal documents, i. e.  not for the faint of heart. 

I have never used or heard of this VDIP1 you speak of, but if you can provide more information I will be more than glad to help. 

For all of my programming I have used Microchip's MPLAB-IDE, and have done all my programming in assembly.

Good luck!

Thanks man i will check them out. Ya i ran into a site that all members wanted money before they gave out any sort of information.

but i will give you more info once i get it all compiled together.

here are the

? Jumper selectable UART, SPI or FIFO MCU Interfaces

? Uses FTDI's VNC1L device

? USB "A" type socket to interface with USB peripherals

? 2nd USB Interface available via module pins if required

? Single 5V supply input

? Auxiliary 3.3V/200mA power output to power external logic

? Power Good and Traffic Indicator LEDs

? RESET# and PROG# signals allow device programming via the

    UART interface if required.

this link pretty much describes everything bout it.


My gaol for this chip is to be a inter median between a HDD and a PSP.

The PSP is a slave and needs a program like usbhostfs to be running off the HDD to read the HDD. in order to do this you have to use a computer.

With the Vdip1 if usbhostfs or program simular to it is written into it's programing it would be able to allow for the psp to recognise the HDD.Without a computer. the other thought would be using a mini cpu thinking it would be easier to program and using the vdip1.

Or is their any other chips that would be better to use for this .

their already is a program irshell that allows for the psp to recognize a HDD but you need usbhostfs to running on the computer to direct the psp to the right location and give it the commands.

here is a link to the usbhostfs,


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Alrighty, you lucked out.


I had a descent amount of time this weekend to sit down and sift through some things.  Here are the things I found / my comments, etc...

The VNC1L you picked has a max transfer rate of 12Mbps(USB 2.0 FullSpeed).

Is that sort of transfer rate acceptable for your application, because USB2.0 accepts up to 480Mbps; just not through this chip.

I couldn't find out any detailed specs regarding the PSP's USB, except that it was USB 2.0, so maybe 12Mbps is all the PSP can handle?  I dunno?

Microchip makes several chips that can do USB 2.0 at 12Mbps, and since it is a serial type bus, you can daisy chain devices to your hearts content.

Here is the page listing all of the USB capable chips


They all have a ton of extra features that you may find entertaining, but all at least support usb2.0.  Using one of these chips negates your need for the VNC1L device, as the PIC has all of that already.

I looked at this families datasheet for my opinions (warning PDF)


I chose it at random, so it does not reflect a final decision for my recommendation.  I just used it to familiarize my self with the hardware.


I have been wanting to do some interfacing with Microchips USB devices for a while for use with a custom application on a PC via USB.  (Robotic control / telescope aiming, tracking, etc...)  In addition to interfacing a PIC with large storage like Compact Flash or the like.

So I will be glad to provide any information I can, short of doing the project for you. 

Also, I mean this in as friendly a way as possible.  Since you are working with the PSP, I will not help you circumvent any sort of hardware/software/protection or help to install this usbhostfs.  I can however help guide you to learn how to do it your self if that is something you wish to do. 

Let me know if you have any questions, etc... I will post more information regarding this subject as I tinker with it over the next few weeks. 

Good luck!

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Is your signature graphic suppose to say "Brian" instead of Brain?

Both make no sense anyway

It not suppose to make any sense and yes it is  wrong for a reason. (inside joke)



WoW an thanks this is great info.

i think i bit off more then i could chew but like wise i am ready for a good challenge.

Now if the PSP was good for only 12mbps then what chip would you per fer to use that would be more reliable to get the PSP to access and recognize a HDD.

so all i need to make a usb OTG  to change the PSP from a slave to host right or am i miss under standing this whole thing. As well as give a command to tell the psp were to look on the HDD. Because it is a slave by hardware.

now do you think i should have a command to tell the HDD what to do or would it be okay to just run and allow the psp to access it.

And what language should i learn to program a PIC?

all this programing stuff is new to me.

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Well seeing as how you are a noob ;) to the whole world of microcontrollers, I feel that I should at least let you know that there are different brands.  If you haven't picked up on it by now, my favorite is Microchip.  The other major one amongst the people I know is Atmel.  There are many others though from companies like Maxim, Motorola, Texas Instruments, etc...  A quick look at Digikey shows 20 different manufactures of microcontrollers, who all have many different product lines.  Why do I prefer Microchip over Atmel's and the others?  It's because it's the brand I have used the most.  I started out by taking a class, whose programming was done on a MC68HC11 (Motorola) coding with opcodes and operands explicitly in hex.  That class was an invaluable tool, because it forced me to learn how to code at the lowest level possible.  After that class however, a different professor and now good friend turned me on to Microchip.  I have never looked back, because Microchip has this great Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that I have become very accustom too.  Their IDE made it very easy to write, debug, and edit code for me; and this I liked. 

