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Uh oh restarto


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Sorry for the out of place title, but it gets the point across. I built my computer about a year to a year and a half ago, since than it has had problems with rebooting randomly. I fixed my video drivers, (thinking this was the problem) I bought a new heat sink (Now thinking heat was the problem), and a fan controller for watching heat. Now that I have ruled those out I shall give you my specs

AMD Atholon 64 Processor 3000+ 1.99ghz (Meant to be 2?)

1 GB of PC 3200 RAM (I might be off on the 3200 part)

A Radeon 9800 PRO

Shuttle AN50 socket 754 Motherboard

6 Fans meant for cooling 2 on heat sink

Ultra Fan Commander

Western Digital hard drive (WDCAC26400B) 80 gig I think

I have scanned for viruses and spyware.

Any Help would be appreciated

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Sorry to say this, but a mate of mine had a very similar setup, and a very similar problem. We upgraded the cooling, power supply, reinstalled windows many times, swapped the ram, upgraded the bios/firmware on everything in site and even changed the hard disk. We eventually gave up and he got a new PC.

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Nah, try running linux on it, make it do something fairly intesive. If it falls over in the same maner it might just be duff. Is there anything that cause crashes specifically? In my mates case it was gaming.

If it can't run windows fine, and its your main box, and your not interested in going over to linux 100% you *may* have to get a new box, but at this stage its probally fixable.

BTW sparda, it isn't windows thats responsible for the crashes (points to box thats been up since christmass, running windows), its more likely the shit that gets installed on it.

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Got the latest chipset drivers?

Also, try doing this:

Right-click "My Computer" ( Not my my computer, your my computer ;) ) and click Manage

Expand Event Viewer, then Application

Right-click Application and click View > Filter

Uncheck everything but Error and click OK

Read the error reports, often times they contain a link to more information on the MS KB which can help you fix your problem or at least lead you in the right direction.

Hope that helps,


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This might be helpful but I dont know, I had the same problem, I checked all my hardware, software and things over and over again. So to start with the basics, I removed on peice of hardware at a time. and in doing so, I found out that I had a hard drive going bad and that was the cause of my problem, and I have not had ever sence that. (also a custom built computer, with a use hard drive)

But in all, that might have not been the cause, but for me, that is was it was. But maybe try geting a new or used hard drive and see if that is the problem.

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Might be worth giving that thing some more juice. Say 500watt?

(BTW you don't need to install linux to test with it, just run a Live CD that will boot of a CD rom. That way, if it crashes in linux you know its a hardware issue. And if you hate linux you can throw the CD in the road once your done testing, and go back to windows.)

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It definitely could be power, but if you've changed that then it's less likely the problem.

Try this:

Go to System Properties (R-click on My Comp and choose properties, (or [WinKey]+[Pause|Break])

Click the Advanced tab

Under the Startup & Recovery section, Click Settings

Then uncheck the Automatically Restart box

then hit Ok as much as you need to.

Depending on the problem, that may give you a horrible, horrible BSOD instead of just blindly restarting. That may help you to diagnose what's happening.

For as many things that could be causing this (and there's a lot of possibilities), I've narrowed it down to a just, plain dead motherboard on at least a couple machines in the past.

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AMD Atholon 64 Processor 3000+ 1.99ghz (Meant to be 2?)

1 GB of PC 3200 RAM (I might be off on the 3200 part)

A Radeon 9800 PRO

Shuttle AN50 socket 754 Motherboard

6 Fans meant for cooling 2 on heat sink

Ultra Fan Commander

Western Digital hard drive (WDCAC26400B) 80 gig I think

now its not clear to me if u are runing dual procs or one proc

so i am going to consider this as one proc.

with the base system from some of the research that i did i found that your base system ( proc.mobo,ram hdd and cpu fan) is not using more power then what the ps u have if it is a true rating. now as for your vid card it requires 150 watts of power on its own rail ( its own molex connector with nothing else on that line from the ps) if you look in your manual it should be in there ( i own the same card). with the vid card in use it will put you over your the rating of the ps at 350 watts along with the fans and the fan controler. i would suggest getting a 500 watt ps so that u have room to grow into it ie add another hdd, get a newer vid card.

make sure you are getting what you pay for. read the spect of the ps if you buy a new one make sure it is w/e watts the packaging says it is.


great explanation on ps and what system use


addtional explaination but its out date


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well copying a name implies that said person ( mark abene) had it be for i, and not knowing who mark abene is ( should i?) i cant really copy him cant i.

thanks for asking and stating i was lazy. also if its not copyrighted it is not stealing.

lol Very Happy

Well I wasn't originally going to say lazy, I was going to say shitty, but I thought that sounded too harsh.


Edit: What was the point in that edit?

yea i stole it like it was never his
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