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I am having wireless trouble at home. My Wifi randomly disconnects. Sometimes frequently and other times sparadicly but it happens on a daily basis. It has to be some sort of interference. I've gone through 4 routers and jumped around channels but the problem remains.

Will the ubertooth one help me identify what is causing the interference and which channel i should change my wireless too. I have a 2.4ghz/5ghz router.

I saw that the "Wi-Spy" will probably help identify my problem but I don't want to spend close to a grand in cash when I can spend just a little over $100 bucks at the hakshop for the ubertooth one.

Any help/suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated.

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Have you tried to use kismet / inssider, to identify how much wifi traffic (APs and channels in use) there is?

Otherwise its likely other electrical products such as your microwave or cordless telephone could be causing interference.

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You said you have tried other wireless routers. That would mean that there is one constant which would be your wireless adapter your using to connect to your wifi. I don't think a spectrum analyzer will do you any justice here. Have you done any troubleshooting with the wireless adapter rather than the access point or wireless router?

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explain what you mean by "disconnects" where exactly is the disconnect happening? what does your setup consist of? what type of wireless adapter, router, OS, router firmware, etc etc. give some specifics or youll never find a solution here.

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