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Help with old stuff -- Hak5 labeled MKIV


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I pulled out my old WifiPineapple MKIV from my archives to play with.
I had been playing with my MKV last week, you might remember.

This is the really old one, says Hak5 on it.
It has it's little 4gb sandisk usb drive in it. It does not say WifiPineapple on it. Says HAK5.

So I plugged it into power.  WLAN, USB and PWR lights are on.
It started up and it appeared on wireless named pineapple. So far so good.
I connected. It connected immediately.
The computer failed to get a number from DHCP so I gave it static number It tried, though.
I tried to access it at it's default address of

No response. No ping response either on wireless, though I am connected.

So I plug in a ethernet cable, I tried both the WAN/LAN and the PoE/LAN ports.
The computer tried DHCP, but no number. So I give the wired ethernet port address
It connected. LAN light goes on.

I tried to access it at it's default address of
I then tried the alternate address which is supposed to be for USB.  No response.
Tried to ping, no response.

I pushed the red reset for 15 seconds.
No difference as far as I can tell.
Any ideas? The red flag here is the no DHCP server problem, of course.


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1 hour ago, Steevo said:

I pulled the sandisk nano 4GB drive and stuck it in a windows system, and I was offered to format it.

Should that disk be readable on windows? I sure couldn't read it.

Could that stop the unit from booting or responding?


The disk is ext4 as it should be. Windows won't be able to read that by default.

As to what is wrong with your WiFi Pineapple MKIV, I cannot say. You'd have to hook it up to a serial console and see what's up.

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Yeah, isn't that serial console on that unit a little complicated?  It might not be worth the trouble.

It needs the FTDI chip? Or does it matter?
I have a USB to serial cable that uses that somewhere. I just need a few jumpers.  Hmm.

I have a Mark V as well, you might remember.
The thing is, the old Mark IV could have sat there running Karma forever, and it would make no difference at all between that and a new one.

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I edited that for clarity. I just mentioned that I have a Mark V as well as the current Mark IV that I am working on. And that even though I do posses a later platform, the old Mark IV could sit there running KARMA for a year. Which is true, right?

A guy can have two, I think. I don't post about the Mark V here, I do that over there.

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On 14/09/2016 at 4:37 PM, Steevo said:

And that even though I do posses a later platform, the old Mark IV could sit there running KARMA for a year. Which is true, right?

sorry, still dont understand you! is the MKIV functioning or not?
if not what about it isnt working?
explain slowly I can only speak english.


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No, the Mark IV is not working, and what I mean by that is I cannot login.

It does appear as "Pineapple" on wifi, but I cannot get it to talk to me. I gave the whole procedure in the first post. Everything I did.

It does not hand out numbers on DHCP, and I cannot login.  If you know a trick I would love to hear it.

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Wow, thanks!
I tried again, it came up on wifi as SSID pineapple, but did not give me a number.

I assigned one but I cannot get any response on wifi, or on either ethernet port. I connected, but nothing else.
I looked with wireshark and I see router solicitations, so it's talking out, but I cannot connect.
I didn't try the USB port, should I?

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Ummm, i think it does matter which port and you may need a crossover cable depending on your computer auto detecting and switching. You can also plug it into a switch if you don't have a crossover cable available.

My Clean Flash Video has it plugged into the PoE Port (One closest to the DC power) so try that one first.

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Just for fun, I tried a crossover cable.

No difference. I noticed the LAN light on the Mk4 did not come on even though the network connection in windows said it was connected. 
No matter which cable I used.
So I am back to getting a serial connection. Something for over the weekend.


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On 22/09/2016 at 4:30 AM, Steevo said:

Are any of these correct?  These are the logins I tried, no response from any of them.

this is the correct one for the mark IV
what are your wp4.sh settings showing when you run it, before now I have had to change the gateway setting.
the pineapple does not hand out DHCP addresses your ip is usually set to via wp4.sh on linux.

windows you have to go through a manual setup for internet sharing.

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Mr Protocol says this is correct for a Mark IV

Not this which kerravon says is correct for a Mark IV

Which is it? The one with port 1471 is correct for the MarkV, which I have as well.

So the Mark IV does not have a DHCP server. OK, I noticed that.
I tried both logins. I assigned a static number to the windows PC.
I got no response. I am back to trying a serial console. No problems, I can do that, I just haven't.

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Well, I took it apart, got a USB to serial adapter set up, 115200-N-8-1

I got output, but it's not in English. Or even Chinese. 

Heh. Control chars.  Stuff like that. Hmm.

Just to verify I did an echo test on the serial, it does echo.

Well, it turns out the FTDI usb/serial adapter I used does not echo at 115200, so I will have to get a better port. Working on it.


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Well, yeah, I tried them both ways, one way there was no output, switched I get garbled text.

I have a mobo serial port that now tests at 115200. Looped back.

Same garbled stuff. Tried with Hyperterm and with RealTerm. No real difference.

The port echoes correctly. 115-8-N-1 No flow control.

I just dunno. I just soldered an actual plug, no difference. I had just stuffed a wire into the DB9 before. Now, I have a real cable.



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