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Installing Reaver Pro ISO to a USB Drive


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Hey guys.

I'm wanting to see if I can install a Reaver Pro ISO onto my USB drive. I'm pretty familiar with normal installs (because it'll normally let me choose) from my Ubuntu USB drive and Kali Linux USB , but the installer on here doesn't really...give me any options. Does anyone have any ideas to install the whole .ISO on my drive? I'm looking for a full install (no live boots). And Google was pretty worthless. lol

Edited by Bountyhunter50
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I'm not sure if you can, even though it says install before boot.

There is a vm out there of Kali called hot pursuit or something like that that has Reaver pro installed on it.

If you do some searching there are some tutorials at xiaopan to be able to install reaver pro on some flavors of Linux.

I didn't try it, being fairly noobish to Linux, I decided to wait until I had a bit more knowledge with Linux to try.

If you need links I will try to find them for you.

If you get it working let me know.

Good luck.

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