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Community Rainbow Tables :: Services Update


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Things have been strange lately, so I wanted to make an update.

All services are available until April 12ish, except RainbowTables by Mail, which isn't available until June sometime.

The torrent is currently being seeded via one 95kb/sec connection with redundant servers. It is working. I check daily on status logs. Just be patient, 120GB is really large to torrent.

On a more positive note, those who do have a full set of the torrent are encouraged to help seed. You'll make everyone's day, and you'll get mad props from the community for helping out.

Questions? Wanna help seed and already have a copy of the tables? Contact hak5rainbowtables@gmail.com

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I'm guessing those dates are American format...

For anyone who isn't good with those;

Starting immediately = Now

10th March, 2007 = Cutoff date for arrival of packages already in the mail

12th March, 2007 = Torrent seed offline

12th March, 2007 = rtables validation machine goes down

24th March, 2007 = Networking kit will be packed up, Crackbot will disappear

As yet unknown date = When it'll all be back

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though it might seem that Im saying this only to make you seed the tables longer, which I am, I think that you really should try your best to, at least the people who have it on a n external hdd or something, because if you leave me unseeded at my 95 percent, with 0 of the files totally complete, it would just plain be aggrevating. Imagine yourselves in my situation, downloading the 120 gig tables for over a month, when suddenly it all goes to waste, the time, the power wasted leaving the comp overnight, and so forth... please I beg you, share it. Otherwise, this community project wouldn't be so community anymore, being that only the people who got to it first, get to have it. These tables are the greatest that had ever existed for lm, and were created by the hak5 community, they should live on...

I might sound corny, but im just trying to inspire you to SEEEEED. Thanks if you will.

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Thanks for your concern.

I assure you I can understand your frustrations with the torrent if this happened. I've taken steps to make sure this doesn't get interrupted, but they're kind of buried in the itinerary of events.

The torrent host moves to another machine this weekend, but the torrent will stay seeded well into April via CrackBot.

I also purchased a new laptop, which will help alleviate some of my troubles.

I don't expect any problems with service interruptions with the torrent, and I will make sure it is available to be completed by people.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is this torrent still being seeded? I've been stuck at 92.3% for a few weeks now.

Yup... you and everybody else. To date no-one has successfully downloaded a set from the torrent.

1 person with a DSL connection could solve this, but the situation has been allowed to persist for months, at some point you have to wonder if it's by design.

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What benefit would there be to designing something that wouldn't make sense?

The fact is we're moving, and uptime is hectic with all of the stuff going on. Nevermind the fact that most of the contributing distribution seeds that were GOING to seed for us never actually did, my bandwidth's taking a full blow of this whole thing.

Just try to be patient with the torrent. Its big and huge, and probably one of the first of its kind.

Torrenting this one has also taught a lot of lessons that we will ensure won't happen again in the future.

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