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Hey everyone I just took the security+ and passed today! I don't like to sound like I'm gloating or whatever but if anyone has any questions about it ask me and I'll be glad to help :D

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Congrats! Add the logo to your signature. I just bought the voucher for the 2nd part of my linux+ exam, so I'll probably be ready to take it in about a week or so. I'll let you know how i do. Was the sec+ multiple choice and fill in's like the linux+ was?

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Congrats! Add the logo to your signature. I just bought the voucher for the 2nd part of my linux+ exam, so I'll probably be ready to take it in about a week or so. I'll let you know how i do. Was the sec+ multiple choice and fill in's like the linux+ was?

It was multiple choice except for 3 labs. I have heard of people having up to 7 labs though!

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I got 1 question.

Can you disclose what resources you used to study for the exam?

Yep. I used testout/labsim or what ever its called now days as well as verly little professor messser I just briefly looked at his stuff and a practice VCE exam before I went to the testing room to take the test. I would say testout was my most used resource!

It looks like /boot on my home server got messed up somehow... Why must everything go wrong on the days that you really don't want to fix stuff?!

Edited by newbi3
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Testout has been my main source for everything besides the A+ I did that 100% on learn-key I started the security+ on there but it was the most boring time of my life and I really do not recommend that!

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I hang out in the Professer Messer chats all day... It's one of my favorite resources that helped me pass the A+ and Network+.

I agree with you Professor Messer has helped me learn the material for the A+ which i will be taking in the next month or so, and I am currently going through his Network+ course right now.

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Heh, my instructor got pissed at me when I turned in my books for sec+. Still had the shrink wrap on them! My old job paid to get my certs as part of my severance package. Certs really help get past HR for job interviews. I'm bummed out that after 4 years Apple finally realized I don't work for a self service provider and won't let me reup my certs with them. So now I only carry a+, sec+, and ccent.

Congrats on the new cert!

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