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Its root and its a full ubuntu box. I havent looked around but I am sure you can see other machines on the network and install other packages on that system

Edited by newbi3
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It's a Dockworker node - look at the process list. I doubt you have access to any networking capability of the actual host, though I must admit these guys are VERY trusting of their software to expose something like this.

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Indeed. Im sure that its sending the logs to a master log file somewhere, I don't want to look around though not feeling like going to jail today

Also even though it doesnt allow ssh you it does have python installed on it so if you wanted a remote shell you could create a reverse shell with python

Edited by newbi3
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You already have your remote shell. You're in it.

I very much doubt you'll be able to start something that will listen on a port, so regardless of the language support present (I mean, there's mono on there aswell if you're feeling adventurous) you'd be hard-pressed to leave an active process on there for long. The only option I see is to vandalise the place, meaning to load the box and thus DOS the remaining session, but that equates to being a dick and I've long since stopped aiming that low.

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Adding ssh keys to the authorised keys file didn't allow ssh access, I think they know what they are doing at least to some degree. The box does have external internet access as I could hit a site to get its external IP address.

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