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Use Public Wifi Through Pineapple


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Hey guys


I've been wondering if there is any way to use a public wifi through my pineapple. I can hotspot my phone to give clients internet access, but that's annoying.

I've tried using a nearby public wifi to do this, but it has a login portal, which is what I'm stuck at. Is there any way to use this free wifi through my pineapple, bypassing the login portal. (The login portal is just a TOS and an agree button.)


Sorry if this isn't worded well.

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If you first connect with you computer and accept the portal then connect the pineapple to your computer and pass the internet through your computer to the pineapple with the wp6.sh script yes.

If you are just trying to use the pineapple by itself and connect to it then no as there is no way to accept and then have internet pushed to your pineapple. 

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If you connect with your phone, accept ToS ect.. then copy your phone's mac addy to your pineapple's connecting wlan's mac address. The hotspot will then think your pineapple is your phone. That's what I've done in the past with the xfinity hotspots.

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1 hour ago, Spoonish said:

If you connect with your phone, accept ToS ect.. then copy your phone's mac addy to your pineapple's connecting wlan's mac address. The hotspot will then think your pineapple is your phone. That's what I've done in the past with the xfinity hotspots.

This is true if the network doesnt delete your mac from the white list every time it disconnects. 

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22 hours ago, Rainman_34 said:

If you first connect with you computer and accept the portal then connect the pineapple to your computer and pass the internet through your computer to the pineapple with the wp6.sh script yes.

If you are just trying to use the pineapple by itself and connect to it then no as there is no way to accept and then have internet pushed to your pineapple. 

I didn't think of that xD. I've done that in the past but it looks very suspicious having a pineapple dangling out of your computer.

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22 hours ago, Spoonish said:

If you connect with your phone, accept ToS ect.. then copy your phone's mac addy to your pineapple's connecting wlan's mac address. The hotspot will then think your pineapple is your phone. That's what I've done in the past with the xfinity hotspots.

This is so smart! Thanks man, could you give a bit more of an in depth tutorial on how to do this?

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8 hours ago, thatalbinofrog said:

This is so smart! Thanks man, could you give a bit more of an in depth tutorial on how to do this?

Sure, check out this Post for step by step instructions.

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13 hours ago, Spoonish said:

Sure, check out this Post for step by step instructions.

Well played. I think I figured it out by myself eventually :P Dunno if I'm doing the right thing tho, so could you just tell me if I'm doing it wrong?

I got my phones mac address, went to the network tab and changed the mac address to the same as my phone.

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1 hour ago, thatalbinofrog said:

Well played. I think I figured it out by myself eventually :P Dunno if I'm doing the right thing tho

You're a good sport. 

Check out https://frankiejarrett.com/2014/09/how-to-connect-apple-tv-to-a-hotel-wi-fi-network/

works the same but replace 'apple tv' with 'wlan2'-ish.

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