They have available for free their MPLAB/IDE software


It lets you write, debug, and edit all your code; but also lets you simulate it on any one of their products.  I highly recommend that you download this, read the tutorials on where to get started, and get coding!

This brings me to your question of which programming language to learn.  I highly recommend that you stick to assembly, and here are my reasons.

  • [li]I found it very easy to learn, because it is very logical.  You tell it to put 1 here and 2 there add them together and put the answer here.[/li]

[li]It gives you very intimate control over the Microcontroller, which really helps to solidify in your head everything that is going on inside it.  [/li]

[li] I can write a program to accomplish the exact same thing in assembly, that was written in "C", and mine will be much much faster.[/li]

With microcontrollers you generally have three options, assembly, C, and BASIC.  With Microchip (as far as I know) only assembly and "C" are available.  You can always learn "C" later, and your knowledge of assembly will allow you much more control over your device.  You can also include modules of code that were written in assembly inside of your "C" code to speed up certain areas.

So if you want to skip straight to the guts, you are going to need

  • [li] A breadboard[/li]

[li]A 5V linear voltage regulator[/li]

[li]Your chip.  I don't think it matters right now which one you get.  You can always buy another one for less than $5[/li]

[li]Pull up resistor 1kohm for the Mclr pin on the chip[/li]

[li]Some way to program the chip...  Hmm...  I use their ICD (In Circuit Debugger) to do my programming.  Let me think about that one, because the ICD is like $120.  I think you can pre load chips with certain code to allow you to flash them via USB.  I'll get back to you.[/li]

[li]Read the datasheet, read the datasheet, read the datasheet![/li]

Most of the stuff can be found at the all powerful Digikey

I will give you more information later.  I have to catch some Zzzz....

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thanks man this a little easier to chew up

i am on digkey looking through the online catalog and at the microchip products.

i am downloading the IDE software right now as i type as well.

Ya i ask around before i answered with out a certain answer but the usb on the psp work as fast as the memory card can so if the memory card can only transfer at 5mbps but the fastest that is known or used is 12mbps. i think it would be safe to say i would be looking at a pic that is usb transfer speed of 12mbps. But some dude used a ipod the runs at the full speed as a hdd for the psp so maybe the psp can handle faster.

but for now i will go with 12 but if doesn't work i will go higher.

I have one question now i am not sure what the usbhostfs is programed in but if C can i translate the C to  assembly

i will have to look more closely at the usbhostfs and see if i can figure out how to look at is commands and all.

can i add drivers to the pic as well?or do i need a MCU?

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The other thing you might want to consider (since you are new to all of this), is a demo board from Microchip.  It has everything you need on the board, which will allow you to quickly acclimate to microcontrollers.  Basically it takes out the learning curve involved with getting one all wired up, and gets you straight to the coding.  Which I think is very important.

Here is their page with some(?) of their demo boards.


Good Luck! 

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thanks man they were help full.

i think the second link talking about PIC18F4550 said it did not support Host functions or usb on the go. now wouldn't that pose a prob or does it not matter.

I was wondering what i would have to do to the HDD MBR. So i might have to change some of the values to comply with the task it is needed for.

The second PFD post "USB Mass Storage Device Using a PIC® MCU"

had a lot of good information i have to read it a few times to get it all in but this should help me understand what i am shooting for.

The demo board are sweet i need to get more money to buy one but they look like they are worth it.

Man their are so many PIc to choose from that it gets kinda mind boggling

Thanks again for your help it is very much appreciated..

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i've also been looking into using my psp as a host for usb devices.  im astounded that it's not already been done.  i've only recently thought of trying this, and was also looking at the VNC1L, so thanks eL33t for opening my eyes to the rest of the world.

the psp would be awesome if it could read usb devices, and i don't see why is shouldn't using some programmed extra hardware.  you however, gameking seem to be well ahead of me on this, though i will make an effort to share what progress i can make on this with you.  it's gotta work.  it must do. . .

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Sorry, been super busy lately.  Hopefully I will get more free time soon to pursue this further.  When I post again, I am going to outline how to go about setting up a PIC to do some basic, and some moderately complicated things.  In fact, I think that I am going to write a complete tutorial on how to use them, along with some basic electrical theory, since they can be used for so many amazing things.

In the mean time, if you want to further your knowledge about them, head over to the microchip forums (I posted a link above) and I am sure that there is a thread on how to get started.

Also check out www.nutsvolts.com it is a great intro magazine to electronics with an online version that is pretty affordable.  Sometimes they have some pretty sweet projects that make me wish I had more time.

I will be back in a few weeks...

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