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SD Card - new install

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I have just purchased a Mark V and whilst awaiting its delivery am preparing for its initial use.

Rather then use the supplied SD card I have purchased a 32gig Class 10 Sandisk

1) I have formated the SD card as ext 4 with two partitions - 28 gig and 4 gig

When my pineapple arrives should I flash it using the supplied SD card or should I flash the pineapple using the 32 gig card

2) Once flashed should I reformat the SD card so that Pineapple has optimised the partitions with regard to the max swap file


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I would use the supplied since that is what is tested, after flashing and initial setup you should be able to swap out the SD card to your class 10. If I'm not mistaken, when you flash with the SD card either initially or with recovery, it will auto remove the firmware and ready the SD for use.

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Hi St3v3,

You are correct, the SD cards which are shipped along with the WiFi Pineapple MKV are not the fastest.

Please do use them for the first boot though - if they are required. If you just ordered a new WiFi Pineapple MKV, it is most likely already pre-flashed in the factory.

Once the first boot has completed, you can insert a class10 SD card.

After that, you should check for any available firmware upgrades using the WiFi Pineapple MKV's webinterface.

Best Regards,


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