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upgraded antennas very loose - how come?


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did anyone get the Elite edition of the Nano where it came with the upgraded antennas? I got mine and found they are extremely loose, no way to tighten them. Someone from the sales team confirmed that they are supposed to be like that. Did anyone that ordered those also get them loose like that?

Why on earth are they like this and not normal and tight fitting like the typical antennas? Wouldn't this kill all your signal gains??


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9 hours ago, LivingL393nd said:

Why on earth are they like this and not normal and tight fitting like the typical antennas? Wouldn't this kill all your signal gains?? 

As long as the centre pin and screw thread are in contact they will be fine, this has most likely been tested and thats why the support says its supposed to be like that.

That being said, I also wanted mine to grip and hold position when out of the case. If you look back in the forums you should find a thread where people popped the nano case open (very caefully)  removed the nano, reassembled the case without the nano in then used a drillbit to shave out the case antenna holes 0.5mm or so. From memeory i thought 7 or 8mm did the job but you best chack.

The goal for me was to not overtighten the antennas and mess up the centre pin, sometimes overtightening can cause it to hang back and no longer be sprung. If you get the hole size so that it almost grips the fitting as you tighten thats perfect. So finger tight enoigh to hold position but no more.

Aalso by doing this mod (or others) you are risking potential damage to pineapple and case so are probably voiding warranties... so be carefull and nibble away a little at a time checking with the antenna as you go - you can take away but you cant put it back ?

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I pulled my case apart and drilled the holes for the antenna post to make them slightly larger for a more secure fit 

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