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How to get Device host names

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Is there a sneaky way to obtain device host names?

While doing a airodump-ng command we can see the 'station' MAC address but don't know who the MACs belong to. This is fine if your out on one of your deployments - You probably don't really care. But if im with a group of friends and I want to target a specific friend, it would be handy to know the device host name, from that I can probably have good guess of owns that MAC address??

Is there a command line I can use?


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As far as I'm aware (feel free to correct me anyone), MAC addresses are entirely separate to network host names because they are a part of different levels of the OSI model.

I don't THINK there is anyway of obtaining a host name of a client unless you are on their network. Then you can use a DHCP lookup to see what internal IP address the access point has assigned a particular host name.

OR, if you can physically see your friends laptop, you could lookup the first three octets of each MAC address you see (the first three octets are unique to each vendor). You may get lucky as sometimes you can work out which device is what by checking which manufacturers use which vendor. But this is really a last ditch effort if you can't get it any other way. I'd try the first method first, and even then,not here are probably a whole host of better methods than this last one that I just can't think of right now.. :/

Hope that helps!

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As stated above, this isn't possible unless they are connected to your pineapple.

Also please note that if you use the Pineapple for this, you should have permission from your friends before you mess with them.

Best regards,


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better than your friend calling the cops cuz you "hacked" there phone

people see the word hack as destructive

i ask by saying mind if i test your "Phone" for vulns

most of them are happy for having someone test there phone

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Programmatically I see two ways of accomplishing this:

First you could use the MAC address to determine what manufacturer, category etc from an online database the MAC address falls into.

Or you could make a shell script that automatically nmap's a client as it connects to the pineapple. I am not sure what all you would have to do to make the script run as a system service. Things that connect to the pineapple, or any switch really register in the device's arp table, and this could be parsed and the addresses sent to nmap. You can run the "arp" command to see details about the connections. Also, I think the networking tab or something in the GUI interface has some sort of feature for seeing connected devices.

Like everybody else said you would actually have to have the device connected to the pineapple, but it could be a useful script.

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