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Listen To This Mother Truckers


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I used to like that type of music, then I started going to illegal raves. Nothing like meeting a 7ft black guy with scars all over his face... whos dancing like a fool and handing out free water.

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I was hoping to be able to see Tool perform in Amsterdam this summer, but that show got cancelled *REALLY* quickly. Now my only recourse is to go to some festival somewhere.

Still hoping to run into Nine Inch Nails someplace...

But things are good! Festival season is starting. In 2 weeks I'll be at Pestpop in Belgium and the weekend after that the Wasted festival in Amsterdam. My friends are dragging my ass to the Arrow Classic Rock festival (WTF I hear you say? Exactly...), and I'm still working out how many of the Graspop days I'll be attending. Saturday and sunday look VERY promising. Then there's the Summer Darkness festival, which for the time being looks like pure crap, but I'm sure they'll add some metal bands and make it worth my while eventually.

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Tool live has to be one the strangest hours of my life. 60000 people, all stood still, just in awe, and it was at sunset to. But it was just weird, everyone was on the same level, the bikers, the fashion-rockers, the goths... kinda thing that burns itself into your soul.

Slayer were pretty cool to, although I nearly died in the mosh pit (i accidently got mixed in with the bikers and there slam pits.),

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Thats what I found after hours of googling and useneting, looks like we'll have to wait until it ships out to the stores and gets ripped there.

/me calls his contacts at hmv

which should be the 28th

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Got it today aswell. Let's for the time being just say they still sound like plain old Tool.

Yes, maynard went back to his old voice like in the first 2 Tool CD"s and can't help but thank him for it.. not that the others sound bad but they have never changed there style dramatically... If it's true that this isn't the new album then that would be sweet.. BTW "The Pot" has an amazing bass riff.

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Apparantley it is actually a decoy album


"I'm not going to reveal my source, Mister Patience, but do you want to know the kind of things that have been going on while this record was being recorded? Okay, first there was the decoy record just to confound all those would-be bootleggers out there. This took, oh, about a year, just because the band members wanted it to sound pretty close to the real thing (so as to be believable), along with equally believable art design."

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Either way, i like it. Wonder if any Tapeworm stuff made it on the "leak"?

If have they have gone to the effort of wrighting, recording and mastering a fake album, i'd be shocked, but happy. 2 new Tool albums in less than a month!!

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