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How to show USB Drives on a network


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Hi all I'm an it guy and i notices that some of my coworkers got USB Drives so when i access there computer via dameware i do not see the drives listed or when i go to that drive letter and try to log-in as an admin it will not allow me to access the drive is there an application that will show me the drive so i can see what there are up to. . . .

Thank you for the Help,

AngelDrago. . .

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I have never noticed that before, but tomorrow I will definitely plug in a jump drive to a computer, dameware into it, and see if I can see the drive, I don't see why you wouldn't.  But that would be nice having a USB network scanner.

Company policy should state they they are not allowed to use removable media with out written consent. Get those USB ports disabled.

Some companies need their employees to use jump drives, a different alternative should be reached!

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Company policy should state they they are not allowed to use removable media with out written consent. Get those USB ports disabled.

Yeah i did try to get these policies in place but the higher ups don't really care from what i have notices and since we hat an breach that one of our co-worker broad in a USB Hard drive (300gig) and copied all there data i told them (i told you so) but there reaction was very mellow and don't really care like. That change when there got the phone calls of the clients. I wish i could glue them down but i can not do that to because there need to this ports open as well i also did the Scriptlogic think with USB port security and got rimed for it i hat this place can wait till i leave it and let everything go to wast.

anyway thanks for the input everyone



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Disable them in BIOS for the post part. For the people who can justify using them, assign them company USB sticks and change the user agreement to say no non-company USB devices. You could probally hook something together that sends a file listing of any USB device to a central server for logging. Then (if you can get some kinda backing from the management) pick a person who flaunts this rule, and publically fire them for it (as in, have them escorted from the premises by security and don't even let them clear there desk, then have security and a manager box up there stuff and have it mailed back to them). Its harsh, but until it gets about that someone was fired for it (and in a nasty way), it will keep happening.

If your looking for more high-tech answers, have a look in some of the older posts in the USB hacks forum. When it was first released, there was quite a lot of chatter about limiting usb devices access with software which was designed for corporate networks and just your situation. I cannot recall the product name, but it would allow you to create a white and blacklist of usb devices.

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