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I think this is a completely different subject from the previous thread, so forgive me is this is double posting. I found this program called auto-reaver for backtrack:


I edited it, changing the mon0 to wlan0mon in one of the scripts, titled "wash". I'm trying to edit it to work with kali 2.0. I did what one of the guys in this thread did:


And I quote:

Further debugging of autoReaver

When we tried to run autoReaver in a Hard drive install of Kali-linux 1.07 we were unable to install

apt-get install original-awk
apt-get install gawk

We got warnings that mawk was in residence and when we tested autoReaver against real AP targets we got numerous gawk line errors. To solve this we changed all gawk entries to mawk. We left awk entries in place. The program ran fine after that.

Note this only applied to our HD install.


I know how to do the first part of that and I did. I did both commands. But I'm lost as to how to change all gawk entries to mawk. I'll research it, but I'm asking because when I look at the script, I don't want to screw up the script as is. I want to edit it correctly. There are also some changes I think need to be made to make this backtrack program work for kali 2.0. Could someone explain what I need to read or how to change this properly to fit kali 2.0? There are various scripts.

Posted (edited)
for scriptfile in XXXXXXX
do      cp "${scriptfile}" "${scriptfile}".original
        sed -i s/gawk/mawk/g "${scriptfile}"

Replace XXXXXXX with the names of all the file you want to alter (filenames separated by whitespace, so spaces or tabs). If things break rename all the something.original files back to something.

Edits: Wow. Such typo. Very not awake yet.

Edited by cooper
Posted (edited)

Sounds like a matter of

dump access point information to a csv file

read the access point data from the csv file into a temp file

loop through the access points and run wifite in WPS mode against each access point. I'm sure there's a way to 'listen' for new entries into the file. Not sure how that works. But you pretty much can attack each new access point as it comes into range.

Someone posted a ruby script for this a bit ago. It was much simpler than this one. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/34617-how-to-reaver-dropbox-raspberry-pi/?hl=%2Breaver+%2Bruby

I hope that helps a little bit.

Edit ^ or just what Cooper suggests. He's pretty much right all of the time.

Edited by vailixi

Not to discourage you from learning the tools and changing scripts, but if you want automation for reaver(reaver, wifite and pixie are installed in kali 2.0 by default), use:

wifite --pixie

You can also specify the mac of the access point with -b ##:##:##:##:##:## and just fill in the blanks, but the above is automated to do scanning and craking of WPS pins for you. hit ctrl+c to skip ones that loop and aren't vulnerable to see next AP prompt.

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